If I (Jason D.G.) were in charge of prison I'd change how GLBT are tortured by solitary confinement under P.R.E.A. Todays 7-28-19. I've been in B.O.P since 7-20-12. 9-21-18 Mark Adair made the Houston Chronicle b/c he hung himself & died at FDC Houston the day of his sentencing. My celly told me about his family abandoning him after trial & how he wrote a letter to his family just before killing himself & I completely related to Mark. I asked Officer B. Young to speak with psychology & ended up in Suicide Watch 9-21-18 until 1-14-19, 116 days! At my sentencing 12-18-18 Judge Rosenthal lied/misinformed when she told the entire court room, my family & friends, that I was in Suicide Watch for sexual assault. To this day I cannot get the B.O.P. to give me my incident report from 9-21-18 which states I was found guilty of "disrupting the order of the unit." I've never been accused of sexual assault & being falsely accused when the B.O.P.'s own paper work will prove otherwise makes people like me want to write about it then follow in Marks footsteps. About 2 weeks ago a guy they call "[redacted]" got put in cell [redacted] here in Med. Beaumont & a shorter black C.O. came down our hall yelling "Where's [redacted]"... accusing him of sucking cock. I felt so sorry for him & if I ran B.O.P. there would not be punishment for consensual acts. The counselors & chaplains could approve temporary marriages so inmates wouldn't claim PREA to get out of trouble. Currently were not even allowed to have our paper work after getting tested. The way B.O.P. is currently ran led to me swallowing a lot of meds on 6-18-15 & I got rushed to the Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital on 6-19-15. Overdosing caused me to throw up, chest pain, black out & pass out. My celly in the SHU on 6-20 & 6-21-15 whos initials are [redacted] raped me & we were both taken to the Ben Taub Hospital for a rape test on 6-22-15. Becoming a victim n the B.O.P is bad... 6-22-15 I'm placed in ZW-101 a single man torture cell. I called my family & told them about my rape. B.O.P didn't appreciate me contacting the world for help so 6-23-15 I'm sent to Suicide Watch. On 6-30-15 I'm put back in ZW-101 with paper clothes & I quickly hung myself w/ them, sent to medical for X-ray & put back in Suicide Watch. Now I'm told I'm going back to ZW-101 in a suicide smock, on the Behavior Modification Plan = A sign on the door saying "Do not Conversate w/ this inmate," No spoon/eat w/hands, no running water, no toothbrush, no blanket, toilet paper, etc. I'd rather die than go back to BMP/ZW-101 so I banged my head on glass, bit myself & spit blood everywhere. A "Team" showed up w/ a stretcher & I got tied down in 4-point restraints for 15 hours on video (I still want a copy). I begged to be let up to use the restroom & had to P & poop on myself. Then managed to choke my self w/string from soiled shorts & rushed to the St. Joseph Hospital on 7-1-15. Back to Suicide Watch, (where I should have stayed w/ a 24 hour suicide companion) then right back to ZW-101, BMP. 7-3-15 I figured out how to hang myself w/my suicide smock & taken a 3rd time out on a stretcher from ZW-101 to medical. Then put back in 4-point restraints laying in my own feces while flies from shower drain & cracked walls came out to feed on me. After many more trips to Suicide Watch, B.M.P. & Suicide Risk Management Plan (b/c B.M.P. wasn't working), I'm eventually taken to Ft. Worth on 10-22-15 for a psych Evaluation. 10-28-15 my migraines from bright fluorescent lights, dinner tray taken, not allowed a razor to shave, led to me praying to God for a sign. I turned the page to a book called science & religion & God gave me a brand new razor blade! I told my celly, [redacted], I was going to cut open a big vein in my ankle! He said O.K. Once blood began pouring from my ankle he started kicking our cell door b/c there are no panic buttons & the C.O.'s left the floor (their never allowed to do that). I also hung myself b/c I wasn't bleeding to death fast enough. I get rushed in an ambulance to the John Peter Smith Hospital & put inside a full body cat scan w/ metal handcuffs on & could feel my penis cooking, then guts, finally brain as if I was a fork in a microwave. I prayed it would kill me. From 10-28-10-30-15 I'm in Suicide Watch & get sent back to Houston for more Suicide Watch, BMP, & SRMP torture. I pray others do not suffer as I have yet only you in the outside world can compile all this cruel & unusual punishment & advocate for changes. Simply allowing inmates to cell with someone they get along with could prevent a lot of suicides. The other change needed is to get rid of the Prison Litigation Reform Act. My BP-11's to Washington routinely never come back after I mail them to B.O.P. Administrative Remedy Section, 320 First Street NW, Washington, DC 20534. Oct 8th 2015 I gave Dr. Freeman Case No. 832036-RI regarding needing a modification to 4 point restraints & never got a response. Some with my case #979702-RI Regional Request for 9-21-18 Incident Report. Also Remedy #982138-RI says "provide 2 extra copies of inmate req. to staff & resubmit." Yet in [#982138-RI] I said "The 2 attachments were in pencil & copies not legible. Finally I sent an appeal for #974855 & 56 & only got #974855 back? There is no oversight or digital records of our appeals & mail takes months to get responses from B.O.P. yet we have only 30 days to respond at most. If we ever get our mail back. I'm ending this letter on a positive note! LT. Warner on Friday 7-26-19 moved my Muslim celly, [redacted], b/c Tues. he threatened to harm me b/c I'm a "homosexual." His Muslim Friends were telling him Sherea? Law says [arrow pointing up at word "homosexual"]'s can be killed. I survived 30 days w/ him.