American prisons and free-world staff not ready for second wave of COVID

Magnific, Roc



"American Prisons and Free-World Staff Not Ready for Second Wave of Covid" "When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity." Never before have many would have thought such a [crisis?] as the Covid-19 pandemic would wreck havoc upon all parts of American life. But when it comes to prisons, a lot of the free-world staff (e.g. - guards, medical staff) as well as the residents of the prisons, were facing something they had never faced before as well as had [gey?] minute time to prepare. 1 The specter of Covid-19 is out and out, too full of Egyptian days that bodes ill for everyone this Fall and Winter. In essence - a second wave that could make the ... first wave look like a tea party. Here in Arkansas the Arkansas Department of Correction has finished testing all of its human warehouse residents for covid. A lot of units are in lockdown phase for half of the prison populations tested positive for the virus. And it was equally horrible for the free world staff and medical staff: Their rosters were ravaged by positive test results 2 (up to 70% of the total work force). But even more disturbing was ... the fact many continued to work despite being tested positive for the fastidious virus! This was quite the norm in other states as well and it's a shocking one at that. Prison officials, medical providers, have never faced such a situation whereas one could be feeling fine one day and be laid up in a hospital the next. These officers (like here in Arkansas) were forced to do several jobs the residents were doing: Taking out the trash, preparing meals in unit kitchens as well as serving 3 them and other sundry things. Furthermore a lot of residents who were stricken with covid - symptoms and all - would not go to the unit medical department for they didn't want to be charged for co-pay fees. Such behavior reflects the attitudes of them being on the same side of the angels and it's dangerous. Because you have a lot of residents who have fastidious health disabilities, elderly - and were they to be stricken with covid, their struggle to fight the disease could be a painful one. 4 Covid-19 has exposed the deus ex machina that is the billions dollar prison industry here in America. It spread mercuriously due to the severe age of a lot of prisons' air conditioning facilities, equally poor ventilations, in a lot of punitive/restrictive housing areas, lack of social distancing in open-air barracks, lack of being able to use adequate household cleaning supplies, e.g. Moreover covid has exposed the hypocrisy the greed and selfishness of the prison industry. Sure a lot of states released a lot of men and women who tested positive for covid, but 5 a lot of men and women who also tested positive but were serving life equivalent or life or life without terms, were confined for over 5 years or more, having severe health disabilities or/and - being elderly, weren't freed. Many lost their fight with covid; and what's so pathetic and not ... worth a tinker's damn, is the fact, prison officials all across America are citing: "Man - It's (covid) done a lot to release our overpopulated prisons!" Not to sound cassandrian, but when this second wave hits (and just by looking at the parties, the huge Sturgis, S.D. motorcycle rally where no 6 one - save a minute few - wore masks, schools not ready to being open and once they do - uh-oh! A lot of students, teachers test positive, fall sports being okayed for play instead of calling it a no-go like some others have done) ... ... A lot of people will be having passene une nuit blanche because they were asses in lions' skins; they refused to sell their ass; but instead wagged their ears once they found out that honey wasn't fit for the mouth of an ass. Roc Magnific

Author: Magnific, Roc

Author Location: Arkansas

Date: October 13, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 7 pages

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