Daniel Jester California Personal Computers Needed by Inmates 24/7 Dear CALVET Veterans Caregiver Partners, Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to tell you a little about our growing incarcerated Veterans Helping Veterans (VHV) group at California Medical Facility (CMF) Vacaville, California. Today, California Departments of Corrections and Rehabilitations (CDCR) costs are rising way over $100 grand for each incarcerated veteran annually. And with the additional reality of a growing 70% or more recidivism rate here in California (i.e. 38 prisons plus the thousands of inmates outsourced in out-of-state prisons), our broken judicial system is in major crisis. Our VHV members with honorable discharges are legally struggling in peril with ADA medical disabilities, no compassionate releases, severe overcrowding, no CDCR paying jobs available to veterans inmate/patients, poverty, mental health abuses causing suicides, and inadequate medical Health care causing deaths among other issues in pending lawsuits stagnating unjustly in the pending lawsuits of both state and federal courts. Together, we partners need to encourage outside political figures and VA officials working with CALVET legal organizations to promote education and effective rehabilitation reform improvements now; within and throughout CDCR By enforcement to low-cost, common-sense, fair and equal due process of the law federal mandated compliance. VHV is now requesting your advocacy assistance, “under the Authority of Federal Law, Title 38 United States Code, and The California State Approving Agency for Veterans Education (CSAAVE) operates under contract with the VA. CSAAVE operates as part of the government of the State of California to approve or disapprove veterans’ education and training programs, prevent abuses, and promote quality in veterans’ education by evaluating and monitoring education and training programs. For more information, visit www.CALVET.CA.GOV/CSAAVE.” “The Bay Area CALVET Local Interagency Network coordinators (LINCs) and County Veterans Service Officers (CVSO) are regional partners in the development of improved and expanded services and support in the development area for their local veteran populations and also assist Veterans with employment and educational opportunities.” cites: 2012 California Veteran’s Resource Book and 2013 Guidebook for California Incarcerated Veterans (2012 see pgs 125-133 and 2013 see pgs 31). The Constitutions of California and the United States of America. VHV now implores you, our appointed advocate, for these incarcerated veteran benefits which Title 38, United States Code statutes mandates federal funding for but we are not receiving any of it. When we ask for higher education opportunities we are denied at every turn. Why is it that we are being excluded? We need you to be our active advocate to ensure that we can access all our entitled benefits and rights the U.S. supreme law of the land provides for us without any inaction, interference, or deliberate indifference by the state. We urgently need you to address this oversight as soon as possible. Will you please help us? Thank you. We are inviting our CALVET Veteran Caregiver Partners to please visit us and unite with our VHV members efforts to advocate for our human rights in support of immediate positive CDCR changes to correct this ongoing disaster. A simple, common-sense, low-cost, (about $200.), durable solution would be the immediate privilege of us possessing a laptop personal computer with current software; and/or enrollment in a course of curriculums and services available to veterans with a university/college online support tele-class distance learning program. Officials must provide VHV members reasonable cost-saving 24/7 access to Lexis Nexis Law Library, sporting online up-to-date law library material resource directory/search engine; which is a mandatory must have. (i.e. all state employees are given 24/7 free access to this cite – we shall demand fair and equal due process of the law under our constitutional rights? Furthermore, even providing cost-saving online public library or library of congress access is practicable for recreational, educational and research 24/7 resources. 18 U.S.C. §3626 Appropriate Remedies would entail in any civil action with respect to prison conditions in which a court orders the immediate granting and approval of inmate/patients’ possession of a laptop computers 24/7 essentially makes the following fact finding: This prospective relief is necessary to correct a current ongoing violations of the federal right, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of the federal right, and that the prospective relief is narrowly drawn and the least intrusive means to correct the violation. This court order is exactly what VHV is now demanding. VHV incarcerated veterans with various ADA disability challenges are especially being left behind in the evolution of new age technological advances in very low-cost alternative hi-tech job skills and higher education rehabilitation opportunities. This makes CDCR parole plan expectation requirements of us obtaining job skills in marketable, effective, and meaningful blue collar employment opportunities, unattainable and even more distressing. This is primarily due to the majority of the CDCR Board of Prison Terms (BPT) Hearing Commissioners giving erratic parole denials of unsuitability for up to fifteen (15) years as a self-serving, discretionary and totally irrational result; with no bias future viable solution or effective recourse in sight. How foolish is that? These outrageous CDCR BPT costs to unbeknown tax-payers are stupendous billions of dollars in the CDCR budget and are a unconscionable waste of valuable funds. Additionally, the inexplicable inequities of fair and equal due process of law rights to effective legal material resources to meaningfully understand current legal points and authorities complicate veterans access to the courts while being in forma pauperous and in proper. The out-dated resources and court deadline time filing restraints on research available to us incarcerated veterans in substantially inadequate and in emergency need of in cell new technology self-reliant 24/7 access reform under our U.S. Constitution. Today this subversive disparagement constantly violates incarcerated veterans U.S. and California Constitutional rights. They frustrate simple common-sense with impunity. There are over several hundred incarcerated veterans at CMF and nearby Stockton Medical Facility. Our VHV group members reach out to all of them. I would like to point out at this time that VHV is a non-profit group. We are always appealing for funds, program assistance, allowances, awards or grants, and other tax deductible opportunities or material gift assistance available our there to help support or sustain sponsorship or our important group mission. Even a small donation in any amount toward our current goal of $700 will make our annual banquet event just as outstanding, as the guests we invite. If you can please make a donation or contribute in assisting VHV in the proper directions of achieving our goal in anyway your support would be humbly appreciated. If you are unable to visit or help financially donate support to VHV we graciously understand. We realize first-hand that times are tough. But, perhaps a second thought will come to your mind – of someone else who may wish to assist us with regards. If so, and its no trouble, please scan this letter onto your social media sites and pass it along via facebook, twitter, fax, postal mail, copies, e-mail, parcel service, word of mouth, charity fund raising events or even prayer power media sites! Thank you so very much! My wise mother always gave this advice to me growing up and its now one of my personal beliefs I always pass along: “Don’t worry when you can pray, when you can’t pray, then you have something to worry about.” The trust I have in my mothers wisdom gives me the hope, faith and courage to reach out to you with prayer in our time of need. We value your veterans’ spirit in giving your time, love and support. But, most importantly, keep us in prayer. In honor of your contributions, VHV does respond favorably to all gifts both spiritual and material with a certificate of appreciation in heart-felt gratitude. Moreover, in addition, at your request and approval we can also provide you with complimentary sponsorship space in our VHV quarterly newsletter, Broken Arrow! In closing, we just have one more wish to fondly beseech of you. On May 17th, Armed Forces Day, VHV will celebrate this Veterans holiday hosting our annual banquet. We wish to cordially invite you and/or your representatives to come visit and be our honored guest. We value this opportunity to share our hospitality and goodwill with you. Please let us know your reply as soon as possible in order that we can provide you with visiting guest clearance (if needed) and process your reservations – free parking included! Note: Please call the day before your travel to be sure there is no facility lockdown or cancellations. At last years VHV banquet we were blessed to have honored guests and speaker, Mr. Terrance P. Hubert, Chairman Vietnam Veterans Committee and Incarcerated Veterans Committee, all the ways from Silver Springs, MD. This was a fine affair and very memorable occasion! We pray you can attend this years banquet! Thank you very much for your considerations and support. We are truly grateful. God bless you and God bless America.