Holiday blues ‘n blahs

Magnific, Roc



Roc Magnific Holiday Blues ‘n Blahs There’s nothing more effacing for one to lose control of hiser positive thinking when being confined during holidays. Melancholy, despair, depression (especially that dog, depression)… tag-team to assault one’s mental bulwarks. As humans, male and female, young and old, we create realities… based [upon?] faiths and beliefs. Thus it is [gey?] [eutse?] why so many people experience mental issues during the holidays, being far… from those they love. Our lives have lots of ills so we must have faith, hope, love as clementable antidotes. If we fail to confront these unsavory emotions that create… mental suffering during the… holiday seasons, and rather seeking them like [acolytes?] seeking their masters, we find what we look for. And one that seeks trouble always find it. Unfortunately, some cannot… fathom the fact they have the inner strength to enforce positive thinking determining our lives to thwart the black dogs of mental despair that assaults them during the holidays (one’s birthday, New Year’s, Easter, Memorial and Veteran’s Days, Thanksgiving, Christmas). So, unfortunately, sad to say, they take matters into their hands and… take their lives. They just cannot cope with the fact of being away from one’s loved ones; one’s… home where love abounds with life. No one on the face of God’s little mudball (aka Earth) can cite judiciously that to be stricken with mental suffering during the holidays makes one happy. One must maintain, embrace, during the holiday seasons, good positive thinking. It enriches the mind, strengthens the heart, comforts the soul creating happiness, despite one’s position. It is fastidious: Because… it isn’t our position but disposition that makes us happy. In lots of cases, we determine what will happen to us; and what we prepare for often happens. We cannot pursue something that is full of tsuris… that will cause us great harm. If you start digging a pit don’t be surprised if you fall into it. One who is confined must have hiser mental institution up to par whenever it… will be severely tested during the holiday seasons. If not, then will that person be like the moron who thought a mental institution was a college, but found out that in a mental institution you’ve got to show some improvement before it’s time to pack up the plantation, piss on the fire, call the dogs in, and have someone wake up the neighbors to tell them the party’s over. This is why familial love, support, faith, is fastidious during the holiday seasons. This is done by prayer, communication, correspondence, The person who says it can’t be done shouldn’t interrupt the person doing it. Failure to fight the pangs, furies of mental suffering during the holiday seasons only creates a prison worser than the one heshe is physically confined therein. So one needs to escape via an emotional rescue: Because the only prison one needs to… escape from is the prison of one’s own mind.

Author: Magnific, Roc

Author Location: Arkansas

Date: October 14, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 4 pages

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