A Polygraph Nation "When you fail your polygraph test, we're going to string you by your balls,’ exclaimed police detectives. All that I have ever wanted to do from the first second, when false allegations were made against me, was to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Most shocking, was when I realized that these police detectives were not very happy with me when results came in after my first polygraph saying that I had passed. They simply were pissed off when results from my second test also came back showing that I was not being deceptive with them. But why? I'm innocent! This should allow them the freedom to focus their attention in another direction. A direction in which they can be investigating cimes that have actually happened, and by criminals who have committed them. At the very least, I can say that these detectives had enough ethical gumption to make the recommendation to the District Attorney to not file any charges against me. They clearly could see that I am innocent. So how is it that the District Attorney would decide to file charges aginst me anyways? There is no evidence whatsoever that I had committed the crime that I was being charged with, or any other crime for that matter. What a despicable waste of several hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' dollars. Why is it that we can use polygraph examinations to lock someone up, but never to help prove that someone is innocent? The polygraph was invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson, a medical student at UC Berkley, and also a cop for the Berkley *Addendum to Brian Figge Essay to be posted online at * *Copies of Polygraph Examinations are enclosed. P.D. Encyclopedia Brittania 2003 listed the polygraph as one of the greatest inventions ever. Polygraph's can be used as an interior tool with criminal suspects or candidates for sensitive and highly classified employment. U.S. law enforcement such as FBI, CIA, and many Police Departments all use polygraphs to not only screen new employees, but to interrogate suspects as well. Polygraph experts advocate these examinations to be 90+% valid. They are virtually almost impossible to deceive, especially when more than one examination is administered and taken with the same subject and persons, yet different test administrators. Polygraphs measure the arousal of testees; changes in a person's physiological charachteristics, such as pulse and breathing rates. These tests are a routin part of probation and parole requirements, including the regulation of sex—offenders and others. When an offender or parolee fails their mandatory polygraph test, they are usually sent back to prison—no questions asked. Why does the very same judge who does not allow a passed polygraph examination result as evidence in a criminal trial, deceivingly decide to allow it into the same courtroom in order to put someone into or back into prison? I have passed two seperate polygraph examinations, from two seperate polygraph administrators, and with flying colors. One of my test administrators was designated upon me by police detectives so as to ensure that there would be no funny business. Furthermore, on several occassions the officers and myself had requested that both of my accusers submit to polygraph examinations as well, to determine the credibility of their implications. Time and time again, they were refused. In today's society, a shameful disposition occurrs whenever a man or woman is road—A blocked from providing essential and necessary evidence to prove their innocence, when in fact they are factually not guilty of any crime at all. A travesty presents itself whenever an entrusted judge refuses to subpoena and order alleged victims to undergo polygraph proceedings. If the reverse were true, this can poten- tially save hundreds of thousands of hard working citizens' tax dollars, and avoid a lofty and lengthy, as well as expensive ‘ criminal trial. If someone were accused of an unspeakable crime, and there was evidence available to show that they were innocent—even if it Wasibased upon science that some people are uncomfortable with, shouldn't they at the very least be able to present these truths to the persons who are deciding their fate? In the United States, courts shy away from allowing neuroscience—based lie- detection technology to be shown to a jury, but judges have permitted brain images to be used to challenge a witness’ testimony and to mitigate a defendant7s responsibility for a crime. In the last decade, criminal defense attorneys began introducing neuro- logical evidence in hundreds of cases, and the trend is increasing. What can be seen in a science fiction movie in which the government tries to read your thoughts is already upon us, and therefore not very far off to assume that brain imaging is the next generation of tools to be exploited by the public. We need to prepare judges to make the hard calls on admitting new lie—detection evidence. I am willing to do whatever it takes to prove that I am innocent. I know that one of the reliable ways that this can be done is throughmmore nerologically advanced polygraphs exami- nations. One such test is the MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) processing which is done by a computer, and that allows a three- dimensional view of the brain or body, choosing any portion or slice of the body to be placed on display at any time. Taking this a step further is the functional MRI(fMRI) in which computer scanning makes particular brain activity visible. Another advanced test is the electroencephalograph(EEG), in which scientists can record activity in the brain without invading the skull. Various brain wave patterns can reveal and identify specific changes in brain activity. And lastly, the ever familiar PETSCAN(Positron Emission Tomography). In this test, images of the brain are perhaps most remarkable and vivid of all. A PETSCAN detects positrons emitted by radioactive glucose (sugar), as it is consumed by the brain. Since the brain runs on glucose, a PETSCAN shows which areas are using energy. Higher energy use corresponds with higher brain activity. Thus, by placing positron detectors around the head and sending data to a computer, it is possible to create a moving color picture of changes in brain activity—including familiarity and deception. In closing, although this is not over yet, I am willing to do whatever it takes to prove that I am an innocent man who is locked away inside state prison. I am literally begging for an opportunity to be vindicated by additional and more advanced polygraph testing. My criminal trial judge was open minded to admitting my polygraph examination results as evidence to be presented before the jury. However, the District Attorney fired back "Absolutely no way!" What is the District Attorney hiding from us? Are they afraid to let the truth out? Is there anyone who is supervising and watching over-these officials? And if so, what kind of person or people gets pleasure and a high by putting an innocent man in prison for a very long time? If there are any organizations; researchers, criminologists, investigative reporters, innocence projects, law schools, attorneys, judges, expert witnesses, ad infinitum, that can help me, or at the very least point me in the right direction. And maybe....just maybe I may be part of the cornerstone needed for some changes in our country's legal processing and justice system. 1 '-...v’ /F A//X C1