Not An Animal ‘ By;;Kenneth Zamarron In front of you as a child you called me a beast, beastly beating words into me so I would know I was nothing. An animal deserving oflife. In this lifel found beauty. Beauty is What I see in dark skin, yet you slur hateful words treating us as animal, As we slug back Words of love and togetherness. Beauty is the Mothers and Sisters of this World, yet you treat them as objects treating them with obscenity, not seeing them as life itself, Without them, there would be oblivion, so with this I will always show obeisance. Beauty is my LGBTQ Friends who are taunted with bullets, bullets aim at bullying them into being there self, Yet love is always there bulletin and love is a bull that can't be stop. Beauty is our World, yet invisible lines people cross as the crows up high watch humans treat women and children like crooks, placing them in cages, Separation is your game, Yet you call us the animal I P Beauty is the Natives of this land, Yet you stop the natives from having there land with your trickery documents, but the tribesmen Know of the trials of the past, so trickle words do not fool. Beauty is the strength of our Iewish friend who were mass murder by so-called Superior men, but the Superiority comes From the Superman who truly believes that all are equal , supplying help to the sick, old, and young. In front of you as a child you called me a beast, beastly beating words into me so I would know I was nothing. An animal deserving of life. In this life I found beauty in all, Beauty in Equality and beauty in love . N ow I stand in front of you Fist high pounding my chest saying Im not an animal. V\'f9 %:£.”_...—C'}L\;'\r’xC‘.=.,\:§' V E\s’\‘$li Llk’.‘fi‘§._ I \- \i\.i _ ,. aw , .1 \.l = (__ 5 ‘E’ 1"} SSE at . .—,,Z,-. /--~'’’;-:‘-...§.,,§_\ ‘‘ ‘SE’. .. - . .V- 2 ,4’. ii [,:J‘r:2t ~ .,_ 5”% IO-Cr-' @)c.::*>< .\‘\\-i\ » Kg» ca ‘ l:s£\x:L't.\S\.€.. ""§~:’\.~, L*\7l[(-7i:€)?~, J ‘I ‘~"‘ ‘I v -54"“ ' I 0. ' my “E; 2? W B “ g A ‘«Z‘.'_.Qv«\£‘»..«r's"\'3ia“\_‘,g we-;a.5—=i 11.2% wee.