The kamikazee nigger

King Coe tha Great



The Kamikazee Nigger! By: King Coe The Great! December 13, 2018 Intro: I wrote this one evening when the prison's admin. staff locked down my dormitory for stupidity; and I saw it coming at breakfast that morning when several prisoners got buck on some staff members causing us to be targeted for minor infractions every time we exited the dorm. Essay: The Kamikazee Nigger is the Blaqman who sees devastating and tragic ending scripted by the sadistic enemy general and flies his plane into it headfirst at the fastest mach that the aircraft can achieve and miraculously survives the feat and suffers miserably for it. Then does it again and again with the same failing results. This is the simpleton vs. the sensible man. What is sensible about failing in a simple manner where you can easily be a winner and at least survive the battle and live to fight another day? We all know that inside these prison walls we are in a war best won by utilizing the mighty pen. We've endured this scene over and over and over. You'd think we'd know that the results will be the same? If you keep doing the same thing and expecting to get different results; then maybe you need to quit playing the game... How dumb, stupid, and idiotic are you to see at 6:45 am that by 6:45 pm you'll be dead unless you change the path you're driving down in time to prevent it? At 10:30 am you get a reminder. At 1:30 pm that little light bulb pops up over your head and you go; "Wait a minute! Something's not right here?? What am I doing wrong and what can I do to make it right?" At 6:45 pm you're dead! Why? Easy; you're the kamikazee nigger! At 7 pm, the sadistic enemy general is on his car phone, driving down the road, on his way home saying, "Honey! I killed 64 niggers today and I didn't have to pull a trigger." The wife says, "How'd you do it?" "Easy, they did it for me. All I did was give 'em the noose, and pointed to the tree." If you noticed; I used nigger and not nigga of the urban adaptation; because everything about that is ignorant and the only goal accomplished is the sadistic enemy general's plan to getting you to commit massive suicide... And you (not we) do it every-single-fucking-time. View more writings by: King Coe Tha Great at Search: King Coe The Great

Author: King Coe tha Great

Author Location: Georgia

Date: January 18, 2019

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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