My eyes are open




My eyes are open still Im blinded by the fact that life may end today then what? Its weird to have a question mark after your name or statement but is a period worser? I guess thats another question Right? Deep down I feel the pain of many years as if time stood still. Today not tommorow, now not yesterday but deep down it all means the same, the era of my way has left me down but up, strait but narrow. Imagine a peaceful silence, who am I kidding I indulge in the nose as it wispers] violently to take charge of my body. I know how it gets when it wants to control me, noramally the old me would have listened just to feel the power of all those years of being the bully target. I cant lie I love bob, does what needs to be done, says what has to be say. Right now Im feeling down cause of the after effects of bob but Im nothin to nobody till I get in a Rage cause bob takes charge. Sometimes I can shut him up talk nice but tick, tok, tick, tok he laughs when I think or pretend I have control when I dont. Any ways what was I saying? Back to the questions again!!!

Author: Bobby

Author Location: Texas

Date: May 15, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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