Essay of retaliation by FDC staff for speaking out

Hempstead, Harold



8/18/17 Re: Essay of Retaliation by FDC Staff for Speaking Out. Dear APWA: In order for people to know what goes on in prisons in America people who live and work in prisons in America need to speak out about the unlawful and unconstitutional conditions and acts that happen in American prisons. In every essay I write I'll be sharing with you the unlawful and unconstitutional conditions and acts I've witnessed and/or that I'm trying to get fixed in the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) and Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDOC). If you read the March 24, 2017 Miami Herald article entitled "accuser in Rainey Shower Death Feared a Whitewash," you'll see that on March 17, 2017 I was involuntary interstate compacted from FDC to TDOC. FDC alleged I was involuntary interstate compacted from FDC to TDOC because a spokesperson of mine requested such. FDC knows their foregoing allegation is false. I believe I was transferred to TDOC against my will for the following two reasons: Reason One (1) Approximately five months prior to March 17, 2017 I took on a civil rights project to protect Florida children from sexual predators. FDC records will show that for many years FDC has been allowing convicted sexual predators to go to FDC visitation parks to visit with their family and friends every Saturday and Sunday and major holiday even though children are in the visitation parks with their parents visiting other inmates. If you google "Florida Sexual Predator Act," you'll see Florida law strictly prohibits sexual predators from going to any park where children congregate. Despite Florida law strictly prohibiting sexual predators from going to parks where children congregate, FDC staff refuse to allow convicted sexual predators to visit with their adult visitors in FDC visitation parks on days and/or at times that children aren't in the visitation parks. The foregoing places convicted sexual predators in a position that if they want to visit their adult visitors they must do such when children are in the visitation parks. If you go to, you'll find a copy of a very detailed sworn affidavit I mailed to more than a dozen state and federal agencies, reporters, etc. On this matter in the end of 2016. I continued to push to have this problem fixed throughout the beginning of 2017, in the end of February, I had a friend send a very detailed email to more than dozen state and federal agencies, reporters, etc. asking for state and federal investigations into this matter. Approximately three weeks later, I was on a van being sent to TDOC. Reason Two (2) At 3:30 AM on March 17, 2017 I was wakened by security staff at [illegible] in Florida, transferred to regional medical center and placed on another van, and that van drove me straight to Tennessee from Florida. The following week I was told that the Dade County State Attorney released a memo stating she wasn't going to prosecute the prison guards who killed black mentally disabled inmate Darren Rainey. The second reason I believe I was transferred to TDOC was to hinder my communications with the media on the Darren Rainey murder case. If you google "Darren Rainey" and read all the Miami Herald Newspaper Articles on him from March 17, 2017 till the present, you'll see that the media was able to use a lot of evidence to discredit everything the Dade County State Attorney said on the Darren Rainey case prior to April 20, 2017. Also you can go to and read dozens of blogs I wrote explaining the contradictions in the Dade County State Attorney's statements on the Darren Rainey case. You'll also find a blog I wrote entitled "Harold Hempstead Transferred to TDOC on 3/17/17 to Hinder his Communications With the Media on the Darren Rainey Murder Case." When a prisoner devotes his life to prisoner civil rights activism helping those who can't help themselves, he has to be willing to be punished for speaking out. As it concerns FDC staff allowing convicted sexual predators to go to FDC visitation parks where children congregate all FDC has to do is allow the convicted sexual predators to visit with their adult visitors when children are not in the visitation parks. If you go to the official Florida Department of Corrections internet site, you can use their search engine to research the visitation rules in FDC. The FDC visitation rules will show there's no rule prohibiting sexual predators from visiting with their adult visitors when children are in FDC visitation parks. As it concerns me being transferred to TDOC to hinder my communications on the Darren Rainey murder, the Miami Herald articles after April 20, 2017 and the blogs I wrote show what the Dade County State Attorney didn't want to get out, got out on the Darren Rainey case. Take Care, Harold Hempstead P.S. I've been transferred since my last essay I submitted. I get transferred a lot.

Author: Hempstead, Harold

Author Location: Tennessee

Date: August 18, 2017

Genre: Essay

Extent: 6 pages

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