I am just doing some time don't worry it's about life in prison. it's been 5 years My first 3 years I was in Max. for alcohol. Some job's here, but they don't pay very much in here, up to thirty cents an hour. I Freso Froggy have only known since on or about April [redacted] 2007 when I.N.S served me with the the papers for deportation, that I was not an American citizen. I was raised in Fresno California until the age of 10 at which time I move to [redacted] Washington. Where I resided with my fathers brother [redacted]. At which time I went to work with him at [redacted]. I gradated from [redacted] High School in Fresno on or about June 2000. My entire life has been as an American. I have no recollection of ever being in Mexico. I do not even speak Spanish. Since my earliest memories I have never even been to Mexico. All my family is here in America. I have been married to a U.S. citizen since 2008 and was together with my wife since 2006. We have a child together who was born in [redacted], one [redacted]. his mother and my wife is one [redacted] So one year ago I fell off a top bunk and medical they did not help me for month's, all they gave for the saviour pain is Ibprofen. Becuase of the pain I had to quit my job. But I was able to start school and further my education. I do miss [redacted] and hope she write some day. I do hope She is a good friend always my love.