Feeding hungry Americans

Harrison, David Scott



FEEDING HUNGRY AMERICANS ‘ 1 http://wwwfiominside.com/feeding.htm Frominside.com Only The Guilty Go Quietly To The Gallows. Home-Menu PAMPHLETS FOR A BETTER HUMANKIND Addressing The Micro— And Macro—Problems Facing Humankind, And Providing Achievable Solutions; Going Where The Politically Correct Dare Not. (While the SOLUTION offered herein may not be a panacea, and may be provocative, it is offered as a positive step to correct the problem presented.) FEEDING HUNGRY AMERICANS David Scott Harrison, (c) 2008 Since our time on Earth began, humans have been eating the other animals that abound on the planet. When it comes to eating animals, humans little differentiate between them, nor do humans much discriminate, eating most everything that crawls, runs, flies and swims, and many others that squirm and slither. We eat our pets, too. Not all of them, to be sure, but we have shown ourselves to have little compunction in making pets of certain animals we intend to eat. So why do we draw a line when it comes to a few favored pets? For example, we don't eat our dogs, cats or horses. Even where those dogs, cats and horses have overpopulated and are not anyone's pets, we still do not eat them.- The number of dogs euthanized in the United States in 2002 was around five—million, at the rate of one every six seconds. Add to that the number of cats, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, fowl, etc. (collectively "pets"), that are euthanized —— due to overpopulation or otherwise unwanted —— every year and the waste of that readily available source of meat protein becomes staggering. None of those pets are used to feed a single one of the thirty—five million hungry people right here in the United States. Clearly, our priorities are twisted ‘and perverted. Take away the shinny, soft, warm, fur of a dog or cat and what have you got? Meat. Indeed, without their fur, would you even pet dogs or cats? Thirty—five million hungry people, yet we continue to waste an availabl and abundant source of meat protein. Thirty—five million fellow citizens survive on one meal a day, ifthey can get it, while yearly tens—of—millions of pounds of meat protein (pets) are euthanized then either cremated or buried; ' What's the taboo about eating pets anyway? South Koreans eat millions of dogs annually. Some Native Americans once considered dogs as companions and a readily available source of food. And evidence suggests that the Chinese were eating dogs since at least the Neolithic period. The aversion of Americans to eating pets carries over to many other protein sources eaten around the world. Americans turn their double—chins away from foods such as turtles, snakes, lizards, guinea pigs, rats, mice, any kind of egg other than from a chicken, and insects (which are eaten by 80% of the world's human population); all foods enjoyed around the world. Of course, in the United States we have an abundance of other foods, so we can easily afford to be finicky. After all, stuffed bellies can afford to gripe about the foods available to choose from; the fastidious attitude of Americans is not one of conscience but of gluttony. Allow me to tell you a true story. A young marine married a lady from South Korea, and she returned with him to the United States. Shortly after they returned stateside, the marine brought home a nearly full grown German Shepherd. As timing would have it, the couple was having a small dinner party the very next evening. The marine had to go to work early, but expected to return about the time the first guests wereexpected to arrive. Unfortunately, the marine had to work late, and by the time he arrived home all the guests had assembled and were enjoying themselves at the hospitality of the marine's charming wife. The wine was flowing and hors d'oeuvres were being savored by all. In his haste, the marine ran upstairs, showered quickly, changed clothes and joined the party. Only about an hour later did the marine think to check on his new pet. Discovering that the dog was nowhere to be found, the marine asked his wife if she had seen the dog. Very much confused, the wife explained that she had killed the dog, skinned and cleaned it, butchered it and cooked it. Indeed, it was the dog that all the guests, the husband as well, were so enjoying as hors d'oeuvres. Of course, upon hearing the news, every guest had to protest, saying how they knew the meat tasted funny somehow, or that they had not actually enjoyed it but only helped themselves to seconds and thirds so as to be 9/13/2013 3:13 PM http://www.frominsidecom/feeding.htm FEEDING HUNGRY AMERICANS _ 2‘ ' . V ‘ ,1 gracious to the hostess. And so on went the excuses from the same people who, before they knew, raved at the wonderful hors d'oeuvres. It was perfectly natural for the wife to have thought that her husband (remember the timing) had brought the dog home for the party the following evening. In her country his actions would have been exactly that. In overfed America, however, things are different. We don't eat dogs, but would rather our brothers and sisters go hungry. ' While a person might have qualms about eating his or her, dog or cat, or horse, there is no reason why we should not utilize those species as a ready source of meatprotein, raised such as cattle or poultry, with strict controls as to the quality and safety of the meat, just as there are with all for—consumption farm raised animals. It is simply inhuman, on so many levels, not to eat a readily available and excessively abundant meat protein source when there are hungry people. Get over your finicky attitudes. Better yet, if you are so opposed to eating pets, go talk to a hungry family and explain your opposition to them or, perhaps, try going hungry yourself; I don't mean hungry as in not Super Sizing you hamburger and fries order, I mean seriously hungry where you don't know where your next meal is coming ‘from. THE SOLUTION: Legislators should enact laws'—— upon strict health checks as with all other animal foods —— (1) providing for the use of suitable pets euthanized through thus country, and (2) for the farm raising of dogs, cats, horses and other such pet animals, as a food source. A If you have any questions or comments, or would like ‘to correspond with Dave, please Contact Me Home—Menu 9/13/2013 3:13 PM

Author: Harrison, David Scott

Author Location: California

Date: October 21, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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