AK DOC has and currently engages




1 January 2019 AK DOC has and currently engages in a policy and practice that fails to notify senders of mail that has been censored (denied), which is also a procedural due process violation to publishers that are never given their Right of the chance to appeal the censorship of their publication being denied prior to disposal, as required by the laws of the United States. There has been a couple of changes at Anchorage Correctional Complex (ACC) but these changes were not implemented until after I filed claims in Alaska Superior Court against ACC officials. Because of my claims in court, ACC officials are now increasing their retaliatory actions against me. ACC officials are not and do not comply with United States or the State of Alaska Laws. The officials that operate ACC are and have been in violation of Civil Law and these conditions imposed upon people being held in pretrial that are not convicted, is corruptness condoned by the Governor and Lt. Governor of Alaska, against the people of Alaska. Alaska has the highest unemployment rate in the United States. The local media in Alaska has pushed an agenda to increase the crime rate and incarceration with fear reporting of the untruth of politicians and special interest groups, against positive crime reform. The truth is that when done right, crime reform reduces crime, but this isn't being reported about. The currently, elected Alaska politicians are pushing to repeal Alaska Senate Bill 91 (SB91) which will remove over seven million dollars a year from programs to reduce recidivism that is allocated in SB91, from the marijuana tax that the State of Alaska collects with a designation of half of this tax going towards the reduction in recidivism and to lower the crime rate in Alaska. There is very little coverage in the news about how SB91 has and is actually working. The local media blackout is on purpose so that the turmoil in Alaska can be highlighted to an overwhelming volume against SB91. The Alaska Justice Commission released a report on 1 November 2018 that shows that SB91 is indeed working and needs to be expanded on, but many politicians have NO interest in the Truth. 6 April 2019 Most all Anchorage Correctional (ACC) officials are highly incompetent. They 'lose' mail inside the facility before it gets to where it's supposed to be going, both incoming and outgoing mail. They also 'lose' AK DOC forms of internal communication between the pretrial detainees and the administration. Whether this is done vindictively and maliciously, or are the people that operate Anchorage Correctional Complex really this incompetent? I believe that it's both. I have been here for almost four years and in the last year, the term 'rats abandoning a sinking ship' comes to mind. ACC has had numerous officers retire early, transfer and just up and quit. Many of them cite problems with the administration of ACC for the reason that they leave Anchorage Correctional Complex. ACC administrative officials violate the laws and ask of the Correctional Officers that operate the module (mod) housing units, to violate the laws of Alaska and the United States as well. Anchorage Correctional Complex is a jail/pretrial facility in Anchorage, Alaska. ACC officials, mostly the Administrators, are still in violation of the law. I am being served 800-1,200 calories a day, sometimes not even 800 calories. The meal trays are unsanitary with the previous meals' food still on the meal tray and many times there are missing portions or small portions upon our meal trays. Foods high in sodium are being served and very few fresh vegetables. Our fresh vegetables are limited to a 'salad' of lettuce and or cabbage with a rare, maybe twice a month, a slice of carrot, tomato, or green bell pepper. We are not served 'salad'. The rest of the vegetables served at ACC are usually canned and almost always boiled into mush which have no food nutrient value, at least all of the sodium has been boiled out of them. The fresh fruit of the day is always an apple. Apples are number five, on a scale of 1-10 of the most contaminated fruit for pesticides. We are occasionally served an orange or once a month a banana. Receiving adequate, timely Clean towels, Clean clothing and Clean bedding is also still an ongoing issue here at Anchorage Correctional Complex. The two buildings that make up ACC are and have been in a desperate need of repair for some time. After the November 2018 earthquake, the buildings should have been condemned. Support concrete walls with multiple cracks thru them, ground and upper floors that literally have dropped causing very uneven walking surfaces, cracks in the walls in the cells which bugs/mites are coming into the cells/cages that we must live in. 17 May 2019 The police state of Alaska has climbed to a very high level, I believe that Alaska government officials and politicians are trying to outdo other States in the rush to complete a condition of 'Police State', furthering our nations government to push the United States into a 'Police State Nation'. 'Big Brother' is in Your House, Your Business and Your Life. State of Alaska Local Headline News at ADN.com 3/16/18 'Attorney's work to clear severe backlog of long-delayed cases' By Michelle Theriault Boots -Cases are 5-7 years old without resolution 6/18/18 'Alaska's secretive parole board has never been busier' By Michelle Theriault Boots 10/14/18 'Psychiatric patients held in jail cells due to hospital staffing shortage' By Devin Kelly -Jail is also dangerously short staffed 10/31/18 'She went from an Anchorage hospital to a jail; 4 days later, she was found dead' By Michelle Theriault Boots -She is the eighth dead at AK DOC for 2018 1/20/19 'Edie Grunwald, mother of slain Palmer teen, appointed chair of the parole board' By Zaz Hollander -Governor Dunleavy's 'War on Criminals', Edie is unqualified for the job and bias due to her teenager son that was murdered and trials still pending for the murderers 1/23/19 'Dunleavy calls for 'War on Criminals', tighter spending' By James Brooks -The New Governor Dunleavy is corrupt, like almost all politicians 1/23/19 'Dunleavy administration suspends some corrections programs' By Associated Press 1/30/19 'Alaska Attorney General says he can set aside his personal views' -Dunleavy has picked many bias and corrupt people for his administration. 1/31/19 'Commentary' 'Don't return the Alaska Department of Corrections to past failed policies' By Attorney Carmen Gutierrez of whom was a former Deputy Commissioner of AK DOC 2/4/19 'Governor's Candidate screening process under scrutiny' By Becky Boher 2/8/19 'Governor's crime bills come with larger price tag' By James Brooks 2/10/19 'For-profit firm to run API for State' -Alaska Psychiatric Institute (API) is handed over under 'emergency' conditions to 'Wellpath Recovery Solutions' for 1 Million a month. Wellpath is part of private prisons Geo Group. Governor Michael J. Dunleavy hired Donna Arduin as his chief budget director of whom has a bad history of failures and connections to private prison Geo Group. 2/17/19 'Governor's budget proposes closing Kenai prison, shipping inmates outside' By James Brooks -Out of State contract money increased from 300K a year to almost $18 Million to cover private prison contracts. 2/18/19 'Private company hired to run API has mixed record' By Michelle Theriault Boots 3/6/19 Commentary 'Budget Benefits Arduin's Friends, not Alaskans' By Veri Di Suvero and Kevin McGee 3/7/19 Commentary 'Let's be smart in fixing Alaska's Corrections system' By Roger Endell 3/21/19 'Dunleavy nominee who was target of recall effort withdraws' -Dunleavy is corrupt 3/26/19 'House lawmakers steer away from Dunleavy's budget' By James Brooks -House rejects Dunleavy's budget to send 500 prisoners out of state 3/28/19 'Protester confronting Dunleavy arrested at Nome airport' By Zaz Hollander -Police state = Michael J. Dunleavy 3/28/19 'Dunleavy relents, will pick judge from council nominees' By Becky Boher -Dunleavy only wants to appoint prosecutors as judges in his War on Criminals' (He should be in prison for his crimes) 3/29/19 'Dunleavy pick withdraws from running for Mental Health Board' By James Brooks 3/29/19 'No charges planned against woman who confronted Dunleavy' By Becky Boher 4/2/19 'State gets $150K to help evacuate criminal defendants' By Michelle Theriault Boots -There are 45 people waiting in AK jails for competency hearings. 4/23/19 'Wellpath's no-bid contract cancelled' By Michelle Theriault Boots 4/23/19 'With House cool to SB91 repeal, Dunleavy persists' By James Brooks 4/28/19 'Parents of woman who died in jail win wrongful-death claim against State' By Zaz Hollander -Kelsie Green need not have died. AK DOC officials killed her and knowing and willingly killed and kills other people in their care. 4/29/19 '2 prisoners killed in jail fire raise questions about safety in village holding cells' By Michelle Theriault Boots 5/5/19 'Compromise crime bill rolls back SB91 even more' By James Brooks 5/9/19 'Seward maximum-security prisons riot' By Michelle Theriault Boots -AK DOC claims that this riot wasn't gang related, YES it was! 5/12/19 'Dunleavy denies claims in loyalty pledge lawsuits' By James Brooks -Another Fine example of corruption by the Governor and the ACLU of Alaska! 5/13/19 'Senate's anti-crime bill advances with tougher penalties for drug possession' By James Brooks -Prison time has been increased for most all felonies and misdemeanors in Alaska. 5/13/19 'A man dies in village jail' By Michelle Theriault Boots 5/14/19 'Ex-Mayoral candidate Demboski leaves governor's inner circle' By James Brooks 5/19/19 'One Alaska lawmaker is trying to revive his own abortion ban' By Madeline McGee 5/20/19 'Village jail deaths highlight lack of State regulation' By Michelle Theriault Boots 5/21/19 'House oks Compromise anti-crime bill' By James Brooks 5/21/19 'Judge finds 'Flagrant Government Misconduct' in tax-evasion prosecution of Doctor' By Zaz Hollander -The corruption in Alaska runs in all levels of Alaska, this corruption was exposed by a California based Law firm, but not all of us can afford to hire out of State Attorney's to expose the corruption in Alaska! 5/26/19 'Dunleavy advertising campaign targets opponents' By James Brooks -The Governor is spending State of Alaska money (Thousands) on advertisement for himself. 5/26/19 'Commentary- 'Constitutional responsibilities' By Tom Nelson -Governor Not upholding the Law - 5/29/19 'Senate votes to repeal and replace most of SB91' By James Brooks 6/6/19 'ACLU settles lawsuit against Corrections Department' 6/16/19 'Supreme Court finds sex offender registry law to sweeping' By Madeline McGee -Unconstitutional - 6/20/19 'State settles lawsuit brought by inmate' By Michelle Theriault Boots -1.8 Million Dollars PLUS - for inadequate Medical Care

Author: Akmountains

Author Location: Alaska

Date: September 18, 2019

Genre: Essay

Extent: 5 pages

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