APWA (Permission Form on File): please return this, in SASE (to [redacted])? [redacted] 1-12-19 Enclosed (essays):"Not My Dream" ARA 1 pg; Return [back?] "This is Dop" 'house versus field' 'Africa'! ARA 2pp; and "You, all; chose: 'your' dream! ARA 2pp (1a, 2a)! 5pp NAB (bible) Luke 16:9-12: "I tell you, make friends...with dishonest wealth...The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones. If therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with there wealth? If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours? No servant can serve two masters..." Qur'an (33:4; 25:53; 55:19-20; 18:60): God has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body..." "It is he who has let free the two bodies of flowing water...made a barrier between them... forbidden to be passed." "He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together: Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress." "Behold, Moses said...I will not give up until I reach the junction of the two seas..." "Durance, 'judged' (3-shifts, daily, '7-days' X '24 hrs each day':168 hrs per week '): but: NAB (bible) Matthew 7:1-2; Luke 6:37-38,41: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure...will be measured out to you." "Stop judging and you will not be judged... Give...a good measure...For the measure...will in return be measured out to you..." "Why do you notice the splinter...but do not...the wooden beam in your own?" Qur'an (30:59; 2:7, 10): "Thus does 'G-d' seal up the hearts of those who understand not." "G-d hath set a seal on the hearts and on their hearing, and...eyes is a veil..." 'Hacks' (Writers/guards: NAB, bible, Isaiah 10:1-2):"Ah! Those who enact unjust estates...write oppressive decrees...robbing my people's poor of justice...": know: "Power-- like sixth, of Christian-angels--always destroys, the unfit; because: they begin as liars; and, increase 'their-hypocrisy'!" ARA ADX 6/12/19 Plantation "There is no heaven on Earth, just 'a satanic ruse/user (anagram)'! ARA 6/12/19 Return (SASE) enclosed 5 pages with this (Permission on File) [redacted] as ARA APWA (Permission Form on File): please return this, in SASE (to [redacted])? [redacted] 6-12-19 Enclosed (essays):"Not My Dream" ARA 1 pg; Return ([illegible]) "This is Dop" 'house versus field' 'Africa'! ARA 2pp; and "You, all, chose: 'your' dream'!@ ARA 2pp (1a, 2a)! 5pp NAB (bible) Luke 16:9-12: "I tell you, make friends...with dishonest wealth...The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones. If therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with their wealth? If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours? No servant can serve two masters... Qur'an (33:4; 25:53; 55:19-20; 18:60): God has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body..." "It is He who has let free the two bodies of flowing water...made a barrier between them... forbidden to be passed." "He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together; Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress. "Behold, Moses said...I will not give up until I reach the junction of the two seas..." "Durance, 'judged' (3-shifts, daily, '7-days' X '24 hrs each day': '168 hrs per week'): But: NAB (bible) Matthew 7:1-2-; Luke 6:37-38, 41: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure...will be measured out to you." "Stop judging and you will not be judged... Give...a good measure... For the measure...will in return be measured out to you... "Why do you notice the splinter...but do not...the wooden beam in your own?" Qur'an (30:59; 2:7, 10); "Thus does 'G-d' seal up the hearts of those who understand not." "G-d hath set a seal on the hearts and on their hearing, and...eyes is a veil..." 'Hacks' (Writers/guards: NAB, bible, Isaiah 10:1-2): "Ah! Those who enact unjust estates...write oppressive decrees...robbing my people's poor of justice..."; Know: "Power-- like sixth, of Christian-angels--always, destroys, the unfit; because: they begin as liars; and, increase 'their-hypocrisy'!" ARA ADX 6/12/19 Plantation "There is no heaven on Earth, just 'a satanic ruse/user (anagram)'! ARA 6/12/19 5 pages with this (Permission on File) [redacted] as ARA "Not My Dream!" ARA (Permission on file) 6/9/19 ADX Plantation "..." This is why...because they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand." (Mt. 13:13) 'God hath set a seal...on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil...!(Al Bogara, 2:7) I open this, because durance carry the title (deaf, dumb, blind); for some it is true! But, there are some who see (hear & understand); as well, pay the price (of knowing)! Remember, Genesis, 'in our image'? Well, 'The Superlative,' 'our' includes: created; which isn't lost (on some)! 'Many ways meet in one town: (Shakespeare) The prison (of life) is, of two (2) paths! 'Out there' leads (some), 'in here'; then, some (led) back (out there)! However, dual paths, 'in here' (Paths) intersect; at failure! And, is reinforced (tripartite branches), as: 'no rehabilitation,' there never was! Meant, 'restore to good health and useful life'; but, 'hacks' missed that lesson! So, prep (for release) is, nearly; no more! The education (in here, out there) system's are pitiful! Which causes 'a predictable 'outcome'! To those, who, see pessimism, in my words; watch the news! And so, I ain't blind (cept, my left eye)! 'Hacks' trained, prisons, not to trust (durance); as 'out there' (law enforcement) are! 'Taught (like Politicians), to lie! To protect their likeminded! And, to support their party (Unions; et cetera): 'their bottom line'! So then, lying- 'trump'; oath to support, the Constitution! If I could write, freely? But, 'out there', y'all can't speak--freely--at work; either! If you're one, that, didn't know--before--then; you're blind? In closing, I have you with this: 'when folk stampede, to get attention (media; internet-murders; govt positions; suicides; etc.); and, 'few voices' decry, selfishness, 'the fire-of-destruction' rages (red hot)! Generations are, genetically-altered (me, me, me)! 'Who is, really, in prison'?" ARA 6/9/19 (Where will the next 'State' mourn: the loss of lives...') Essay "This Is Deep... 'Africa'!' (scapegoating, durance; see, 'wall-writing' Mt. 7:1-7) "Those; who sold us, were, also; Africans! Who saw a way to profit! Their idea, was like (Cain over Abel; Paul over Stephen; Romulus over Remus and, 'Plenty over Poverty'), 'satan'; over 'human'! In essence: nothing new! So, let's get, too their aftermath!!!!!! This epoch, our sixth-age, may be the one? Many, read 'Notrasdamus'; especially, the pantoum, forgetting (of Trump)! Or, maybe his coming (ancestor)? Anyway, if not clear yet, 'durance/duress' (of Latin roots) from the same (ancestor); is prison! I am, have been, and; write from (my, third, essay)! Supra ('satan' over 'human'), depicts the earthly war; between: good over evil (anagram and, alletive/alembic/Pa;impset>) 'prison over live'! Those, without religion, cannot (are blind) group: 'like a hamster, turning a wheel'; humans, 'do the same things'! '"Nothing new under the sun!" 'Plenty sits still. Hunger is a wanderer!' (Zulu proverb) So, 'here we are, again'! One-thing 'Trump' (oh, Roger Taney,' Supreme Court: in Dred Scott (1857); Ex parte Merryman sued 'Abraham Lincoln'; Plessy v Ferguson (1896) after, 'Roger Brooke Taney's death, 'repeats)) does --'maga,' make amerikkka great again! I mention, for POTUS repeats (read:in he Smith; Ex parte Milligan (1866); Smith v Turner (1849); Thurlow v Mass (1847) dissent; and, see, 'Trump v Hawaii (2018) 2018 U.S. Lexis 4026--banning entry...foreign nationals)!'The wall',: Trump; Dan. 5:5; Micah 7:11? 'In here', (or, 'out there') the same! The 'base', feel the 'curse' (of 'Jesus'); because (repeats), 'they're selfish, not selfless ('Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.') (W.E.Gladstone) but("...Gladstone...prejudice agin americans." P.Magnus)? "Irreligious tricked 'again'!" (1 of 2) "This is deep...'Africa'!" (con't) (Read: Luke 16:19-31?) As the hack ('writer' and 'guard') does (in here), what the writer does; out there! Only citizen's: don't know it! Repeats (in here): Those with family/friends connections do best--less recidivists-- those without, do worse, more recidivists; intimidate; threaten; assault; kill; steal; malign; and, propagate (from, 'out there') the need for prisons! Check out 'Juvenal' (bread and circuses')? My spin is, the control (government; rich; evil; and, religion) are the four(4) directions; (like north, east, west, south: news/sewn--'to gain complete control of,' monopolize)! 'Out there' ('in here') the same occurs: joblessness (a group, mostly: Black; Hispanic; poor); non-educated(this durance is, a high school 'dropout': did you know some, must do so in order to get food, shelter, clothes?); homeless ('in here': we have a home/cell/dorm; but, like 'out there' have no funds); and, 'no prospects' ('expected, possibility, chances')! So, repeats, except; 'hacks' contribute (negligence: contributory-negligence being-removed from laws)! Out-of-despair, killings (hacks instigate/assist: 'out there', drugs 'a business--always was government (covert: Iran, Contra; MK-Ultra; etc.) & rich; (as well distribution); and, 'proliferation' of prisons! 'This/that ain't fake news'! The 'thing speaks for itself' (ipso facto)--NRA using (as Trump), deflection, deviation, spin, misdirection -- prosecutes 'school guard' (oppressive displaced anger syndrome) -- yes? 'Satanic ruse'! But, (" versus field, "satan versus human/jinn/djinn' versus human"... Africa.") y'all go on believing ('it's our fault'); while that keeps-the-thing-broke, money, monopoly, rich! 'Let poor run govt,' society pays: (cf. Preacher?); crime, non-existent (no 'rich'); Equality, and, Truth!" (2 of 2) 'You, all, chose: 'your' dream!" ARA 6/12/19 Plantation "There is a, shared, story; among spiritual durance: 'Creator' spoke, to every sperm in the loins--ever crested--of 'Adam'; and, gave each '10 stories' to select from as which, 'they wanted'; then, each picked 'the one which appealed' (to them)! I, prisoner (unwilling, place); chose to fight; against the major evil/vile (anagram)! At any cost, before, my soul awoke! Then creator left, my choice (of dream): 'each, mind, processes 1/10-of-knowledge' stored; from; the disk chosen... Sometimes, when off course, they dream; of 'their choice' then, retrace their steps! Many, 'non-believers/irreligious,' liken them to an accident; even, karma! I, however, know all things are relative'! Prison is, this life; death (physical) the birth! Entry was (newborns), the 'jump each made' (into life)! Many, 'chose not to know; 'head in the sand' or 'hear no evil/see no evil'! Scientists, satanists; agnostics, et cetera; see, only, a world full (of games) for play! With, no consequences; for; leaders, 'who write a self-fulfilling-prophecy' (for, their, life)! They, are, the wealth seekers; who write the maps (of flunkies: 'wannabe, rich')! And, I am at their behest: 'the wannabe, rich; who are at 'the behest' of satanic-rich'; these walk past -- the homeless/starving -- unconcerned! Or the 'hacks' (in the world), some (of whom) 'convince self'; they're right! Even though, the, Ancient Stories are opposite: 'To a human mind,' understanding (past)! Can you see, course (of humans) leads; to our demise? Then, why (1a of 2a) "You, all, chose, 'your' dream!" ARA 6/12/19 (con't) have, you not altered; your course? Are you, automatically, following 'race-based' fools; who reject ' non-racially-based logic? 'The south shall rise, again; 'make america great, again '; or, 'don't let the truth, get in the way'? These are, the, robots who become: serial killers, 'legal' (police/solders), or 'illegal' (active shooters/dubbed-crazies)! Note: their growing incidents/occurrences (globally)? 'In here' (out there), govt unions ready; for revolution! However, the poor, majority don't know: they're targets!!! Remember, Highway Patrol Officers ('kill,' 'former', 'assasinators,' latter), California 'targets': Blacks with bullseye? Or, a black (4-year-old) -- locked inside a bathroom -- with food, water; TV, and toy gun! This, hotel room, entered (Deputy Sheriff, Orange Co.); Wan called it in! The baby - boy, scared -- door unlocked -- by gun pointing (Wan) man, pointed his toy-gun! The deputy shot him, dead! Man, charged -- after shift-over-at-work; no money for daycare (she got '5-years,' child neglect; Deputy got nothing)! Is there something, wrong, with monopolies (Media; govt; business; and opposites-prisons)? 'If slavery were the past, atrocities'; why do the prisons-look-like-plantations, today? Even, have post-slavery: sharecroppers! Proof, lies, in the panic created; by the govt -run news (media)! The self same, who bury any stories (of) 'in here'; 'out there' (Black girl killed, shot, while unarmed) in Chicago! Government run news (media), protect (govt); who're hired (to protect): the rich; and, vice versa! Prisons ('in/out')?" ARA ADX Plantation 6/12/19 (2a of 2a) Note: Any benefactor seeking praise & finding media (attention) are 'one coin; both-sides (of avarice & praise)? ARA "When all the masks are, removed); You are left with, really, who you are!" V. Hugo