NO TITLE August 12, 2018 To whom it may concern: Do you know why there are so many unsolved crimes in Michigan? I think I do. For more than 30 years I have been running in and out of Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC), therefore, it can be said that I may know something, no everything, but something. During these multiple decades, I have witnessed numerous ex-cons, once released, return for another, then another and then yet another tour inside the MDOC. I am one of those ex-cons. I have sat around and listened to some of these returnee's brag about various crimes they have committed and gotten away with. For instance, this one particular prisoner was caught doing a HOME INVASION ONE. The "People of the State of Michigan" charged him with several other unsolved Home Invasion. He took a plea. All of the Home Invasions were dismissed, except the one he was caught doing. One day, he was discussing the Home Invasions with another prisoner who knew, in detail, about the Home Invasions that were dismissed because he was the one who committed them. He knew everything about them, therefore, technically those HOME INVASIONS are unsolved. Numerous other examples exist, however, absent forking over information about them, these "UNSOLVED" crimes are considered solved or at least thought to be. Time to Chill: The MDOC is about homosexuality, sex, drugs, money, fun, games and being comfortable, amongst numerous another things you probably wouldn't believe. It is nothing like what society may believe it to be. There is no such thing as "don't drop your soap in the shower". Trust me, looks can REALLY be deceiving, prisoner, some you just won't believe, are freely but often secretly, performing homosexual acts and then come out into society like nothing ever happened. (Poor women. Don't let those good looks and muscles fool you). However, while this homosexuality, getting high, and all of this other chilling is happening, something else is happening along with it - planning. Many prisoners are planning there future crimes, especially the younger prisoners. Dope dealing is the most popular, however, rap careers are high upon the chart as well. In any event, they are going to need the money to start either one, I guess you know what that means. Next, you have the drug addicts, mentally ill and miscellaneous prisoners. Most of these prisoners are OLD FOOLS and they have just as much Idle Time as the younger prisoners have. The difference may lie in the fact that these old fools know how to play the game and often place some effort, although weak, into doing something positive and different, but just as often these ideas are short lived. The reason is because this grandiosity can only be lived while in this idle time. Matter of fact, in prison, Idle Time is where everything takes places. For example, and I will use myself. I am a non-violent, low assault risk, low security, prisoner. I was sentenced to six years and four months to be served in the MDOC. In terms of days and hours, this is 2,310 days or 55,440 hours. The MDOC has recommended that I take five classes (a real waste of time). Each class lasts about one day and about one hour long. Subtract these classes, in which I cannot take until the year 2024, leaves me with about 3,405 days or 55,435 hours idle time. I cannot take any trades or vocational classes, therefore I am left holding 6 years and 115 days doing absolutely nothing. Some prisoners, even though there are a multitude of distraction, such as sex with female staff, drugs, and everything else under the sun, still do nothing but plan. The danger here lies in the person(s) whose doing the planning. I'll tell you why. Because numerous prisoner have vowed to never come back to the MDOC and will do what's necessary not to. That's scary. Finally, you have the Residential Treatment Program (RTP). RTP is supposed to be a Mental Health Program. Instead, it consist of a combination of prisoners who are doing any and everything and getting high off of any and everything they can get there paws on, including mental health medications. These particular prisoners are planning to get out and get a job, WINK WINK, or get on SSI, and/or sell dope of course. Sadly, the MDOC is a $2 Billion per year cost center that basically only offers idle time. Indeed, idle time is the devils workshop and right now if I could tell you everything I knew about both prisoners and staff it would be more of a horror/drama rather than a letter. Instead, I will close by telling you that idle time may be the number one reason why crimes go unsolved, afterall, even Hannibal on the A-TEAM said "I love it when a plan comes together". These men have "Time to Plan and Chill" and having fun while doing it. Thank you for possibly listening.