Divine blessings and divine greetings unto you all true brothers and sisters of the black freedom struggle.

McKissick, El Roderick



3.28.2016 Divine blessings and divine greetings unto you all true brothers and sisters of the black freedom struggle. As I consciously begin the divine essay I reflect upon three black, gray and white cats that I saw all of which share the same unique colors and silently traveled together in divine harmony. I consciously observed them this morning before sunrise and illuminated the heavenly skies, with it's divine radiance. As I sit in the belly of the beast modernized slavery plantations of the devils wicked creations known as prison(s) which I have been atrociously enslaved for over twenty-two (22) and a 1/2 years. I am inside looking consciously outside and consciously recognize all their terror, chaos, pain, suffering, murder, rape, mutilation, torture, lies, manipulation, deception, diseases, mind altering drugs and sadistic and malicious inflections of cruel and unusual punishment the evil ones currently cause. Many ask the question what if... but I want to truly see the positive change of a royal nation that has been diabolically kidnapped from their precious and productive land and atrociously brought to a foreign land to be hatefully enslaved be a demonic race of people. We sometimes got to consciously glare/look within ourselves to truly see the divine reflection of God. If not we must earnestly strive to charge (one's self) our hearts and consciously learn to be authentic loving, loyal, dedicated, committed, dependable, determined, ambitious and productive to ourselves before any other(s). Sincerely striving for a positive change we can totally unite and rebuild a powerful black nation. From behind metal doors, brick walls, steel gates, transparent glass and metal window coverings of a "prison cell" I consciously see a lost nation. A powerful race of beings who have been hated, envied and despised by the evil people who truly want to be like them the most. I profoundly ask the most vital questions... consciously realize (really see) their "supreme potentials in life? Maybe if all blacks was truly motivated to sincerely strive for a positive change they would do better and "divinely see" a "divine vision" for supremacy above all with only one conscious elevation of the most hated but most envied nation in the world. Maybe if they truly look within themselves they would change theirselves and sincerely reduce their own self-destruction and genocide but most importantly acknowledge it truly starts inside. Maybe their knowledge will give them a chance to overcome any of the devils' diabolical circumstance. Maybe there is a chane. Just maybe. Maybe if they could divinely see mass incarceration is for their own annihlation than they would sincerely stop the black on black crimes of elimination. Maybe if they consciously realize the divine flow of my written conversation is only for their vital elevation. Maybe if they consciously realize prison is a hell on the inside than they would truly cherish being on the outside but also knew this is for their own genocide. Maybe if you would truly treat her as your Precious Black Queen than she would loyally love, honor and respect you as her Beloved Black King. Maybe if blacks would truly treat each other better than the all will be able to completely come together. Maybe it is because of the devils' self-desctructive drugs they have been unconsciously abusing, recklessly living in a world of detrimental confusion. Maybe they are deceptively caught up in the demons atrocious trend when it is their own previous hearts they truly need to mend. Maybe they are vulnerable victims of broken families and their own self-destructive communities. Maybe they are unconsciously infatuated with their greedy love for money when it's evil work people are going to the cemeteries and others are caught up in the diabolical corruption of the devils penitentiaries. Maybe they will consciously realize they are inevitably promoting promiscuous sex by giving them condoms made of latex. Maybe they should truly teach them their bodies are previous and it is something they should alway cherish. Maybe if they truly knew to walk with integrity they would reflect their own dignity and love and respect theirselves enough to protect their virginity. Maybe it is the blind misleading the blind and for their own genocidal destruction they are deceptively manipulating their unconscious minds. Maybe it is at an all times high blacks are constantly going to jail and as responsible fathers and mothers many have failed. Maybe if they realize abusing alcohol has been many blacks down fall they would truly learn to supremely stand tall. Maybe if they had the proper knowledge they would be inspired to attend college. Maybe if they had a better education than they would have a better occupation. Maybe if they truly knew the magnitude of sincerely saying, "I am black and I am proud," they would stop trying to be a part of the opposite crowd. Maybe if they truly learn to love and respect the "beautiful reflections of blackness within theirselves they would truly stop imitating everyone else. Maybe if you sincerely love yourself, respect yourself, and honor yourself than you would not have to pretend to be someone else. Maybe you will ultimately look at the precious individual in your own mirror and truly realize the message of my divine words could not be clearer. We as a royal black nation must look within ourselves and truly change ourselves to make a bright future in divine love, divine loyalty in order for us all unify in our supreme future generations. Formulate By Divine El Supreme El Roderick McKissic P.O. Box 339 Sparta, GA 31087 Note: These essays are created to uplift blacks as a nation to stop the black on black crimes leading to their incarceration. Please feel free to print everything in their entirety. Thank you. I have previously sent form granting permission to post and/or print on website and newsletter etc.

Author: McKissick, El Roderick

Author Location: Georgia

Date: October 18, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 3 pages

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