Essay on how Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) staff are placing medications that are hurting and killing prisoners in the food ate by prisoners that expose or try to expose the unlawful conduct of FDC staff

Hempstead, Harold



To: American Prison Writing Archive Date: September 10, 2017 Essay on how Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) staff are placing medications that are hurting and killing prisoners in the food ate by prisoners that expose or try to expose the unlawful conduct of FDC staff From June 2000 till March 17, 2017, I was incarcerated in FDC. On March 17, 2017 I was involuntary interstate compacted from FDC to the Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDOC). Throughout my years incarcerated in the FDC I became aware of a pattern and practice of FDC special housing security staff placing blood pressure medication, psychiatric medication, etc. in the prisoners food that staff serve inmates in special housing units. This is primarily done to inmates that expose or attempt to expose violations of the law by FDC staff to FDC supervisors, law enforcement agencies, or others in society. Most FDC staff that do the foregoing do such for the following reasons: (1) so FDC staff can say the inmate attempted to overdose and commit suicide. This would discredit the inmate and place the inmate in a situation where FDC staff could have the inmate placed in a self-harm observation cell and transferred from the institution he is at to a crisis stabilization unit (CSU). The foregoing would make it where the inmate was no longer at the institution he was exposing or attempting to expose the staff misconduct at. (2) Another reason why FDC staff place medicines in inmates food that do the above is to try and scare the inmate to stop speaking out about the staff misconduct. There's other reasons but there are the 2 primary reasons. The most serious problem with the above problem is FDC staff are oftentimes giving inmates too much medication and sometimes medicines that inmates are allergic to. The foregoing is resulting in inmates dying. This pattern and practice of FDC staff placing medicines in food eaten by inmates has been mentioned in several new articles. The Miami Herald Newspaper has published several articles about inmates that died from mysterious drug overdoses in FDC special housing units within a short time after reporting or attempting to report FDC staff misconduct. You can read these news articles by going to the Miami Herald Newspaper on the internet, locating the section on their site called "Cruel and Unusual" and reading all the articles they published and are listed in the "Cruel and Unusual" section that deal with FDC. The "Cruel and Unusual" section is devoted to newspaper articles the Miami Herald Newspaper has published on the unconstitutional conditions of the FDC. This pattern and practice causes a lot of inmates to have serious worries and concerns when they're placed in special housings units in FDC. Especially inmates that have exposed or are trying to expose the unlawful acts of FDC staff. When you're reading the Miami Herald Newspaper articles on FDC, please do your best to read the articles about the male inmate mysteriously dying at Santa Rosa Correctional Institution and the female inmate mysteriously dying at Lowell Correctional Institution. Both of these inmates mysteriously died from drug overdoses a very short time after trying to expose the unlawful acts of FDC staff. This is a very serious issue we need help with in FDC. Take care, Harold Hempstead Mountain City, Tennessee 37683

Author: Hempstead, Harold

Author Location: Tennessee

Date: September 10, 2017

Genre: Essay

Extent: 4 pages

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