A choice between Elohim or the world

Smalley, Eric



April 8, 2020 A Choice Between Elohim or the World By: Eric Smalley When you look at yourself in the mirror, what type of person do you see? Im not asking you about your physical features. I'm asking you about who you are on the inside? We can be a good judge of character when it comes to other people. We will be able to tell if a certain individual is a good person or a bad person to be around. But since we are around ourselves so much, the question must be asked: "Would you hangout with you?" This question then leads to the next question: "Are you defined by how the world sees you or are you defined by how Yahweh Elohim sees you?" Here's the catch, you're either defined by one or the other. You cant be defined by both. My point being for this writing is, you're either a child of Elohim or you're a child of the world. So again, when you see yourself in the mirror, who or what do you see? Ive had to ask myself this question many times in the past and still ask it today. This question has helped me remember the Truth of, not just "who" I am, but "Who's" I am. There are times when I need to remember the Truth because this world will feed us so many lies that will draw us away from the accepting love of Elohim. So, I would like to share this Truth with you all who read my writings. Because so many of you, like I was once, are blinded by the lies of the devil, who has a temporary reign over this world. And I pray that my words and Yahweh's Word heals you of your blindness. 1 John 3:1a says, "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of Elohim!" Our Heavenly Father loves us so much, He calls us his children. He doesn't look at your outer self, He doesn't hold your shortcommings against you, age doesn't matter. A true father loves you for you and who you are. We are His sons and daughters. We are His creation chosen for a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I am planning for you," declares YHUH, "plans of peace and not of evil, to give you an expectancy and a latter end." This is how much our Heavenly Father values us as His children. He loves us so much, He has plans for our life. Plans to prospur us so we may have a great future. And because we are His children and He our Father, Romans 8:16 says, "The Ruah (Spirit in Hebrew) Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of Elohim." What I find amazing is, even though we may not have our earthly father (for whatever reason), we will always have our Heavenly Father Who has promised us to never leave us or forsake us (see Deut. 4:31, Josh 1:5, and Heb. 13:5). We have a Father Who is consistent with His love and promises. Now, let's talk about what the world has to offer us. First of all, I mentioned our adversary, the devil, who is in this world. 1 Peter 5:8 says "...your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." If you were to read the first two chapters of Job, Satan admits he has been, "searching the earth, walking up and down it" (Job 1:7, 2:2). Thats all Satan is good for by looking for lives to destroy. Yahshua says of Satan that he is a "murderer" and the "father of lies" (see John 8:44). But Satan does not work alone. Besides his demons, he has his followers which he calls his children. 1 John 4:5 says of his children, "They are of the world, therefore they speak as of world, and the world hears them." So these are those who will try to define you by a worldly view. People will always remind you of your failures, judge you by your appearance, tell you you're not good enough and so on and so on. But its not the "people" that are saying these hurtful things. In fact, the devil (Satan) is using them, like puppets, to say those things. The world and those of it will never have anything good for us. So now, you have a choice. And its the same choice I had: Are you going to believe the lies of the world and go along with what it says of you or are you going to believe the Truth of our Saviour, Yashua Messiah through the Words of our Heavenly Father, Elohim? I pray as you read this, you'll choose the right path that leads to eternal life. Ive chosen to believe my Heavenly Father because His promises hold so much more truth. Yashuah even says He is the "Way, Truth, and the Life" (Jn. 14:6). And I truly believe that Truth outweighs any lie that anyone will tell me. Even the devil. Shalom!

Author: Smalley, Eric

Author Location: Virginia

Date: May 10, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 3 pages

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