"KEEP IT SIMPLE" I come to realize that things in life is relevantly simple, man make things hard by his own design. I said that to say this, a lot of times what is recommended and what we do is two different things. When a man says he is a man of God! He is accepted, and he should be. But when it's find out that his walk is different then theirs, then he is rejected without a chance. The book says when you come together each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue or interpretation let all things be done for building up" See, we must be careful of not becoming totalitarians, because God can't be placed in a Box, God is bigger than our minds. Abraham proved this point when he looked for God. He seen a star and called it God until it set, he seen the moon and called it God until it set, and the Sun until it set, and then Abraham turned his face towards the heavens and realized that God is everywhere. in and of all things but independent of everything. God told us, I AM WHO I AM". But titles has separated us. God don't care about what you call yourself, he looks at your deeds. You can call yourself an emperor of religion, but if you rule as a tyrant, then what is words when actions are seen! knowing right from wrong is not the question, It's a choice and a lot of us lose our way when it comes to making that call. Rather it's for monetary gain or temporary gratification. especially in a world were a man desires is his prayers. The reasons are not important, THE MAN IS! So when he returns, do you accept him or deny him? a lot of times I see [righteous] people do very wrong things in the name of God. will turn a man away and ignore him. But didn't God send Jesus for the Lost sheep of Israel? He didn't want the do-[gooders], he wanted the ones that was caught up, doing bad and in results acting bad. But God knew they weren't bad people. Reading the Bible everyday is a good practice, but it means nothing if you don't practice the Bible. If you are a just man, your walk will define you. Not your words The Devil knows the Bible better than any man walking this earth. See we should be careful by what a man allows us to see of him. So don't be quick to condemn a man because he don't live up to your standards. A little girl was causing her mother all kinds of trouble, fighting in school, talking back, clowning in the stores. come to find out the little girl had a tumor on her brain. They removed it, and the little girl come down and her mother was pleased. But the Doctor asked the mother, what if they didn't find the problem? Would you still feel the same and love her? The Mother said, "YES", without a Doubt!", When the doctor asked why, the mother looked him in the eye and said, Because that's my child". and this is who you are to God. A Just man fell 7 times and God forgave him every time But we find it hard to have mercy on a brother for one wrong he has done us. and we are not even just ourselves. But what is Faith? The Dictionary says it's the belief and trust in the unseen. So how is it that we can love God who we don't see, and not a brother who we see everyday? It don't seem logical does it? the main thing is not to get concern about how people see you, but we grow so worried about what a man thinks of us, when it's not about what a man thinks of us but what God knows of us. As quiet as it's kept, If God Is For You, Who Can Be Against You." There's nothing complicated or mysterious about being a man of God which in essence is doing the right thing and making correct choices in life. Yes we will stumble, just try not to fall. And if you do fall, be mature and strong enough to pick yourself up, and dust yourself off and walk again. But people tend to get caught up in what they are fighting against and lose sight of what they are fighting for. Please don't get this twisted because I'm not preaching or teaching, I'm just speaking to you as a man who is also walking this din. It's just that simple, because God is not an author of confusion. only falsehood has an infinity of combinations, But Truth has only one mode of being. We all know from one came many and all will return back to the one. Because there is only One God! Attributes don't define him, titles and names are for man understanding. What define God is his love for Us. and THAT! is what we owe him and ones he love. It's nothing hard about that if you "KEEP IT SIMPLE" Mr. G. Mays, (P.T.) LOVE IS JUST A WORD, THE WAY PEOPLE LIVE IS WHAT GIVES IT MEANING!!! I heard a man say, "We Need to Get Our Attention Back on God". Truth be told, That is a major factor in organized religion today. It's not on God any more, but on everybody else. The big thing is people of God will find more reasons to hate you then to embrace you. If you don't believe like them or pray like them, then in their eyes you are going to bust hell wide open. And that is not the correct way of thinking or portraying God. I have written "Keep it Simple" for the ones who are passing out punishment to people who they don't deem right. You would think that being in Prison. That everyone would pretty much have a consensus on casting stones. But we are down here taken licks and standing strong, because it's real in this field.