Poverty and crime

Criminally Violent Felon



[Poverty and Crime] 7/14/2018 Hello, I am a product of society. I robbed that bank because I am poor. Homeless shelters and jobs I had were always temporary. I never had enough money to keep me off the streets of Downtown Los Angeles. At least prison takes care of me. But I'll eventually get out. And what then? I heard I got 6 months at a halfway house during which I must find a job that is able to support me. But I couldn't do that following the rules of society. How can I succeed? Another bank? What about help from family and friends? They can barely help themselves. And at what point am I considered an adult? I'm 27 and I still can't provide for myself. My only outlet was to be a criminal. Then all of a sudden I get food, shelter, health care, a job from prison. All I wanted was to live but I couldn't make it being a law abiding citizen. Seems like theres only a demand for criminals. Luckily, I'm educated so I know there are people worst off than me. So I shouldn't hold my breath for the freedom I desire as I continue my career as a Criminally Violent Felon. Sincerely, Criminally Violent Felon

Author: Criminally Violent Felon

Author Location: California

Date: July 23, 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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