1st amendment under siege

Magnific, Roc



"1st Amendment Under Siege" Recently last year (May,2016) Arkansas Department of Correction Czarina Wendy Kelly issued a rather fastidious policy that cited newspaper clippings would be banned from prisoner mail, classifying them as (wait for it - with bated breath) "contraband"!? According [ineligible] to ADC (Ay, Carumba! Arkansas Department of Corruption) policy, they are... concerned about drug smuggling but said vitiated policy does not affect newspapers sent directly from the publisher. Furthermore family members and friends can send their loved ones print or photography news articles, obituaries, classified ads. And to put insult [illegible] injury ADC (Ay, Carumba! Arkansas Department of Confusion) inmates cannot receive nude or "sexually suggestive photos, zines, books containing pixes of such, catalogs in the pony express, mp4s, e-mails. Policy cites in under for such to be forbidden, they must "pose a [penalogical?] threat [illegible] the security of the unit." And this is a gay kakistrecratic corrupt correctional cabal that has a k-2 synthetic marijuana epidemic and widespread chiremania(e.g. masturbating in front of female and male guards, nurses) epidemic (which clearly violates PREA standards e.g. Prison Rape Education Act) on its [illegible] mitts and rampant correctional fatigue among its employees - and they are as stuck on stupid as te... reforming these atrocities. By law a legal battle is on the horizon and (ADC) officials should heed the judicious words of the band for they are going to get curb stomped in count: "The first... thing we do let's kill all the lawyers." (The Rebel Dick, King Henry VI, Part 2) Roc Magnific

Author: Magnific, Roc

Author Location: Arkansas

Date: March 3, 2017

Genre: Essay

Extent: 3 pages

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