Bradford King Thumb Correction Facility 3225 John Conley Drive Lapeer, Michigan 48446 email @ A Convicts Reposte I have watched the events in our nation, of late, and that brings to mind a line from a 60's song, "Hate your next door neighbor but don't forget to say grace." Looking back at my experience of the 60's and 70's, I now wonder, are we in reverse. Voices seem to be that of hate, degradation, and racism. This message is spread by the very people who have the power to stop this discourse...our political leaders. In the 60's our leaders guided us through human change, called Civil Rights. Those who chose not to embrace the movement slithered into their own world and out of mainstream consciousness. Currently the purveyors of hate feel compelled to act. If the people of this country and our way of life matters, then this rhetoric and violence must stop. The question at hand is this... does, "Make America Great Again" mean destroy who we are and become what we used to be--racially divided and failing to work together? This divisive rhetoric emboldens hate and violence and is not America, not the America I know. To our leaders that lack empathy, I offer Edmond Burke's challenge, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Unfortunately for many of our leaders and their like minded mignons, they are incapable of the challenge. Their supercilious and ego maniacal personalities rule their lives King, A Convicts Reposte.....p2. in place of service and humility. So...America take this stand, engage in an enfilade of voices across this land directed at our leaders. I close with this thought. Our leaders have the ability to effect change, but no ability to step outside themselves and do it.