Society we have a problem

Outman, Robert H.



SOCIETY WE HAVE A PROBLEM In the areospace industry excellence is expected, because it is responsible for billions of tax dollars, public safety and people's lives. Therefore, standards are set high with quality control maintained ‘through vigorous checks, counter checks, evaluations, analysis, transparency and progressive insight that prevents problems before they occur. An industry that minimizes the need for the call “Houston we have a problem”, however when a call comes a logical and efficient solution is quick at hand. An industry with a near impeccable record. Antithetical to the excellence of the areospace industry is California's Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), which also is responsible for billions of tax dollars, public safety and people's lives, but has a failure rate of 70% return of its product. NASA can put men in space and on the moon, but CDCR can't keep men out of prison, an abysmal failure in “rehabilitation”. Year after year the aerospace industry advances through progressive and intellectual insight knowing there is a better way. CDCR builds more prisons, hires more guards and says it is considering change. when the areospace industry recognizes a design flaw, or procedural error, failure analysis is employed to remedy the system failure. CDCR vehemently denies there is a problem, builds more prisons, hires more guards and says it will consider chan"e. People willingly pay billions of tax dollars to assure their safety and the areospace industry answers that call with excellence, however, CDCR year after year falls nfiserably short of improving its record and amazingly people except it as status quo. “Corrections and Rehabilitation” does not extend beyond the promise in its title. The wright brothers pioneered aviation early in the 20th century and a 100 _years later than is planning to travel to Mars. Long before the 15th century's infamous Inquisition, man has imprisoned and tortured his fellow man for aberrant behavior under the guise of “punishment and rehabilitation”. The mentally ill were housed in insane asylums where they were tormented, tortured and left to an undignified death. witches and heretics are no longer burned at the stake, society has progressed to more humane means to dispose of the evil ones: lethal injections, electric chairs, firing squads and slow death by brutally long sentences. Dr Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., studied prisons and their impact, in his book “The LUCIFER EFFECT“ he observes "A system designed to combat evil, creates evil.” Existing in the belly of one of CDCR's penological beasts, what I have witnessed through the years, empirically proves Zimbardo right, and does not bode well to man's progress in the science «of “rehabilitation”, beyond the Inquisition. ' Mentally ill 35yr old prisoner Joseph Duran, K-52432, soaked in pepper spray was left to die an undignified death on the concrete floor of his cell. His family only found out about his death when a reporter started to ask questions four months later. A policy of forced cohabitation produces a lot of dead and brutally beaten men, because CDCR wants to maximize their penal real estate they will force benign prisoners to cohabitate with violent men: 70yr old prisoner David Noles, H-70239, murdered, 60 yr old Lee Merrill, T-44963, murdered, along with many other nameless prisoners who are death's testament; prisons are still in the dark ages. Progress, .innovation and truth rarelv comes out of governmental secrecy, even military operations are conducted with imbeded reporters, yet CUCR adamantly enforces off limits to reporters, controls media visits and releases. “It has been one song of those who thirst after absolute power that the interest of the state requires that its affairs should be conducted in secret.” wrote philosopher Renedict de Spinoza iri the 17th. century. Four centuries later run one is privy to activities behind prison lethal electric fences without CDCR being in control of information. Brutally long sentences are suppose to cure society's offenders. when in fact prisons of the 21th century are little more than livestock storage lots where aberrants are cut from socity for 20. 30, 40+ years under the pretense of “rehabilitation” and “correction”. This makes excellent job security for prison guards, but does very little for the greater good, as those abberrants are put back into society with $200. and prison on-set PTSD comparable to veterans returning from war. The veterans are treated, while the prisoners are put back in prison. Prisons are making bad men worse and good men bad. The federal court has recognized and deemed that California is/has been violating the constitutional rights of prisoners, but contrary to logic continues year after year to grant California extension after extension with California's repeated and empty pledge to change. Without true transparency as to what is going on behind those lethal fences that change will never come; the call “Society we have a problem” will never be answered. 9 March 2014 Vobert U. fiutmanl Drisoner D-79939

Author: Outman, Robert H.

Author Location: California

Date: October 22, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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