
Skyld, Sylvanus



3-3-18 Perspective by [redacted] Ace Backwords said it best when he said the $7 Philly cheese steak sandwich was a treasure of culinary delight, until a person stuck it on top of a trash-can and reduced it to a piece of garbage. Is that what happens when someone goes to prison? I remember when I began my 25 year sentence. I thought there's no way I can do a lifetime in a cage. I told my mother I'd rather risk it all to live free or die in the wire than live life in chains. In 1995, my home-made fence cutters made it into No Man's Land before they broke. With an attempted escape ticket in 1995, I never saw a medium-custody again. The next 20 were all in max-n-supermax. How did I do it? If you can find it, there's a jewel of a book called "Magic and Mystery in Tibet", by Alexandra David-Neel. My eye opened to see myself clearly. An epiphany: I realized, this is only a cage if that is all you can see it as, but if you let it be, it is a school, where one must be careful what one thinks, for your thoughts become your words, and you must be careful what you say then, for your words become your deeds, and when your deeds become habits, it is these that forge your character! Just a thought!

Author: Skyld, Sylvanus

Author Location: Arizona

Date: March 3, 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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