Reality check

Harkleroad, James



Reality Check By James W. Harkleroad 2020 sees - once again - some unnecessary deaths of Black citizens due to police actions. Protests against "racism" and demands for ending it also appeared - once again. Some others took the opportunity to push their own viewpoints into the public eye. Demanding that this, that or the other be ended. While one can sympathize with such folks one also has to point out reality. As long as there are people there will be wrong doing. So you can waste your time and mine by demanding an end to discrimination and the abuse of power. It is not going to happen. Or you can, instead, actually do something to reduce the opportunity for wrong doing. The author is a former death row prisoner who has been incarcerated in Florida since 1971.

Author: Harkleroad, James

Author Location: Florida

Date: July 29, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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