Is the Michigan Department of Corrections promoting homosexuality?

Mack-Lemdon, Mr. L.



Is The Michigan Department of Corrections Promoting Homosexuality? Logically: If any woman works in a men's correctional facility, do you believe that she knows or should know that there is a great possibility that she may, at some point, see a male prisoner's private parts or maybe in some manner exposed? Possibly. Why then do female staff look into areas such as the men's rest room, showers, and other places where males are possibly exposed? In a men's facility, there are no female prisoners, therefore, why would a female staff look into the shower, where all men take showers, and then complain of male exposure? Unless a MDOC guard or non-custody employee is a nun or Amish or is against sex and not sexually active themselves, nor has they even been, then the exposure of other people especially in any movie, may be considered offensive, however, why would that person watch it or place themselves in a position to see it, especially if that person is against it? Why would the staff, at a men's facility, place a great effort into concealing private areas, in a men's facility, where there are only male prisoners? Why has the MDOC taken mostly all exotic magazines and made it difficult for males to see the exposure of females in magazines or hardcore and frown upon sexual acts in television scenes or movie scenes? Is this healthy or unhealthy? Seemingly, the MDOC is inadvertently and indirectly, with a flavor of intentionalism promoting homosexuality. Numerous reasons may exist regarding the reasons why this may be true. For example, consider this fact: A man is a male who must think like a man in order to be a man. Simply because a "male" has a wife or girlfriend, some children, and a large penis only means that that person is a male, not necessarily a man. In an overwhelming opinion, it is believed that many MDOC male employees are gay, after all, their attitudes and behavior seems to suggest as much. Further, most are more than willing to see other men exposed all in the name of "safety and security" even when it is not necessary. For example, a prisoner can be in the custody of two officers, handcuffed, and still be stripped searched a second or third time without a cause. It is very very difficult to prove anything about the MDOC, especially something regarding one of their own because they have carefully crafted a scheme to achieve that. However, simply because something is difficult to prove doesn't mean it is false. For example, 36 percent of Americans approve of Donald Trump. From this survey, it can be said that these people approve of him because they can identify with his attitude, behavior and ways. Indeed, there may be another 20 percent that may approve of him in like manner but will not make it publicly known for other reasons, however, because this may be difficult to prove does not mean it is false. In the MDOC, percentages fluctuate, after all, they are cloaked in "saintism," when in all reality their insides are drowning in "satanism," or at a minimum a similitude of it and simply because it is difficult to prove this does not make it false. And if you know about... In closing, the MDOC does not just promote homosexuality, in a roundabout way, they are also inadvertently and indirectly, with a flavor of intentionalism, advocates of continued criminal behavior. Matter of fact, personally, I believe that the MDOC may be at least one of the reasons why there are so many unsolved crimes in Michigan. But this is another story. Thank you for your time and consideration. I will be immensely grateful for your timely response and cooperation given this message.

Author: Mack-Lemdon, Mr. L.

Author Location: Michigan

Date: January 21, 2019

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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