Concepts and language: Everything that's wrong with the world Eduardo Torres 2-14-20 A-5-129 PO Box 409020 Ione Ca 95640 MCSP Perhaps the general-common folk population have a certain concept that aids them to expirience life more fuffilingly. The difference in education and therefore faith or tools which is and are employed throughout an individual's life, defines that individual's expirience of life which is always important yet the differences are underestimated or overlooked. The differences are hard to explain in subject-centered grammar according to Nietzsche the atheist philosopher. However, we can see the process of the difference of education of the two separate populations not only by their expirience but in their manner by which they attained it. In speculative hindsight, it will still be hard to explain their wisdom's differences because of the nature of English grammar; unless the audiance has the very difference that inspired me to write this essay in their favor. That is the creative, "taken for granted" mind frame that is hindered in academic education; whereas, life expirience saves individuals from being handicapped by the subject-centered grammar education that hinders the unspoken reality-language of life. So being exposed to grammar education can therefor be bad, at least for the overall understanding of lifes concepts that thrist for creativity. I may not be the first person to see this but its something remarkable in todays world. It's prevalence divides people in socio-economic measures and creates dysfunction in the effort to bring peace on earth, if we were to make an honest effort anyway. The world has a way to reconpensate and reciprocate everything that it is offered. An honest fair effort is always a great gamble: the more we seek an advantage the more the world gets an advantage on us. Perhaps we are able to fix everything that comes across our paths and at the same time we are responsible for everything that does. Spend time to think on your image of your ideal self, father, and son. -ET 2-14-20