My possible parole

Velthuysen, Christopher John



I have been preparing myself for my possible parole dates of 2019- (which I probably won't get as I caught a class 1 misconduct in 2016) 2024 and again 2029- (where I think my real chance will be) as I will be (12 years) misconduct free, at a level 2 security prison, and this with all my programs completed and the work history I have (have never been fired nor had a misconduct written on me during a job, or had one written for job related duties); and I'm very proud of this accomplishment I've achieved. Lately, I have been working with the school teacher (Mrs. Koskinen) who teaches "work keys" to get my résume on file; as it is a "requirement" for everyone before parole! I have taken advantage of the many programs available over my 20 years of incarceration; but I'm most happy about my most recent one I have just started called: Prisoner Express: Book Writing Program- Out of New York; as I have eight books I would want published and sold. Me and my fellow inmate Kyle are doing the program together. The other programs I've had in the last three uears and have successfully completed or participated in/received certificate are: The Prison Dog Program 2015-2016 February where my dog was adopted, employment readiness 2015-2015 November. I have completed over 12+ programs that I needed, or that was recommended for me to take like: computer program, accounting class- certificate, typing- certificate, small engine repair-certificate, floor maintenance- CMT- certificate (then became tutor for 2+ years,) baking, food tech, and cooking- certificates for each, art program- certificate, business, science, and history post-GED classes- certificates for all three, paralegal- certificate, dog program- certificate (loved it a lot!,) and painting and lawn care maintenance- certificates for each one. I have had numerous jobs while incarcerated, yard crew, worker, painter, baker, cook, line-server, sanitation (kitchen,) porter, laundry man, counselor clerk, law library clerk, general library clerk, base porter, cart pusher (both for law and general library and food services,) upholstery, dog program, CMT floor tutor, GED tutor, gym porter, in-unit kitchen worker, segregation porter, and kitchen dock worker. Reality has hit me these last few years about what little I do know, compared to what I should know (in relation to parole and how to stay crime free, and survive in the world you all live in,) because when you have lived your whole adult life in prison (one crime and one sentence,) you realize you have little education compared to most members of society. This is why I want to go to college, but there are no Pell grants in Michigan, and college is expensive to go to on what The Michigan Department of Corrections pays us workers (not even $0.57 per day, but $0.54 per day, and only when they call you out for work.) I only make $11 per month- sometimes more, sometimes less. So I've been finding creative ways to make extra money, like selling my dessert (fudge I make,) and/or art work (at various avenues,) like my cards for stamps, and 10 pieces of art every year to the Michigan Prisoner's Art Contest (where they sell my art and send me the money.) I have just been accepted to Delta Correspondence Program, but still need a sponsor to cover expenses to attend. So, I'm worried for these reasons if I get/receive parole: 1.) Only a GED level education, 2.) No money to survive on, 3.) No place to live (community placement is where I'd live for while on parole 4 years), 4.) no clothes, and 5.) no food. What do I do? These are the main reasons so many former incarcerated inmates commit drug, robbery, theft, etc crimes, and get rearrested, because they don't have nothing when released from prison! I have the desire, passion, and drive to do good, and I don't want to be another statistic, but I'm going to need a lot of help! Can anyone help me make my life a success again? If you are willing to help me, please feel free to write at the address below; and I will correspond back! Thank you all, and God bless you! Christopher J. Vetthuysen

Author: Velthuysen, Christopher John

Author Location: Michigan

Date: August 7, 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 3 pages

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