Aramark is pimping the GDOC

King Coe tha Great



Aramark is Pimping the GDOC Greetings World! I am [redacted] Coe; a GDOC's P.O.W.. I'm held captive within the gates of Hays State Prison in Trion, Ga.. This is an establishment for penal infractions and is owned & operated by the GDOC. But it's one flaw is it's food service dept.. It is inconsistent with state regulations and violates almost every health and sanitation, and nutrition guide to the T... Aramark Food Service, services Hays with meals and food service workers. It is an enormously huge conglomerate that is biting it's fangs into corrections same as CCA, SecurusTech, and Keefee, Access Secure Pak. Now that the obvious is stated; lets get to the unknown. This company serves pre-cooked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, processed & mechanized meats and uses DOC offenders to cook, serve, and clean. Hays recently had a state "audit" which is an inspection of the entire facility. The Aramark ran kitchen failed. Why? (Lets see: In mine own observations.) #1.) No Hairnets or face covers #2.) No Gloves #3.) Filthy Tray Machine. Grime filled. Toxic odor. #4.) Molded and fungi lined walls #5.) Clogged drains at Tray room, Pot sink, Cook Area, serving lines, and utility closet. #6.) No sanitation cleanser in pot sink. #7.) No lightbulbs in coolers. #8.) Broken Hotboxes. (3 out of 6 working.) #9.) Trash piled at back doors (Including slop buckets.) #10.) Understaffed Aramark workers. 5 total. w/ 2 Being Supervisors. 11.) Untrained D.O.C. prisoners. 12.) Falsely documented O.J.T. paperwork. 13.) 1 cook overseeing 6-9 stoves. 14.) Unclean restroom. 15.) No table or chairs in designated inmate eating area. 16.) Non-Working ilses on serving lines. 17.) Roach Infestation (surprisingly; no rats) 18.) Calcium, Lime, rust build-up in potsink area. 19.) Broken industrial fans w/out A/C. 20.) Protocol violated diets. And their are many, many more. This is just from my side of the field. Worst of all GDOC pays Aramark to run this hazardous operation to its prisoners and they know of these conditions. Aramark specializes in the "Add Water" technique. Which means at any given meal when "production orders" are not consistent with the prisoner's being fed; water is added to any food that is "scoopable" to meet satisfaction. Recently; in 2018 I read a prison Legal Newsletter article where in Oregon Dept. of Corr. and Rehabilitation, Aramark is contracted to feed the entire states prison population. That's 60 million annually for 31 plantations and a little over 50 thousand prisoners. Aramark charges $1.33 a meal that costs $1.21. Now, Oregon has sued and Aramark settled out of court for around $250,000 of their own funds embezzled through the O.D.O.C.R. I don't know the Ga. stats between Hays and Phillips state plantations. (I've heard they're at Baldwin now also??) but it seems they have their eyes set to sink their teeth into the Dirty South and our state is ripe for the picking. Considering that Rogers State Prison is an actual P.I.C. where slaves/prisoners farm and till the land as a rehab tactic for the price of nothing. Nada! Zip! Zilch! Hays' kitchen is supervised by 3 to 5 Aramark employees and 9 to 15 prisoners with about 9 of them/us working 7 days a week and 16 hours a day. With one flashlight cop turning keys constantly as a security measure. On any given day; I; myself Willie Bernard Coe GDC#1122706 am awaken at 1:30 A.M., escorted to the kitchen at 2:00 am. Where I cook breakfast from 2 to about 5. And clean between time. I cook lunch from about 5:30 am to 9:00 am and dinner from about 9:30 to 12: pm. From there I wash trays, wash pots & pans, serve more trays. Sweep & mop floors. Rescue Aramark in any/all crisis moments. Clean and prep for the next day , train other prisoners', make pack outs (sack lunches), take out trash, and serve trays. Did I mention that I also do sanitation runs periodically?? I'm forced to leave at about 6 to 6:30 pm and am not allowed to even have 1 sack lunch to leave with. I come into my dorm, take my shower and fall asleep until 1:30 where I do this all over. Every single day of the week. Unless I refuse. I can, but if I do then what individual will do this job that I do and do it correctly and wholeheartedly? My offender management schedule is from 10am to 6pm. Those are the hours where I cannot refuse without disciplinary action. Mon. thru Thurs. But the reason I do it is to gather evidence which I have enough of by now. And also because I'm serving life plus 10 years and my dormitory is in constant chaos and turmoil. I do it because of the 34 months that I spent locked behind the cell doors and all of the terrible meals that I've received due to another inmate not caring and because of my diligent, hardworking work ethics that I'm summoned on a regular. I'm tired mentally and physically. So is everyone else around me. From prisoners to Aramark staff to security staff, This function is overserved it's purpose here. Security and Food is in a fued and security is winning! Never in my 15 1/2 years of the DOC. have I witnessed such disarray with food service. Georgia State Prison in Reidsville, Ga. didn't even have a cooking kitchen and didn't have as many issues as this one. Aramark; please leave us alone. You don't even pay prisoners for all of our hard labor and back breaking deeds that you make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of. I've done this for 7 days a week for at least 6 months and counting. Enough is enough! With Sincere Indignation, Leave Now, by O.G. King Coe Nov. 2018 Hays State Prisoner

Author: King Coe tha Great

Author Location: Georgia

Date: November 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 4 pages

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