Just One Of Those Days #1 Just one of those days when I just want to be left alone. These people dont want to follow rules they agreed to follow when they put on the tan uniform. There is no for them or for us guidelines, you either or thats it, right? I cant say one way or another. Your problay wonder what Im talking about, well I filed a grievance many days ago that havent been returned Im trying to find whats in my property but they wont tell me. I stopped eating animal so that's a plus I guess I dont want to die an animal by eating animal no joke real talk. All jails and prisons are the same in my eyes #2 Its just one of those days when I wasn't to be left alone but my thoughts wont shut up and I dont want to sleep at all. Its to cold in side this box thats been my house for longer than I want it to be. Oh I been out side a few times but its been in hand cuffs and in the back seat of sonebodys car. I hate to have an escort but thats just what I have it's getting old but hey I committed a crime right I deserve this or no?? Dont answer that cause if you speak the truth it will only hurt me. Today turned out to be an overall bad day me and my wife had a big fight because of the letter I wrote her Some #3 times I wonder why I try she can be happy else where but I really do need her its a constant disapointment in my self. I let my whole life go I. I not them or us I did it as the head of my house I did this so why am I so mad about this if I did it to my self?? I been working on my anger issues but my wife makes me rage sometimes. I take my (meds) but if they work instead of putting me to sleep, I don't know. I wonder if I will be here for ever. Will be able to hold my kids again with out people looking at me crazy or call the cps on me. I blame myself nobody else I got to work on my temper better but deep down #4 Im on one of those revolutionary suicide days where I dont go out alone. They tell me the meds are supposed to work, but I havent seen the proof. Im only human so it will take a lot of just one of these days. I only live for my tomorrow because thats all I can deal with. Do you enjoy being in side of my head??? My brain isnt to stable 95% of the time and others I wish the state would leave me alone. I begged for help but they wouldnt give it to me now everybody has a problem with the crazy Muslim. The object of staying focused is very hard for me when I want to touch my wife or my mom. I wonder if I will ever see my mom again or touch that black cross with the flowers on it oh (5 yea before I forget my wide did a background check on me she was shocked to see all the past crimes I committed when I didnt care about crime. My habitat has been crime now they will use it against me to give me life cause anything over 50 years for me is life in prison. What am I to do my lord?? It helps me to write so may be we help each other out in the long run.