DEATH PENALTY ABUSE (Tool Of War For The Rich And Powerful) The death penalty is a hate crime aimed at the poor of all nationalities. It is a means whereby the rich and powerful intim- idate and terrorize the poor and oppressed to accept their lowly lot in life. The death penalty, often referred to as capital punishment, does not protect the human rights of the innocent and the abused. The opinions of the powerless are ignored by the arrogent powerful. Injustice is an abuse of power against those who struggle from day-to—day to make ends meet. Most of the time, the poor doesn't have the luxury to spend long hours on a picket line demonstrating against capital punishment or any other mani- festation of injustice, because they have to spend every minute of their nightly or daily time awake scrapping out a nitch for their meager subsistance. Thus the adage: People that matter don't care, and the people that care don't matter. The U.S. governmental power structure can do anything they want to whom they please, simply because they have the power to do so. Remainding silent about human rightsabuses is a crime too. Even though they're committed by the drivers of the super- P0W€r Structure, they're no less guilty. The penalty of death, for any act deemed a crime, is an instrument of war. Regardless of the written legales in which the death penalty law may be clothed, it's still a tool of war—— instrumental in spreading fear and intimidationg—from the top down, over the populace of a country. The death penalty is an act of war in which people are killed, like in any other war, when communications breakdown at the conference table during the process of negotiations, a strategic battle to take life results; and the killing escalates with vengeance. The courtroom is a battle field. Your opponent is the adversary party. The prosecuting party is the open enemy of the accused defendant. It is this defendant's life who the govern- mental political agent (prosecuting attorney) aims to take, at great expense. The battle field is strewn with procedural land mines in which the accused must somehow navigate to avoid being blown to pieces, and come out alive with his or her rights in tact during the trial. To make this death merchant process appear to be on fair, level ground, the district attorney for the adversary government allows the accused to put on a defense against thege obstacles. The powerful governmental oligarchy system makes the rules of court. The accused must use their sparse resources to resist the penalty of a death sentence from being carried out by following the official court rules. This is a one—sided—war. Because the planned death process only occurs on one side: The accused man or woman is eventually executed, not the governmental prosecutor. The macabre goal, among other machinations, is to have a defendant travel through the system in his/her quest for vindication of alleged constitutional errors, after a guilty verdict, direct appeal, post—conviction collateral review, and habeas corpus; before a confirmed sentence of death is carried out. Nothing about the death penalty process is objectively fair and equal. The deck of cards are always stacked against the poor, accused defendant. Criminal prosecutors and their agents often withhold and hide exculpatory evidence material to the accuses legal defense. Moreover, government witnesses for the state sometimes lie and make serious mistakes while testifying in court. But these gross errors are covered up. There should be an appro- piate penalty suffered by the prosecutors when they are caught attempting to commit murder under thqsé false pretenses. Why? Because the prosecuting attorney knowingly allowed material false testimony to be introduced at trial, failed to step forward and make the falsity known, and knowingly exploited the false test- imony in its closing argument to the judge and jury, in violation of the fundamental due process clause. The U.S. constitution is a human rights charter. Therefore, any constitutional violation (error) is a human rights violation (error). Death penalty laws are abused and misused by the implementors of the laws. Whenever human beings are involved in the death penalty lottery, abuse is inherent. Human rights abuse affects everyone. We must speak up, and speak out, about it. Break the silence of abuse.