Let’s do it the rite way

Jenkins, Raymond



06-04-2020 "Lets Do it the Rite Way" To APWA I hope to find you doing well during these troubled times our country is dealing with, here is a story, the understanding I have, in Minneapolis, I understand that the country is outraged, but I have an issue of certain messages the media put out, one of them is ,"Black Lives Matter," protesters had on boards in rally's and shouldn't it be, "All Lives Matter" and another statement was "I wont to live", shouldn't it be "Every one wants to live", I think its mixed messages being sent out to a young community, I feel that they are taking advantage of a persons life and only to benefit them selfs, so called black leaders and the media, and the criminal minded, this is a "free for all" not Justice: For example, during the ceremony at church, after the eulogy, "Al Sharp" stood up and took over service that realy didn't have any part of protest situation of the late George Floyd, and why would Mr. Sharp all of a sudden mention about a college endowment if thier have been many deaths of African Americans that were known for unique selflessness working and helping in all races communitys, if we know very little of George Floyd, not to say Floyd not worthy as a person, but what about Rodney King, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, not to mention others. What messages are they really trying to say". Thank you Mr. Raymond Jenkins W.V.D.C 9500 Etiwanda Ave. Rancho Cucamonga CA. 91739

Author: Jenkins, Raymond

Author Location: California

Date: June 4, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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