To: American Prison Writing Archives From: Harold Hempstead Date: September 3, 2017 (Essay on the FDC inmate risk management system/sexual risk indicator) I was incarcerated in the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) from June 2000 till March 17, 2017. When I was transferred to the Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDC). I'm supposed to be returning to FDC in 2018. FDC has a classification system called the "inmate risk management system/sexual risk indicator" (IRMS/SRI). Every inmate housed in FDC receives an IRMS ranking and a SRI ranking. IRMS addresses if an inmate is or isn't a physical threat. SRI addresses if an inmate is or isn't a sexual threat. The following rankings are on the IRMS system: Identified Predator (IPD) Potential Predator (PPD) Identified neutral (IDN) Potential Prey (PPY) Identified Prey (IDY) Inmates that are ranked as identified predators are deemed to be the most physically aggressive inmates in FDC. Inmates that are ranked identified preys are deemed by FDC to be the type of inmates FDC identified will be preyed upon. The other rankings on the IRMS system go between these two ranking. The following rankings exist on the SRI system: High aggressive risk (HAR) Moderate aggressive (MAR) Neutral sexual risk (NSR) Moderate Victimization risk (MVR) High victimization risk (HVR) Inmates that are ranked as high aggressive risk are deemed to be the most sexually aggressive inmates in FDC. Inmates that are ranked as high victimization risk are deemed by FDC to be at a high risk of victimization in FDC. A lot of the inmate on inmate physical and sexual violence in FDC is happening because FDC is housing predators and sexually aggressive inmates in the same wings and cells with preys and inmates that have a sexual victimization risk the IRMS/SRI system prohibits FDC from doing the foregoing, but FDC isn't following what the IRMS/SRI system prohibits. As a result of FDC doing the above, FDC inmates are being physically and sexually battered and killed in FDC by other inmates on a regular basis and in large quantity. I've personally witnessed a lot of the foregoing prior to my March 17,2017 transfer from FDC. The Miami Herald Newspaper has written approximately 150 news articles on the unconstitutional conditions of FDC. A lot of these articles do mention the extreme violent conditions of FDC. You can read these articles by going to the Miami Herald Newspaper internet site, using their search engine to go to the location they have set-up called "cruel and usual", and reading all the articles they have on their Miami Herald Newspaper location entitled, "cruel and unusual." You can also telephone or email the Miami Herald Newspaper and they'll tell you how to locate the "cruel and unusual" location/site on their official Miami Herald internet site. FDC can stop a lot of the inmate on inmate physical and sexual violence and murders in FDC by following the IRMS/SRI system and not housing in the same wings and cells predators and sexually aggressive inmates with preys and inmates who are at risk of sexual victimization. Take care.