Cell block society post-release master plan (personal development program)

Brookshire, Levert, III (Sékou)



Levert Brookshire Arizona Cell Block Society Post-Release Master Plan (Personal Development Program) 75% of our time doesn't belong to us, only 25% of our time is for self. Resocializing myself back into civil-society again, deprogramming my mind from "Institutionalization." Deviding up my %25 of personal time, into four key areas. Studying and developing: "personal" health, relationships, growth, contributing. Through literature and expanding my knowledge about my own body functions, different diet rituals, excercise routines and so forth. My health will be properly managed. Through literature and counseling my understanding about restoring past strained relationships will be improved as I'm rebuilding my trust with family and friends. Increasing my knowledge about personal growth and contributing to other's in society through sacrafices and being of service to others, volunteering, making donations etc. etc. Making a structured schedule for all of these to become added on to my daily, weekly, monthly ritual's as I learn my work. Hour's, and other obligations that will demand my other 75% of personal time. Further research will be required on these subjects: How To Study" by Ron Fry, Eden press guide to Financial Freedom #675 pg. 200 $25, privacy how to get it, then enjoy it #400 pg. 88 $20, master legal I. II. Changes #542 pg. 136 $25, master legal I. II. Document proves #954 pg. 85 $20, legal birth records offices #631 pg. 32 $15, memory of running, nutrition almanac kirchman, anatomy of the human body John Keill, taking fear out of change Dennis O'Grady, self reliance Ralph Waldo Emerson, how to meditate Kathleen McDonald, incredible human potential Herbert. I turned to books, and writing as my release valves to unload stress while in prison. To decompress, I used them both with regular excercises, as a way to take my mind away from the mental torment, that dominates these places. All three became my tools that helped me to concentrate with intense focus. Demanding that I organize my thoughts and structure my time in way's that help me to, map-out the way's each of them would be maintained. This was my motivation for constructing what I've came to term as my own personal development program. It was my answer to keep track of my time and progress. Through schedules and daily ritual's, I've taught myself the importance of setting up "structure" in my life. Helps me to prioritize responsibilities, organize demand's on my limited resources and time. Also, tracking my progress and results. Recognizing these benefit's here in-prison, I plan to transition this same �structured' way of living outside of here, once I'm finally released. Once re-entering civil-society again, I will re-evaluate everything in my life, regarding my obligations and demands on my time. Then, I'll make the necessary adjustments needed inorder to construct myself a customized personal development program, for outside. Inside here, I'm restricted and limited, subdued. Not, alot of movement in possible, except for writing, or excercising. Writing, is also a form of �action', and �action' too, leads to more �action'. Eventually it becomes a healthy productive habit, requiring real discipline, and focus. Calling for a repetition of action. Regular �excercises' and �reading' too, became my purpose inside here, something for me to wake up every morning and look forward to, everyday. Anxious to get back to the book, where I left-off, or finish the essay I started even try-out a different kind of workout routine I've been thinking about. Through �repetition' of daily writing, reading and excercise routines, I developed my self-discipline. Through ongoing daily rituals, constructive habits have been formed. I now have decided to repeat this same set-up outside once I'm released. This form of structure will me to manage all of the important responsibilities that I'm going to have outside. Using this personal development program as a tool to help me stay the course, until reaching my goals. Keeping myself focused and �thinking'. Resocializing myself into civil-society again, reprograming myself, out of the prison-society mentality. Training my mind for the real world after close to 20 years of cellblock-living. This process won't happen simultaneously overnight. Inorder to make my way through the obstacle's and difficulties that have appeared before me, while in prison. I've had to do alot of research and studying. So, I expect to do exactly the same thing whenever I get released. Inorder to get up to date, re-acquainted, and refamiliarized with society again, after almost 20 years, out of circulation. It will require some studying and re-education on my part. Learning the different mechanics of every day life, outside. Evaluating, what the economy is like. How difficult the job-market is at the time, what place is going to be my residence, how will I get around town, reading about relationships, and how to re-build them, and earning last trust, catching up on the newest technologies of the day. Studying all of this. Will help me to adapt alot smoother than making it up as I go along, blindly, trying to figure it all out by myself. While at the same time looking to effectively become a normal functioning member of society, inorder to do so, successfully. It will be important for me to develop my own structured way of life, which allows me the gradual learning process of civilized societies steady, functional, healthy structural movements after 20 years of being out of circulation. Helping me to conform with the society around me. Re-connecting with mainstream social values and norms, by following a carefully prepared, well-researched personal development program. This will help me to maintain myself-discipline, outside, using elaborate ways to avoid the common mistakes most ex felon's make over and over again, when they don't plan, organize their time or prioritize. This is not only elaborate it's practical and even simple. Developed in a way that will be an asset to me when I'm immediately released from prison and trusted directly into a classic case of �culture shock,' causing anxiety, fear, inferiority and confusion. Having this personal development program gives me a valuable tool to have, in my hands, upon my immediate release. Something to raise my expectations, and keep me thinking and doing things that have a productive impact on my social life, and social environment. There is a part of my personal development program that includes a required study/research time in my daily routine. It was developed inorder to give myself an education in resocialization, following prison life. To give myself an opportunity to re-learn a new set of behaviors norms, values, and attitudes. Leaving my past 30 years of prison life, behind me. This is my tool of choice, which I will use to re-build my relationship with civilized-society again. Using this study/research time, in combination with other specific function's of the personal development program. I will be examining key concepts which will orient me, on what to do whenever I'm dealing with any form of social-conflict, or difficulty. Using a structured system developed for proper diet and excersise schedules, to keep myself healthy and fit, daily. Balancing study, diet, excercise and employment with other various obligations. Making my own schedule, prioritizing each and every one is going to be particularly important in my development program, to keep them from conflicting with each other. While studying several self-help books here in prison, I've come learn alot about self-discipline and gaining and intimate knowledge of the way ritual's, schedules, routines and programs are used to train our thinking proccess, through repetitive action. Learning how, the more time and effort we invest towards building and developing specific areas in my life, the sooner it becomes a natural habit. Clearly theres a connection between doing something over and over again and making unconscious, natural behavioral patterns, come about. Structure has become an important part of my daily life, having something to do each and everyday at a certain time, that serves a purpose. So, why wouldn't I use this in my everyday life out there. To preserve my life, with a healthy daily diet and exercise. Preserve my liberty with smart choices, legal options, and continued self-education, studying/reading, while I preserve my legacy and how I'm remembered being of service to others. Those actions which do not help me to protect either of these three, will be deleted from behavior, completely. Because, my time will be spoken for and used to actively pursue important goal's, and adapt to my newest surroundings. My schedules and organized time charts sorting-out all of my priorities, won't be illustrated in my personal develop program until I know exactly what they are and how they appear to me, once I'm out-there. Something I won't know until I'm officially released. There won't be any �wrong' or �right' ways to do it, only consequences. Personal Development Program (Post-Release Resocialization Structure) Initial 30-180 Days Preservation of life program: Inorder to live an ideal life everyone agrees that certain values, norms, and goals are a must. Specific, responsibilities should be worthy of everyone's focus. When we decide that we want to live an ideal life, then we should be willing to take on these specific responsibilities to enjoy the fruits of our labors. We all would lead to our feet in agreement that we would want our lives to be balanced and perfect in every way possible. But not all of us are willing to do the work, it takes inorder to get it to that level. A level which we all aspire to live, work, and prosper equally. Not all of us are willing to eliminate �clutter' from our lives and live a simple lifestyle. Research and study program: What I've learned from literature while reading inside prison helped me build the foundation for my self-reform. Now that I'll be released to civil-society, I will use literature, outside of prison as a way for me to cope with life, and research different subjects that I'm involved with at the time. Reading is how I will educate myself about the activities I'm involved in and keep myself �thinking,' orienting myself with the rest of the world. Every morning will start with an hour or no less than 30 minutes of quiet, solitary study time, for researching and collecting information to help my every day socialization process. This kind of early morning study/research ritual will be a major asset to my readjustment process. Key to my daily lifestyle, helping me enhance my knowledge about health, diet, excercise activities. Improving my knowledge about economic security, financial independence and financial liberty. Learning about self-employment options, career-opportunities, and other legitimate business alternatives. Researching about social-investing, ways to select honest social causes, to make myself useful working for others, volunteering and being of service to others in need, by following rituals: Research/study methods: Every morning (Reminder's preserve life, preserve liberty, preserve legacy) select the subject to study, define the problem to be solved, narrow it down to specifics, find literature written about the subject to be researched. Take notes as I go, document key findings to help me later. Collect all of the notes, and analyze the final conclusion, write down my observations and how to use them in my every day ritual's, update personal knowledge about these subjects, secure public library access card to get books. Research these specific subjects: Preserve life health, diet and excercise ritual's, discipline. Preserve liberty financial literacy, financial-independence, economic empowerment. personal responsibility, social conformity, morality, and principals. Preserve legacy social investing volunteer work, being of service to others in need. Rebuilding lost trust with lovedones. Parenting classes. More research needed: Health, relationships, growth, contributions, 75% of our time is divided up between all of demands and obligations, it's up to us to prioritize each one. Only 25% of our time is for ourselves. (Initial-30 to 180 Days) Checklist Post-Release Master Plan First week of release: after almost 20 years inside of cellblocks. Making my re-entry back into society again will demand that I start with the very basic of sustainance, before I set-off to pursue any other goal's, or plans. Knowing this fact, I've made plans to visit with multiple state government offices to enroll and qualify for immediate, emergency supplemental resources: compiling a portfolio of all my mental health treatment while inside, to be presented to social security office, for SSI-SSD benefits, D.E.S office for EBT-food card, half-way house residence, clothing vouchers, Medicaid, transit passes, job-retraining assistance. Etc. Before applying can begin: All necessary forms of state I.D. must be re-issued, first. Securing social-security card, state drivers license, state identification, G.E.D, vocational trade diplomas, and other education certificates, library card. 1. Dept. motor vehicle-driver lic./state I.D. 2. office of social security-social security card/birth certificate 3. D.E.S office-E.B.T card benefits/azdes.gov-az.dept.oflabor.gov 4. Az. D.O.C parole offices-half-way house, transit pass, clothes, etc. 5. Div. of vocational rehabilitation-job training/civildisabilityact.gov 6. AHCCCS-mental health/medical benefits/therapy counseling 7. Employment office.gov-jobs/public library access card 8. Indeed.com/jobs ziprecruiter.com/jobs snagajob.com/jobs 9. Bigspot.com-surveyor/creditkarma.com 10. Reproductivescience.org-donate 11. Bloodbank.org-donate 12. ETS-GED records center. P.O. Box #4005 Concord, Cal. 94524-G.E.D 13. Office of vital statistics Sacramnto, CA.-birth certificate 14. Pioneer college-Holbrook, AZ.-(13 college credits) 15. Workforceinvestmentact.gov (Initial 20-180 Days) Check-List Post-Release Master Plan -Employment Options- Re-Applying for all forms of Identification; Credentials. Secure all official-applications necessary for citizenship status. Also, secure all applications necessary to file for legal name change, later on. Establish temporary housing/shelter, transitional housing; halfway house shelters etc. Notify assigned parole agent: About immediate emergency relief, clothing vouchers, EBT card, cellphone, tools, work boots, etc. Transit-passes, Medicaid, job-retraining, learn "credit" status, establish personal mail-box, apply for public library card. Applying for immediate; emergency temporary employment for relief/emergency income. Parole office referals, Arizona @ work.com, employment office, div. of vocational rehabilitation.gov, U.S. dept. of labor, workforce investment act.gov, civildisability.gov temporary labor angency's, warehouses, sanitation, hospitality services, custodial, groundskeeping, maintenance, prep-cook, construction/laborer, bartender, dishwasher, carwasher etc. Cardealerships: Lot attendant, service dept., parts/delivery, sales auto-detailer, use car dept. Multi-unit apartment/mobile home R.V.Park: Maintenance, manager, groundskeeping, security, etc. Auto-repair garage's/tire shop's, collision repair: in-house detailer, laborer, apprentice, mngr, etc. Bar and grille/nightclubs: bartender, maintenance, manager etc. Carpet cleaning service: installer, laborer etc. Fence company's: installer laborer etc. Dept. stores/thrift stores: shipping/recieving laborer etc. Real estate investors, broker's, property management companys: Home repairs, inspections, installations, apprenticeships, and apraisors, errand-tasks, title-company's. Local truck driver: statewide only, pick up/delivery of cement, steel, lumber, appliances, furniture, water, construction materials etc. Law offices: legal investigator, legal clerk, courier, paralegal. Fitness centers/gyms/spa's/health resorts/country clubs and hospital's/cruise lines or doctor's offices: massage therapist, personal trainer, wellness coach, physical therapist. Employment sources to be further researched: google searches indeed.com/ziprecruiter.com/snagajob.com/bigspot/com. Edenpress.com How to be working in 48hrs anywhere in the U.S #859 $10 15 pg. Dream jobs #271 $5 12 pg. Employment for the low budget p.t. #586 $10 4 pg. How to get a job fast #861 $10 pg. 25. How to get the job you really want #994 $15 pg. 25. High earning jobs w/out B.A. #885 $5 pg. 8. Become an expert in a month. #25 $10 pg. 18. Don't get a job #251 $5 pg. 2. Specific occupations #285 $5 pg. 10. Portable jobs #255 $5 pg. 12. Employment interview #191 $5. Edenpress.com Total books: 11, Total #pages: 140, Total expenses: $100 Post Release Master Plan (Initial 30-180 days) -Certification Career Options- Substance abuse counselor/social worker: how to find work w/ federal govmnt #852 $10 pg. 21. Penn Foster substance abuse counselor courses 1-800-572-1685 Physical therapist/fitness trainer/wellness coach/massage therapist degrees by mail #191 $20 pg. 88, ISSAflex.com, learn with allen.com, A-Z school of massage therapy 866-283-9406, college America.com/edu, Everest College 1-800-844-0604 Computer sciences/coding/IT: Flat iron school.edu Commercial long hall truck driver: cdl's specific occupations #285 $5 Certified culinary chef: Le Cordon Bleu culinary school, 1-800-906-3100 Paralegal clerk/legal investigator blackstone career inst. 800-826-9228 T.V., film production, entertainment biz: get your college degree for under $2,000 #523 $15 pg. 32, starting in T.V., theatre, film #856 $10 pg. 27 photography/video production #279 $5 pg. 16 Home appraiser/inscpector #106 $10 pg. 19, title company's, mortgage brokers, property mangmnt. Total books: 5, Total pages: 105, Total expenses: $45. Post Release Master Plan -Self-Employment Options- Autodetailing business (mobile service): classic cars, collectors, custom cars, boats, R.V's, SUV's, semi-trucks, vans, make $300 a day detailing #529 $20 pg. 112/pressure washer @ sunjoe.com Wholesale auto dealer/auto auctioneer: buying low-sell for profit, underground auto dealer #63 $30 pg. 51, U.S. govmnt auto auctions #197 $5 pg. 5, U.S. govmnt auto auctions and insiders guide #859 $10 pg. 53, U.S. govmnt sales #886 $10 pg. 15/the underground cardealer #62 $30 pg. 51, auto sales #295 $5 pg. 4/the underground data base #67 $25 pg. 100, Ragners guide to the underground economy #947 $20 pg. 159, 99 ways to save money on everything #121 $10 pg. 10 Home inspector/appraiser: real estate insider/scout/concierge home inspection service #106 $10 pg. 19, how to profit from foreclosures w/ zero out of pocket cash #878 $15 pg. 48, making $ w/ real estate secrets of the rich #229 $8 pg. 16/finders fee guide #220 $8 pg. 14, get rich selling real estate you dont own #294 $5 pg. 4/investing in real estate you dont own #585 $10 Personal fitness trainer, massuese, physical therapist: yoga, dietician, nutrition, wellness coach, and personal massage, therapist, in-home visits Levert's body upgrade, your body will thank you, Levert's health care concierge services, the body technician, fitness centers, gyms, health spas, cruise lines, country clubs, tennis clubs, doctors offices, hospitals, house calls, private sessions. National home based business self-employment II? Rectory # 771 $15 pg. 32, try listrainer.com/AZ school of massage therapy 888-283-9408/everestcollege.edu 1-800-844-7544 E-bay/on-line entreprenuer: making @ garage sales #860 $10 pg. 19, flea market extravaganza #105 $10 pg. 10/ flea market sales #297 $5 pg. 9, lost and found sales/auctions @ airports, public storages, estate sales etc. knock off " brand names $280 $5 pg. 11/internet entreprenuer #253 $5 pg. 10, cyberspace entreprenuer #265 $5 pg. 10/product finding guide #227 $8 pg. 12, the work at home source book #736 $30 pg. 394/75 home biznesses less thatn $500 #118 $10 pg. 10, 50 money making online biznesses from home #899 $10 pg. 6/crazybenzi.com XXX distributor selling remainders overstock #94 $1.00 pg. 10/international pharmaceuticals #19 $20 pg. 90 Medical marajuana caregiver/carholder: medical consultant #270 $5 pg. 8, potted plants #296 $5 pg. 5/master gardener's manual $/the cannible $, AZ. greenlife.com/NAFTA exporter: Mexico #376 $1.00, pasport programs past, present, future world tour AZ, #591 $20 pg. 47/who are you #970 $30 Legal investigator/private investigator: private investigator secret #677 $20, how to find anyone, anywhere #629 $5 pg. 5/private investigators catalog #872 $12 p. 60, blackstone career institute 800-826-9288/ paralegal institute 800-354-1254/Adams State College, Colorado Independent online stock trader/consultant: commodity trader #275 $5 pg. 8, tracing for missing inheritance heirs #276 $5 pg. 10/ offshore financial advisor #277 $5 pg. 18, admin. services abroad #273 $9 pg. 9/passport broker #258 $5 pg. 19/import/export #274 $5 pg. 10, international deal maker #293 $5 pg. 9/your lucky day #250 $5 pg. 7/dont get a job #251 $5 pg. 2, recruiting distributors/dealers #214 $1.00/worldwide dist. network #215 $1.00 pg. , start, own, operate import-export bizness @ home #161 $10 pg. 12, 98 underground biznesses #440 $20 pg. 58/the million dollar hobby #108 $10 pg. 12 Private chef/nutritionist/dietician: distance learning degrees by mail #971 $20 pg. 88/college tuition w/ degreed under $2,000 #523 $15 pg. 55/1-800-906-3100 lecordonbleu.com Motivational speaker: how to become an expert in less than 6 mo. #25 $10 pg. 18, how to clear your criminal record #829 $25 pg. 158/clean slate the new laws #621 $30 pg. 188. Transcribed: 2017-01

Author: Brookshire, Levert, III (Sékou)

Author Location: Arizona

Date: October 15, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 11 pages

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