
Brodie, Michael



Michael Brodie SCI-Camp Hill P.O. Box 33028 St.Petersburg,Fl,33733 3-29-21 Captured Is this a dream,or even reality,! asked myself?An announcement sounded the air ways,that was produced by the loud-speaker that was on the housing unit...For every inmate who was in earshot to hear,telling them that the unit would continue the massive COVID-19 testing that has been going on all week in the jail,and that if we didn't take it they would place us in the PHU(hole).THis happened on this unit(J)Wednesday,2-25-21,then on2-26-21 at 7pm they started to come and take the list of captured men,away.We were told that it would take 48 hours for any results,(that was a lie). They came to J-unit and captured 120 plus inmates,because staff said that their test,were (A) symptomatic,and only left 47 inmates on J-A and 41 on J-B unit. THe whole SCT-Camp Hill population was told that if your housing unit had to many people that tested positive,you would remain in the cell on that unit,(That was a lie as well). They moved these captured men to a block that had been condemned for humans over a year before this pandemic,became an issue.The walls and cells are falling apart.They had on power,the bunks and floors were covered in rat infested was nasty.They took 500 men whan were already confined and made it worst for them,but sone how the D.O.C. still did this act and captured these confined,men.And it was all due to the orders of the Secretary of Pa's jail system and the warden of SCI-Camp Hill. I was amongst those who stayed on the housing unit,because I didn't test positive.But,I personally know that I have caught COVID-19 once again.Two days after I was tested,my body started to hurt,only on the right side.I had a headache everyday,for eight days.I had a very heavy cough,no appetite and at times I was extremely cold*It was nothing wrong with me until they stuck that wooden stick up my nose. This COVID-19 is inevitable that we might catch it at some point,if it continues to grow.But,many C.O.'s here are not following the protocols that has been put in place for the/and us. 1 They pull their face mask down under their noses, they cone to work sick,and they congregate for no reason at all with other staff in small places.This pandemic is a real joke to them,and other staff that are employees of the D.O.C.,and it shows. They know that the air on every unit inside these walls has recycled air,but still the jail don’t clean the ventilation or attempt to clean them.they also know that this pandemic plays with the minds of people,but they don't do any welfare checks,unless you have mental health history,already. I interviewed one of the men that had been captured...And during his stay on that condemned block,that was covered in rat defection...He stated"Was told by a white shirt on 2-27-21 while stuck on that condemned block that a litte mice shit,no electricity and the lack of contact with loved ones for 2 weeks or more never hurted anyone. " These words came from a D.O.C. employee who took a job that involoves,Care, Custody and Control...Not just Control.This is the same thing SCI-Camp Hill superintendent do,when she posted daily videos about this pandemic,but never make any actual progress for us men whose in the cells,to help or even stay to bettering this COVID-19 situation for us...It's always for her staff,only. They still continue to pack cells,when some of this men who came from the county jail,or other state facilities can go hone early.But,they continue to make any social distancing impossible.It's about money...They move inmates from block to block in here as well,not even testing them.This lack of care, and over control has played a part in the death of many men during this,neew way of life,in here.The D.O.C. started a massive testing 352 days it was a year after denying massive testing for inmates,for so long.They captured them 500 men,from unit in this jail in one week.It's rumored that $13,000 was given to the D.O.C. for each positive test...Multiply that number by 500 men and you'll see why the D.O.C. started that massive,this month. Whoever was positive,was giving five minutes to pack,two boxes of theifr Then placed in cells that has been condemned for over a year.These captured men should've stayed on their units because it was to many of them and on top of all this,these men weren't even fed property,the portions were less than a bottle of baby food. The sad part,is that we were told that this will continue every seventy plus days.Who knows?I might be in the next group of men... 2

Author: Brodie, Michael

Author Location: Pennsylvania

Date: March 29, 2021

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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