I chose the Robert Frost road

Uhuru, Ras



I CHOSE THE ROBERT FROST ROAD By Ras Uhuru 8-6-2018 1. It's been long enough, that I don't care for accuracy of the years. A bit shy of three decades. THE ROAD I TRAVELLED! 2. In America, the land of the brave, the land of the free. It sucks to have to live like me. A life that is less valued. Because you are prinicipled. And chose to be you. THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED! 3. America the Beautiful... The birthplace of free speech and, expression. That is until you opt to use it. Then you see just how much "Uhuru” (freedom - double entendre) exists. For this "Uhuru”, punishment exists for exercising my UHURU. Freedom to exist, but not to resist. 4. One of those FREEDOMS is supposed to be the right to "Not S eak” - sort of like hold and bless your speech. Or choose to "Speak your speech” as Shakespeare's Hamlet said, "Speak your speak and speak that speech.” MY SILENT SPEAK is cause to keep me entombed while all around me bark the fake and cowardice murderous dogs. Agents of the master puppet provocateur. THIS, HERE, THE ROAD l TRAVEL 5. How could the best country in the world be so brutal and cruel! As beautiful things in life happen to be, like the nature of all birth. Blood and pain seem to be necessary in government. But I stand strong. Humbled. But unbound to all save the master of all. Allah!!! 6. I'm no longer burdened by the fear of what they will and can do to me. EVERY DAY I CHERISH LIFE. 7. I also prepare for their torture and lust or my death. I smile at their blinded conscious and unconscious evil. For the only fear this human holds, is becoming like them. Becoming who they say I am. Holding anger and hate for the draconia of their torture and my demise. So on this 8”‘ month, sixth day of 2018, I reaffirm and recommit my life, my soul, to the Road Less Travelled as the two roads in the woods of Robert Frost diverge. - Ras Atum Ra Uhuru Mutawakkil

Author: Uhuru, Ras

Author Location: Wisconsin

Date: August 6, 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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