Prison security (wing-hopping)

Miller, Paul R.



"Notice" Subject: Prison Security (Wing-Hopping) To: The American Prison Writing Archive (APWA) From: Paul R. Miller, Inmate - LLCC, Ky. Date: 7-6-2020 Hello: Something that has been allowed in some of Kentucky's prisons is wing-hopping and most of the prison crime happens because of this. It is in the policies and procedures in every prison in Kentucky that wing-hopping is not allowed but it is not enforced at all in some of the prisons. Inmates will go from wing to wing seeing who has what and how old/weak the inmates are that has anything of value. Most of the time it's drug addicts and/or drug addict gang members looking for a way to get high when there are drugs in the prison. I have been a part of Kentucky's prison system for over 25 years and this is the most out of control I have ever seen the inmates on average and the sad part is that it "appears" that prison staff could care less what happens? I have heard prison staff at two (2) different prisons say that they don't get paid enough to care... Wing-Hopping is when most older/weaker people (inmates) are assaulted and robbed and most of the time it's old white inmates (people) over 50 that are to weak to defend themselves... This is a major security issue... Thank you. Paul R. Miller LLCC Inmate - Ky.

Author: Miller, Paul R.

Author Location: No information

Date: July 6, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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