Kenneth G. Wolfe Indiana NO TITLE Hello, My name is Kenneth George Wolfe #, and I am a 67 year old disabled inmate at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, in Carlisle, Indiana, and I would like to speak on health care, or the lack of health care, the prisoners receive in this state. Corizon, the nations largest for-profit medical services provider for prisons, jails, and other detention facilities, was formed in June 2011 through the merger of Prison Health Services (PHS) and Correctional Medical Services (CMS). On January 1, 2014, Corizon was the lowest bidder in a competitive bidding process and renewed their contract to provide medical care to Indiana prisoners, the contract has a cap of $293 million dollars, based on a per diem fee of $9.41 per inmate, for 3 years. As one Indiana's aging inmates with numerous medical issues, I can tell you that nine dollars and forty one cents doesnt get a lot of medical care. I would like to give my first hand experience to the deliberate indifference to serious medical needs, malpractice, neglect, apathy, and abuse, Corizon and the Indiana Department of Corrections inflict on Indiana prisoner's. Disabled inmates are housed in non-handicap accessable areas with no handicap showers, personal experience. The wanton infliction of pain and suffering is common practice, and it is unofficial policy that pain medication and surgery for serious medical needs will not be provided. It's the law that prisoners receive adequate medical care and treatment, out in the real world of prison life this is not the way it is. I live in constant pain and suffering, and understand the true meaning of elder abuse. Finding a lawyer to enforce my guaranteed constitutional rights is a joke, after exhausting all of my administrative remedies I am left to fend for myself in a world of hell. You see, if you can't afford justice, it is my experience that you don't get it. After 30 years in prison I am broke, and broken, fighting big business for my basic human rights that would cut into their profit margin if given. Yes, I am a convicted criminal serving a 281 year sentence for a shoot out over drugs. Does that mean I don't deserve the adequate medical care and treatment guaranteed by the constitution of the United States, and I should suffer the wanton infliction of pain in the name of the almighty dollar? In my eyes Corizon is more of a criminal than I am because they cause more death, pain, and suffering than I even could have done had I lived then life times. I know, I've seen it!