Mentally unstable

Chambers, Jessica



Mentally Unstable 2-10-20 I don't think that it is fair for a regular inmate to be housed with a inmate that is mentally unstable. Clearly C/Os and Psych knows, but yet placeing these kind of people in general population is what FMWCC Las Vegas, NV NDOC continues to do. This is a huge safety hazard. These type of people are subject to flip out at any given moment and harm themselves or others. I currently have a cellmate that is very mentally unstable and does not take her medication properly. She's paranoid and thinks that people are after her. I mean my god my roommate had the odasatey to tell me after dinner when we got back that somebody had swapped her shoes. That type of stuff is weired to me. Our door was locked when we went to eat and she was wearing the shoes that she said somebody swapped out. Nobody in this unit has the same shoes as her. This inmate has threatened to pull me off my top bunk and when I banged on the door to tell the officer what this inmate was doing to me the only thing that C/O said was she ain't gonna keep comeing back to this door and if that was the case me and my cellmate could roll up our stuff and go to the hole. I mean my god what kind of facility is this that the C/O ignores the situation that's going on and they can clearly see who the issue is "my cellmate"! The only other thing that C/O said she would do is scheduel her to been seen by Mango who is a counselor or Psych. Once the officer C/O knew what was going on and seen with her own eyes that my cellmate was the aggressor and yelling lunitic she should have immedeately took action and sent that inmate to medical for a 72 hour hold on psych evaluation. Please do not send back to me.

Author: Chambers, Jessica

Author Location: Nevada

Date: February 10, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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