Prison world

Stromberg, Larry N.



Prison World Trapped in the bars of my mind Addiction has feasted on my soul Obsession controlling my thoughts A dark cloud hovers over me Almost demonic Held captive as a child by the sickness of abuse The past suffocates me Tormenting my inner being My thoughts wrapped around the razor wire It cuts my spirit Prison World I gotta break free, plan my escape Release myself from the bondage Riot my emotions Sound the alarm! Next stop, Death row, if I don't break the chains of oppression, addiction and the depression in my mind...........................................................................................I'll never forget the caged beatings Psychological isolation Abandoned by society, they keep on depriving and eyeing me? My remorseful existence Accept rehabilitation and embrace my recovery Learn to forgive all, including myself How can I find my redemption? It's a lifelong spiritual journey A tall task to endure Getting an education has given me a purpose Accountability and responsibility is my motto of truth A heart of remorse Therapy days Atonement lays at my feet Honestly standing now Freedom calls my name Written by: Larry N.Stromberg (c) 2022 All rights reserved

Author: Stromberg, Larry N.

Author Location: Pennsylvania

Date: 2022

Genre: Poetry

Extent: 1 pages

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