Bueno mi nombre es

Prisoner of Idaho



bueno mi nombre es [redacted] y pues como tengo tan poco tiempo aqui pues no tengo mucho que contar y pus la berdad el unico problema aqui es que exstroño demasiado a mi familia desde que llegue es lo unico que no me deja empas y me siento tambien incomodo porque nunca e estado en prision aunque llegé con personas que son buenas jentes y trato de dibertirme con ellos jugando futbol pero buelbo a regresar al ogar donde duermo y sigue la tristesca y bueno por ahora es todo lo que tengo que esplicar pero en estas 2 semana me apunte pa ir a la escuela y pronto me aseptaro no hoy a desaprobechar el tiempo que tengo y me apunte tambien pa la mucica porque quiero mejorar quiero superarme sali adelante y jamas bolber a fallarle a mi familia 11 Translated by Glorfield Hello! Well, my name is [redacted] and since I've been here for very little time. I don't have much to say. The truth is and the only problem here is that I miss my family too much. Since I arrived here, that is the only thing that won't leave me in peace. I also feel uncomfortable because I have never been in prison. Even though I came with people who are good and I try to entertain myself playing soccer, but I still return to where I sleep and the sadness continues. For now, that is all I have to explain. In these two weeks I enrolled to go to school and soon they accepted me. I am not going to waste the time that I have. I also enrolled in music because I want to better myself. I want to overcome, continue forward, and never again fail my family

Author: Prisoner of Idaho

Author Location: Idaho

Date: June 19, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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