On prison health care

Magnific, Roc



"On Prison Health Care" When it comes to prison health care, the best way to describe it is by an old axiom true: "Galen says "yea," Hippocrates says "nay" (e.g. doctors and nurses disagree over what... types of aid to render [ineligible] forlorn hopes; and will not follow the orders of free-world physicians; and instead follow their own initiatives). Basically here's the [dillie?]: the only good inmate is a dead... inmate. Financially speaking the cost of prison health care is astronomical as it is [lathed?] by corruption, inadequate protocols utilized by states and health providers to make sure less money is spent for an inmate who is elderly, terminally ill, medically incapacitated. The cost of one's healthy state doesn't cost states much- but- if he/she is terminally ill, elderly, medically incapacitated (or facing death within a year or- years), then the medical costs shoot big time through the roof. And many prisons across the country have found out it's creating such an [ineligible] [upd?] their financial budgets. To be in poor medical health or having a terminal illness of if you're elderly, unfortunately facing the way of all the earth in a year's time (or in the future) is stressful enough. But to put in "sick-call" forms (e.g. forms one fills out to be seen by unit medical staffs (commonly lovingly and aptly referred to as [Empirics?]) who lack medical knowledge of what the person's afflicted with, and... who refuse to render proper medical care, or follow the guidelines free-world hospitals or doctors prescribe amounts to sheer insanity. Of which is why most inmates develop [iatrophobia?] because that particular nurse or doctor (if heshe is actually such) is quite adept in [decidophobia?]. And to put insult [upd?] injury, some states charge a fee whenever an inmate puts in a "sick-call" form be it for any medical reason or dental care (Arkansas charges $3.00 if one has a chronic illness he/she? is not supposed to be charged a fee). Because of such, many inmates refuse ("no-shows") to go to prison infirmaries because they know they're not going to be... consideration [upd?] their particular medical [ineligible] that's afflicting them. And as a result (here in Arkansas just started 2 1/2 weeks ago) these [forlorn?] [hopes?] are written up ("major disciplinaries") up for not coming in to be seen by soulless [empirics?] who don't give a owl's hoot in Hades about them. Now a lot of you have heard that if a doctor or nurse gets their medical license snatched (revoked) or is placed on probation, [he/she?] by any jail/prison. This is true. All across America prisons and jails have many on staff who have had their medical licenses revoked, placed on probation or were fired altogether. So what better way for these [emperics?] to work in an environment for them than America's corrupt prison system?!! Just as honey's not for an ass's mouth, these [emperics?] turn deaf ears upon the cries of the forlorn hopes who have fastidious medical problems. And their employers, whatever medical provider firm hires these [ineligible], are just as guilty. They have one main objective: spend less money on someone who needs dire medical attention for (to reiterate) the only good inmate is a dead inmate. I, dio mio! Is there no balm in Gilead for such Carthaginian faith?? Both the medical provider and the crooked [emperics?] they employ are guilty. In their eyes it's a [ineligible] exchange: each trying to out Herod-Herod and both like [ineligible] [ineligible] [ineligible]. Prison medical care with its use of [emperics?] is nothing but je ne sais quoi that even the Bard observed quite keenly: "I've must not/ so stain our judgement or corrupt our hope/ to prostitute our past- [case?] malady/ to [emperics?]" (All's Well that Ends Well, Act 3, Scene 1.)

Author: Magnific, Roc

Author Location: Arkansas

Date: October 14, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 5 pages

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