I was born and raised in Brooklyn

Tabak, Robert



Robert S. Tabak Missouri [No Title] I was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. the last eight years I lived in N.Y. I lived on Eastern Long Island. I moved to Missouri in 1988, I am 54 years old. I have been clean and sober for 23 years. I have P.S.T.D. because of what I lived through in my life time. After sending letters to lawyers and law schools telling them that I have been in prison for 23 years for a murder I am not good for I got accepted to the Innocence Project at 40 Worth Street, Suite 701-New York, N.Y. 10013-Tel. (212) 364-5350 www.innocenceproject.org (see enclosed). For the last ten years I have been sending app. 800-1,500 letters every year to people, organizations, government agencies, colleges, religious leaders and the media etc. I have received a lot of positive responses like from the Georgetown LAW Journal, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Capital Punishment Project, and Child Welfare Information Gateway A Service of the Children's Bureau U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (see enclosed).Prison Action News has already published five of my letters, and I will continue to send them letters to publish. You can contact them at;Prison Action News P.O. Box 832 Watertown, MA 02472 prisonactionnews@riseup.netI tell everyone about the problems and issues that prisoners, and prisoners families go through. I also tell them what organizations, and government agencies where we can contact to help us!!!! I tell everyone about issues like; 85% of the prisoners in this country has a intergenerational history of abuse and/or domestic violence, 35% of that is Educational Abuse. So we need, education, counseling, rehabilitation programs, and prison reform so that prisoners, and prisoners families can become responsible productive members of society instead of a burden to the tax-payers. Please send Bill Keller, Editor a letter of 500-2000 words to tell him how you feel about this, and all of our problems, and issues. Ask for information about his organization also. Contact him at;The Marshall Project 250 W. 57th St., Suite 2514 New York, N.Y. 10107 212-803-5200 info@themarshallproject.com 20% of the population in this country has serious mental health problems 331/2% of the homeless population in this country has serious mental health problems 54% of the prisoners in this country has serious mental health problems. 80% of the Children that go into Foster Care end up in prison. This is a direct affect of the closings of State Mental Hospitals in the 1980's. All four groups get little or no counseling or rehabilitation programs to help us!!!! Why is this?For more information about this problem contact; National Alliance on Mental Illness Development Office 3808 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203-1701 (703)-524-7600 or 1-(800) 999-6264, ext 794 E-mail: development@nami.org/Web: www.nami.org NAMI Helpline: 1-(800) 950-6264 Prisoners, and Prisoners Families go through so very much. There is a very great need for programs like reentry programs, and job programs for ex-convicts. A great place to find out what we go through is; "Fortune in My Eyes: A Memoir of Broadway Glamor, Social Justice, and Political Passion" a book by David Rothenberg.David Rothenberg founded the Fortune Society in 1967 after producing "Fortune in Men's Eyes" a controversial play about the horrors of the prison system with his life savings. You can get the full story in his book available for purchase through The Fortune Society. (29.99 plus S+H, 15.00 plus S+H for incarcerated individuals). Contact them at;The Fortune Society c/o Fortune in My Eyes Order29-79 Northern Boulevard Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 (212) 691-6554/ info @fortunesociety.org www.fortunesociety.org See excerpt of "Why Prisons Don't Work" written by James Ridgeway and Jean Casella of www.solitarywatch.com of Wilbert Rideau or; Solitary Watch c/o James Ridgeway P.O. Box 11374Washington D.C. 20008I am working on a project with the H.R.D.C. contact them; Lance T. Weber, Attorney at Law Litigation Project Directory Human Rights Defense Center P.O. Box 1151 Lake Worth, FL 33460Phone: 561-360-2532 Fax:866-735-7176. E-mail: lweber@humanrightsdefencecenter.org They have a monthly magazine that reviews, and analyzes prisoner rights rulings, and news about prison issues. For subscription information contact them at; www.pmsonlegalnews.org/info@prisonlegalnews.org I am asking everyone to ask their family, friends and religious leaders on the street to support Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants They are a national grassroots effort by families of prisoners, former prisoners, and other concerned citizens to reduce crime through criminal justice reform at; Charlie and Pauline Sullivan International Cure P.O. Box 2310 Washington, D.C. 20013 202-789-2126/www.internationalcure.org www.curenational.org Prisoners have sent me letters asking to send them the address and more information about the Job Accommodation Network, Contact them at; Kim Cordingly, Ph.D-Lead Consultant/ Self-Employment Job Accommodation NetworkWest Virginia University P.O. Box 6080 Morgantown, W.V. 26506-6080800-526-7232 (v) 877-718-9403 (TTY) http://AskJAN.org http://AskJAN.org/entire/index.htmThe Job Accommodation Network (JAN), is a program of the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), is a free information, counseling, and referral service providing resources on The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and other relevant laws, workplace accommodations for people with Disabilities, and assistance with self-employment, and small business development options. Since October of 2014 I have been sending people and organizations my Proposal For Seed Money To Form the Citizens Coalition For The Prevention And Treatment Of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence. When I have my organization started I plan to publish books, and start programs inside and outside of prisons and jailsThe following is from one of my manuscripts; Why didn't anyone help me!!! A Guide for All Survivors of child abuse and domestic violence. "Bob's Story" I want to share with you the most important chapter (part of it) the chapter is entitled. What Everyone Needs to Know About Abuse and Domestic Violence (Our Heritage And It's Repercussions) Unfortunately this is a heritage passed on from generation to/generation and affects not only the dysfunctional family but countless people who come into contact with them throughout their lives. I'll use my family tree to demonstrate how this takes place. I'll start with my grandparents on both sides to show how it affects all walks of life.Ruth and Chiam Tabayansky (Tabak) had seven child who died when the Nazi's invaded Poland. Before I go any further with my family tree I want to break down all of our family dynamics. Everything is relevant-all ethnic customs, economics, religion, education etc.Let's start with Michael and Celia Lesser, my grandparents on my mothers side. Both were Jewish. My grandmother Celia came from a traditional background. She never worked a day in her life, (upper middle class). My grandfather Michael came from a moderately wealthy family but when he escaped from U.S.S.R, he was only able to take a small amount of his wealth mostly liquid assets ie. cash, jewelry etc, most of which went for fake documents and bribes to border guards and other officials. He was a famous Russian artist. Our family still has some of his paintings. When my grandfather Michael got to this country, he married my grandmother Celia and had two daughters, Helen and Norma. Shortly after the depression hit and nobody could afford food let alone paintings. Michael went back to U.S.S.R to be able to support his family. He was able to smuggle enough money and paintings out of U.S.S.R with other Russian Jews who escaped to this and other countries. My grandmother Celia, my Aunt Helen and my mother Norma lived a very comfortable upper middle class life, but they were left without the physical presence of a husband or father. Since Michael was a successful artist, he was considered a to be a national asset to U.S.S.R and after he returned to U.S.S.R the K.G.B. kept surveillance on him to make sure that he couldn't leave the country again. They finally let him immigrate to this country when he was too sick to paint anymore, It was in alot of newspapers, my mother still has the newspaper clippings. When he finally returned to this country he died about six mounths later. There are alot of relatives on this side of my family I never met because the family was never close for reasons that I will explain later. Now let's look at my heritage on my fathers side. Both of my grandparents, Ruth and Chiam Tabayansky were born in Poland. They were both from wealthy industrial and political families. They had ten children, and countless cousins, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles etc. They were a very big, wealthy, and politically powerful family. My grandfather Chiam managed to put most of the family on the different ships that were in the last convoy that managed to leave Poland when the Nazis invaded.My father Joseph, his sister Susan, and his brother Henry, my grandmother Ruth and their nanny we called Aunt Jean were the only survivors of that last convoy from that side of our family. I remember my father describing the horrible tramatic sight to me. My father was only twelve years old when he stood on the deck of the ship he was on. He watched as Nazis planes, U-Boats, and submarines affected their convoy.Most of the people were killed on the spot or taken to concentration camps, to be exterminated like insects. The main tragedy was that on the ships of that convoy were mostly doctors, engineers, inventors, religious leaders, scientist of all kinds, cultural experts and artifacts (religious and non-religious) and Polish people of all religions. And on that one day most of that was lost, sunk, destroyed by fire, or captured by the Nazis. That one day the whole world lost so much. Just think about it, what advances in medicine, engineering, or other fields all the professionals who were killed on that one day could have benefited all of mankind.As you can see, I come from a very artistic, industrial, educated, and politically powerful heritage There are alot of people who believe in the myth that it doesn't happen in families like mine or not very often or that child abuse and domestic violence mostly happens to the poor or to minorities. That's totally not true, it happens to everybody rich or poor, educated or uneducated, and religious or non-religious. It's just that the rich, the educated, and the religious communities cover it up alot better.I am enclosing the Attorney Work Product Re: Mitigating Factors from my Criminal Case to let everyone know what I went through. My family is trying to silence me and trying to prevent my criminal case getting back into court. Can you please help me!!!!I spend my time in prison educating, counseling, and organizing prisoners and many other things. I work 12-14 hours a day six days a week. I help prisoners fight for their Civil Rights, Human Rights, and Religious Rights. There are alot of prisoners that are in fear for there lives and feel afraid to do what I do because prison staff send us to the hole in retaliation or send prisoners after us to beat us up or kill us. What can be done about this problem?"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. If not us, then who, and if not now, then when"?-Dr. Martin L. KingSincerely Robert S. Tabak Transcribed in 2017.

Author: Tabak, Robert

Author Location: Missouri

Date: October 18, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 12 pages

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