Reflections from the cement coffin June 6, 2013 – Thursday – roughly 4:09 A.M.

Nobody (California)



Reflections From the Cement Coffin (June 6, 2013 - Thursday - roughly 4:09 A.M) My eyes suddenly opened alittle before 3:39 A.M. I experienced another visit into the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness or maybe I should think of the experiences instead as visits into the sleeping lady's subconscious mind. I like this perceptual shift with the use of these two terminology models: the inner world of the sleeping lady's subconscious mind and the outer world of the sleeping lady's conscious mind. This is a example of the sleeping lady teaching me. The sleeping lady is simply another terminology model synonymous with the terminology model "our United States being", just as other terminology models are such as Mother Earth and zero point emotional field. This makes me think of the biblical reflections, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it"(John 1: 1-5). It seems reasonable to consider that the religious ideologies of religious ideologues arent aware of the nature of the word of God to the degree that they have presumed to be aware. I have to lean on one of my favorite proverbs here; "Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him" (26:12). For starters, it may be that the Word of God religious ideologues perceive to exist is actually the Word of the Goddess (Mother Earth, zero point emotional field, divine mind, our United States being, Pro. 3:18, etc.) – and the word of the Goddess may actually be the incarnated symbol of her living existence – the Word of Goddess therefore existing in her divine mind and with her divine mind as co-equal. This takes me to the Biblical reflections, "Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ - Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross" (Philippians 2: 4-8). Christ appears to be another one of the terminology models synonymous with the sleeping lady and the others mentioned. The biblical character Jesus would then simply be the symbol of the Goddess who didn't consider it robbery to be co-equal with the Goddess. And then the directive is for each member of our grassroot body to allow the mind of the Goddess to exist and reveal itself from within to him or her. All we are talking about is the partnership we are obligated to develop and establish with the Goddess. The partnership is reciprocal and symbiotic (co-equal) in essence – not in power. The Goddess is uncompromisingly the higher power. However, our partnership with her is not authoritative like the partnership the partnership the book of ideologues enter into with the patriarchal God – you know – "Shut the fuck up and think like I tell you to think – believe what I tell you to believe or yo' ass gone burn up in the hell fire – I said shut up!!! – You bet not doubt or question what I tell you to believe – I own your soul – to hell with a plan of action to build the kingdom of heaven on mother earth in right now time – let the children suffer – the devil is in control of this world and you bet not think about attempting to change that – you just keep waiting for the day of judgement" – That's the authoritative nature of the patriarchal God – atleast it seems reasonable to consider. On the other hand, the matriarchal Goddess allows us to experience our individual paths. The principle or divine law of cause and effect helps us to understand the nature of our reciprocal-symbiotic relationship / partnership with the Goddess. For instance, if the clearly stated intent of the cause is not to create a world in which no child, woman or man suffers, then neither will the Goddess help to manifest the effect of such a cause. She does not force us authoritatively to accept the greater potential of her power. And it is unreasonable for us to claim possession of free-will and then complain about the consequences 2) experienced as a result of the free-will we claim to possess. If we don't end the presumption of understanding more and knowing better than the principled-divine thinking of the Goddess, then how is it possible for us to receive the guidance of her higher power. We subsequently don't allow her to play her role in our partnership and we are left to run around in this world unaware of the greater potential of our creative ability when we move toward the objective as one united grassroot body. But this appears to be the allegorical intent of the Biblical word of God incarnating and becoming flesh, rather the symbol of the Goddess incarnating in order to travel the path of developmental awareness and facilitate the process of synchronicity leading toward the objective. I perceive the process of synchronicity I speak of as being that of my path unfolding in alignment with our grassroot opening up to greater awareness and acceptance of the partnership we share with the Goddess – greater awareness allowing us to exercise our free will (i.e. intent) as independent thinkers in partnership with the Goddess (i.e. our higher power / emotional intelligence). It is this process that allows us to learn how to experience our existence with each other; that allows us to learn how to utilize the greater potential of our creative ability. I think of the Biblical reflections, "strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and converted us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Divine Law of Mentalism), in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God (Nobody), the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones of dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him (Divine Law of Mentalism). And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell (United States being conscious), and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on Earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight" (Col 1:11-22). (June 7, 2013 – Friday – Roughly 12:13 A.M) This experience is such that sometimes I don't even want to talk about but to just let the experience unfold and speak for herself but I suppose me continuing to talk about it is a necessary part of the experience. I never got back to it but, when my eyes suddenly opened early yesterday morning, it was after I had experienced a visit into the inner world of sleeping lady subconsciousness. All that I was able to recall of it was a vague discussion having something to do with unification. I then began to move through reflections on paper not as I was intending to but instead followed the flow of emotional intelligence into some of the Biblical reflection having to do with unification and the nature of our existence. I could feel a surge of positive aggressive emotion moving through me. I feel it now but not to the degree that I did early yesterday morning. So I moved somewhat aggressively through reflections – freestyle to a degree – run-on sentences – run-on paragraphs – maybe alittle redundant, as would be the possible indication through Robert during our discussion on the way back from morning chow. What I was intending to say in relation to the synonymous terminology models is the terminology model sleeping lady seems to be indicative of the personal relationship I am experiencing with our United States being. Subsequently, if the nature of my personal relationship with the sleeping lady is considered to be the right now time incarnation of the Biblical story's intended description of the relationship between the Goddess and the symbol of her living existence, it seems reasonable to consider that I would be allowed to illustrate, by virtue of my path, how to manifest / evoke the potential of the power personified by terminology model the sleeping 3) lady. This point consideration is in connection with the possibility that the religious ideologue doesn't comprehend the nature of the word of God (i.e. the word of the Goddess) to the degree presumed. It appears that the nature of the word of the Goddess is possible to essentially be perceived as microcosmic zero point emotional field – rather the word would be the symbol existing in the zero point emotional field with the ability to facilitate activating the greater potential of her emotional field's intelligence. As the representative of her United States being consciousness traveling the necessary path of developmental awareness, it seems reasonable that I would be allowed to illustrate to our grassroot body more clearly how we are able to utilize and manifest a greater degree of the higher power that the Goddess is. The nature of the word has to do with potential manifestation – how to do the work necessary to access the potential in order to manifest the greater degrees of it necessary for the transformation of this ideologically constructed world. It may be that the point in me being compelled to move through those reflections is to be able to more seriously accept what appears to be the nature of my existence as the living word of the Goddess. Yesterday morning, after I did move through reflections relating to the nature of the word of the Goddess, after mentioning the distinction between the inner world of the sleeping lady's subconsious mind and the outer world of the sleeping lady's conscious mind, it was on the way back from morning chow that Robert spoke with me a little about the book on the demise of western civilization he was reading. The demise of western civilization may be being allegorical for the demise of the tyrannical rulership by patriarchy (i.e. ideology) in order for matriarchy to rise and create a peaceful and stable world – in other words the demise of patriarchy and the rise of matriarchy is the end of death and the beginning of experiencing life – it seems reasonable to consider. Anyway, in relation to the book, Robert spoke to me about how difficult it was to read – too complicated – the author using numerous word models to say the same thing – taking several pages to make a point that he could have made in a few sentences – talking about the common thread running through religious ideologies in a extensive manner instead of just concisely summarizing. He said that he was trying to enjoy the book but the author's writing style made it difficult to do. As I listened, I could feel the emotional intelligence digging into me a little. The indication from the emotional intelligence could have possibly been confirming me aggressively moving through reflections on paper earlier that morning and therefore confirming the reflections I considered relating to the nature of the word of the Goddess. But the emotional intelligence also resonated as a verbal chastisement for me still being too complicated and incoherent with the way I am moving through reflections. My response to Robert was that, for those reading the book who may not be at the level of awareness that he is, the writing style of the author may help in making the connections necessary to assist the reader in advancing his/her awareness relating to the particular subject matter written about. But it seemed, nevertheless, as if I was arguing with myself because the emotional intelligence continued to resonate as if our United States being was chastisement – was chastising me for not being simple enough with the reflections I had moved through. I didn't judge myself too much, though, because, no matter to what degree I may struggle to grasp greater degrees of simplicity, my primary focus strategically is always the initial one I employed once physical incarceration behind physical walls began, which is to just keep hustling to advance in awareness. This allows me to strengthen focus on the only power I appear to have, which is to rehabilitate myself. I am then able to have faith, based on the operation of principle or divine law, on the process of effective thinking, synchronizing, toward the objective, the movement of the things I have no control over outside myself. I will increase in simplicity as long as I continue to move through reflections on paper as well as on my – in my mind. But what ever the actual indication of emotional intelligence was through Robert, whether the intent was solely confirmation or chastisement or maybe both, one thing that would appear to be certain is that the movement was another 4) illustration of a psychological synchronicity. It seems the psychological synchronicity continued through the discussion Robert and I had on the yard the same morning. We spoke primarily about the importance of being able to convey seemingly difficult considerations with simple clear analogies. We discussed two analogies that appear to clearly shed light on the nature of the American experiment as the ideologically constructed world and the root cause of world conflicts – rather of conflicts in this world such as the conflict in Syria being observed. In relation to the American experiment, it is simply like a con game somebody is running on somebody that nobody is aware of. It seems reasonable to consider that it is impossible for anybody in this world to guard themselves against being conned by a con man and his con game if there is no awareness of being conned. And, even if there is suspician that something criminal is going on, it would still seem to be impossible for somebody to guard theirself against the detrimental effects of the con game if there is underawareness of the nature and elaborate scope of the con game. This is essentially the nature of the American experiment (this ideologically constructed world) – an elaborate con game we have all been underaware of. When I was in the cell with Kay, while in X-wing at Soledad, we discussed the deceptive nature of religious-political-economic ideology and he summarized the American experiment as the ultimate deception for the greatest good. It is a perception, as well, that helps to simplify the seemingly complicated dynamics of this world. The ultimate deception for the greatest good is the global con game personified by trickle down economic ideology. Thinking in terms of the global con game we have been underaware of, it is another way of looking at the absurdity of being judgmental against each other. How is it reasonable to find fault with somebody for falling victim to a con they had no adequate awareness of. It is tempting to judgmentally say the individual victimized by the con should have been able to read the signs – shouldn't have done this or should have known this. The bottom line, though, would appear to be that individuals are not going to subject themselves to the victimization of a con game if they are aware that it is a con game. However, the shift that occurs once awareness of the con game occurs is that the individuals no longer unknowingly participate in their own victimization by the con game. The individuals then utilize their awareness to bring the con game to a end and reverse the process of its detrimental effects on all those whom are victimized by the con game. The interesting thing that really sticks out to me about the perception of this ideologically constructed world being a massive con game in which we exist is the word model con also underscores our unknowingly cooperating with the game this is conning us (con as a prefix means with: together: jointly). I could continue making connections to this perception, such as the Biblical admonishment basically telling us that our journey is guided by the thinking process we experience so how then are we able to say we have completely figured out our own way (Pro. 20:24), but the consideration is the perceptual clarity seemingly made possible by the simple analogy of this world being a elaborate con game. (June 8, 2013 – Saturday – roughly 4:11 A.M) I experienced another visit into the inner world of the sleeping lady's subconscious mind. I had been opening my eyes and checking the small one by two inch digital sentry clock periodically every hour or so since entering into a rest period shortly before 10:30 last night. It seems as if the periodic checking of the clock personified the debate I was having with the sleeping lady – me wanting to get up and move through reflections on paper – it was my intention to do so every time I checked the clock – but it was obviously the intention of the sleeping lady to have me continue to experience the visit which I did each time I laid back down and continued within the rest period. I think of what the Biblical character Paul says about not being able to do what he intends to do but being compelled to do what he intends not to do (Romans 7:19, 20). What he says about the inner dynamic we generally think of as a battle within our body has obviously been diminished into part of religious ideology. But, it seems reasonable to look deeper at the Biblical reflections as being indicative of the over-riding control 5) of the thinking process we experience. It is reasonable, though, to perceive the thinking process experienced to be a battle within I suppose, at least during the formative stages of developing awareness until the uploading of consciousness in nearing completion. The battle within, though, between good and evil – positive and negative emotional beings – effective and ineffective thinking may actually be the thinking process being vicariously experienced through the physical being in which we exist. The battle vicariously experienced seeing to be the uploading of consciousness which reflects the shift from the process of degeneration into experiencing the process of regeneration. The established intention appears to be the key to helping determine the unfoldment of the process. This of course would have to do with the nature of the relationship between intention and the thinking process experienced being reciprocal-symbiotic. The dynamics of the relationship between the two (intention and emotional-thought being) seem to be extremely practical because it safe guards against liars being rewarded with what really matters in the American Experiment (i.e. developmental awareness of the con game).To presume to know something and to not know what is presumed to be known is to essentially be a liar. This form of lying then ranges from the lesser to greater degrees of negative intention, so what I have been basically doing for the last twenty-two years is working to stop lying to myself. It appears to be the negative intention that determines the kind of thinking process that keeps the individuals blind to this con game going on and the blindness may vary according to the degree of the negative intention. Experiencing the thinking process vicariously through the physical being may appear to be a abstract consideration. It has to be perceived with the third eye intellect. The vicarious experience is difficult, if not impossible, to experientially perceive with the judgmental mind. This it seems is a part of the ultimate deception for the greatest good. If the virtual existence of the physical being through which we experience this world, didn't appear to be as real as our existence, not only would the ultimate deception be impossible but so would our experience with each other endeavoring to create life so that we may experience life. When the intention to create life is well established, if the theory is properly aligned, it seems reasonable to consider that the process of thinking we subsequently experience will not intend for us to do anything other than achieve the objective we have established the intentions to achieve. So there are particular instances along the path that the sleeping lady compels me to do other what I intend to do but the experiences all appear to be leading to the fruition of the well established intention, which is to facilitate peace and stability for everyone. I've digressed alittle from what I was initially saying – that I was intending to get up and move through reflections on paper much earlier this morning but the sleeping lady intended for me to do otherwise. (Roughly 11:20 P.M) I've been in my mind all day listening closely to emotional intelligence with a couple of short rest periods in between. Before dozing off the second time at about 9 P.M, I told my cellmate, when he asked me if I was going to sleep, that I was just waiting for the cool night air to come and lesson the mugginess of the sweltering heat before I got up to continue moving through reflections on paper. The heat – maybe close to a hundred degrees or more in the cell – appeared to be much more bearable when laying down on the bunk being still – not moving around too much on paper or inside my mind. Being still listening to reflections that had been generated by the observed movement's emotional intelligence during morning chow and afterwards it seemed is what I was intended to do anyway. I opened my eyes from a short rest period alittle while ago but it's the one that occurred earlier in the day at around 11 A.M that appeared to be a little more unusual that the one afterwards tonight and the one beforehand early early this morning. What happened is that I was experiencing a visit into the inner world of the sleeping lady's subconscious mind during which there appeared to be a discussion. I was unable to recall what the discussion was about. But, before opening my eyes, I suddenly began choking as if I had drank water down the wrong wind pipe or something. It was the choking and grasping for air that caused me to open my eyes from the visit and begin attempting to recollect what had occurred. It was then that 6) related to the theory of independent thinking began to resonate clearly in my mind. The reflections indicated to me a stronger perceptual approach to communicating the theory. For instance, an independent thinker would appear to reflect the existence of the independent thinker as being a self-creative-organizing organism. In his book, Berdyaev's Philosophy: The Existential Paradox of Freedom and Necessity, Fuad Nucho seems to indicate that Berdyaev, when citing the work of Kant, considered the relationship between independent thinking and existence as a self-creating-organizing organism. I'm going to quote at length when he writes, "Berdyaev firmly believed that he stood right in the middle of the streem of freedom that flows from the high mountains of Kantian philosophy. It goes without saying, therefore, that in order to gain a better understanding of Berdyaev's philosophy of freedom, it is imperative that the concept of freedom in the philosophy of Kant be investigated. For Kant, the will is supreme in human life. Man's willing is more fundamental than his knowing. His highest capacity and supreme duty lies in the actualization of his freedom in moral action. Ethical considerations, rather than speculative knowledge, comes first in importance. In the Kantian revolution, ethics replaces both physics and metaphysics. The will is the sun around which the speculative planets rotate. By obeying the metaphysical law within his own will, man liberates himself from the realm of necessity imposed upon him by nature as Richard Kroner puts it in his work, Kant's weltanschauung, "By the subordination of the will to moral is able to free himself from the compulsion of natural necessity." Moral action is the bridge on which man walks from necessity to freedom. The moral law, according to Kant, is man's dependable guide and competent liberator. It was the vital contrast between nature and morality, between necessity and freedom, so fundamental in Kant's philosophy, which captivated Berdyaev's imagination and became the irresistible undercurrent of his philosophical thinking. According to Kant, man is the meeting place of two spheres: what is and what ought to be. As Dr. Kroner has shown, Kant's attempt to reconcile the dualism of nature and morality in some supersensible unity, in some ultimate subject, does not prove successful because "Kant intends to exalt the moral law as the summit of man's total existence, and yet he also wants to put God above this summit." Thus, the dualism must continue to exist as a moral necessity" (Pgs. 41, 42). (June 9, 2013 – Sunday – roughly 4:36 A.M). It's now roughly 6:21 A.M. My intention was to continue moving through reflections on paper throughout the early morning hours but after I completed moving through the initial quote from the book, reflections generated by the emotional intelligence began moving at a speed that compelled me to lay back and listen. I did so until shortly after 3:00 A.M. Got up alittle before 4:36 A.M with the same intention to continue moving through reflections on paper but it was reflections that continued to move at a fast pace, so I returned to another rest period until about 5:45 A.M. I suppose when I move through the reflections of such philosophers as Kant and Berdyaev, I'm so intrigued by the similarity between their considerations and my own that emotional intelligence moves aggressively to unify more and more of the connections, as well as to discern the dissimularites. It is interesting to me that such philosophers were exploring over a hundred years ago the keys to creating a world of peace and stability for everyone. When Kant suggests that the will is supreme in human life, it appears he is 7) talking about the power of intention or the quantum mechanics observer principle that the observer has the ability to move life according to the strength of his or her intention to do so. I suppose it is the observer principle that really serves as the basis for the theory of independent thinking. The inability to move this world into the world of American exceptionalism would then be a direct reflection of the intention not to do so. Kant considered the possibility of this through the perception of the will and it appears that Berdyaev was in agreement with him. Kant's attempt to reconcile the dualism of morality and nature, though, seems to have been an unknowing attempt to move into the awareness of the reciprocal-symbiotic relationship between intent / will and the process of thinking. He seems to equate moral law with the living existence of immutable divine law and that it is, by virtue of the will, that the human being is able to, with increasing consistency apply divine law to everyday experience and reconcile the degenerative regenerative duality of nature (i.e. good / evil – Devil / God) by transmuting the degenerative aspect through said effective action. Dr. Kroner suggests that, because Kant intends to exalt the moral law as the summit of man's existence, and yet also want to put God above the summit, that the dualism of nature must continue to exist as a moral necessity. (Roughly 10:50 A.M) I was attempting to push through the reflections on paper but the tension and tiredness – mental fatigue that began to occur compelled me to discontinue – sit still for a short while and allow the flow of reflections to reset. It seems I am now able to see more clearly where emotional intelligence is taking me relating to the duality of nature and moral necessity, as it pertains to the theory of independent thinking. In contrast to what Dr. Kroner suggests, it seems reasonable to consider that the dualism of nature, in the sense of the metaphorical struggle between good and evil or the predator and the prey, doesn't have to continue to exist as a moral necessity. Let me go back to the dualism of nature essentially being between regeneration and degeneration. It seems possible that the degenerative aspect of the dualism is capable of being transmuted / neutralized (at least the negative effects counter-productive to sustainable regeneration being experienced) and yet the dualism still being capable of being experienced. If dualism is a necessity for experience to be possible, then it would seem that dualism has to be able to be reconciled and yet the experience of dualism still be possible. The issue that Kroner points out about Kant exalting moral law as the summit of man's existence and then at the same time putting God above that summit seems to bring into play the difference between divine law and religious ideology, if moral law is equated to be the same as divine law. But it seems as if Kroner is equating moral law what the Biblical Ten Commandments or the moral code of ethics sanctioned by religious ideology. In this sense the dualism of nature must continue to exist inorder for the patriarchal God sit separated from His creation in judgement of good and evil over His creation with the pinnacle of judgements being the grand finale Day of Judgement. To reconcile and free ourselves from the dualism of nature as Kant suggests it seems is also to free ourselves from the tyrannical degenerative rulership of the patriarchal God. It would have seemed that Kant would have been aware of dualism being reconciled to be same as reconciling, via transmutation, ideological patriarchy with divine feminine sacred because in his essay he talks about it being Mother Nature who gives birth to the seed of independent thinking – he speaks of this in his essay What is Enlightenment. What Dr. Kroner maybe doesn't consider is that there is no contradiction at all between moral law (i.e. divine law) being the summit of man's existence and a higher power being above the summit. The philosophical misstep would appear to be the separation between divine law and the higher power. The human being is intended to be a agent of divine law just as a agent of the higher power. In the sense that divine law and the higher power can be considered to be one and the same, divine law can reasonably be considered 8) to be the summit of the human being's existence, since the guidance of divine law (i.e. effective thinking process) leads to the experience of a divine world. Atleast this seems reasonable to consider. What more is there essentially to do than to enter into the thinking process and guidance of divine law. This requires independent thinking on behalf of the individual (Roughly 2:17 P.M) I haven't made all the possible connections that can be made to the excerpt. I've been attempting to move somewhat fast through the reflections to get to the clarity seemingly intended. When it comes to the will (intent) and nature (thinking process), in order for the reciprocal relationship to exist, they would seem to both have to be of the nature of dualism. To think of nature as a thinking process is a interesting consideration. Like the higher power, divine law would then exist both within and beyond the dualism. I suppose it would be reasonable to perceive divine law as both the guide and referee within the dynamics of intention and the thinking process. There are the seven basic divine laws and then there is the divine (perfect) law of liberty (James 1:22-25) which seems to be the prerequisite to entering – experiencing the greater potential of the seven. The divine law of liberty basically states that if the individual is not – has no intentions to cause harm to self or to another – is not against somebody – then that individual is allowed to learn the lessons necessary to progress along his or her path. The divine law of liberty is basically the directive to respect the individual paths of each other while focusing on the self-mastery of our own individual path. This is divine morality it seems – a clear difference from the morality legislated by religious ideology – for instance – religious ideology sanctions the judgment against gay people and others judged to be morally culpable. These judgments then evolve into hate, divisions, bloodshed –but the judgments are clearly a part of the moral and ethical code of religious ideology – but what seems to have become more clear to me in relation to the theory of independent thinking, the divine law of liberty and my ability to communicate more effectively; it may be that my communication is to some degree in disalignment with the divine law of liberty. I'm talking about the subtle degree of respecting the individual path of other members of our United States being. I think an essential part of doing so is not to even suggest to other members of our United States being what they should or should not think about the dynamics of this ideologically constructed world. This would appear to be apart of existing deeper within my mind – a part of the application of divine morality – respecting the path of each member – I can see this as a deeper meaning of what it means to communicate with nobody. I communicate with nobody because I communicate with the United States being that I imagine to exist – not the United States being at war with each other. The members in agreement will hear our one voice– the perception is that of individual independent thinking self-creative-organizing United States being uniting together to form a more perfect union – the world of American exceptionalism – it would seem that applying divine morality on this level will help to strengthen intention – it just feels like a different way of communicating – a clearer perception – more in alignment with the theory of independent thinking and divine law of liberty. The following quoted at length excerpt seems to agree as well with the power of independent thinking and the ability to self-organize – meaning that we all have the ability to organize peace and stability in our lives by connecting with divine law. Hence the following excerpt: "What left a lasting impression on Berdyaev was Kant's ethical subjectivism. Kant refers to man's birthright of freedom as "the one sole original, inborn right belonging to every man of virtue of his humanity." But this inborn right to be free does not mean that freedom itself is a natural endowment. Kant insist that man is free because he ought to will and act as a free agent, a free subject. This is so because freedom belongs to the subject, which is a person. Freedom never belongs to the object, which is impersonal. In other words, man is the author of his own actions. He is not merely a product of nature but is also a moral agent who initiates his own deeds. For the sake of freedom, Kant restricts nature. It is through 9) his power of self-determination that man is free. "Freedom in the practical sense is the independence of the will of coercion by sensuous impulses." Man's power of self-determination, Kant asserts, is a cause that is radically distinct from the causes found in natural science in the world of physical phenomena. The cause in the former, namely, the will in rational beings and the ability of such will to operate without external causes, is itself freedom. On the other hand, the causes in the latter, that is, in irrational beings, are the working of physical necessity. The will in rational beings operating without external causes constituting freedom would seem to correlate with what the Declaration for Independence speaks of as separating from the political bands which attach one people (i.e. grassroot body) to another (i.e. ideological body). This may relate to the reflections I moved through earlier concerning communicating with nobody. Inorder to possibly stay in complete alignment with the divine law of liberty. To communicate with nobody would seem to definitely be the way to exercise will without external cause. My cause is internal based on divine logic as to the mechanics of this world and the purpose of our existence in it. To be caught up in the things of this world (ideologies) would seem to be the will whose cause operates externally out of physical necessity – but maybe this is to simply say the distinction between internal and external cause is the difference between good and bad intentions – but I suppose the easier connnection to internal cause as freedom of will is the conscious existence of the individual inside the physical being as a seperate yet wholistically connected being. The being is then free within to express the cause of his / her will as chosen in alignment with divine law. On the other hand, to not be able to experiencially perceive one's individual existence inside the physical being would appear to indicate attacment to physical world and therefore the cause being that of physical necessity. The excerpt continues about the freedom of will, "As Wilhelm Windelband has pointed out, Kant's "categorical imperative must be the expression of the autonomy of the practical reason, i.e. of the pure self -determination of the rational will." This means that freedom implies self-legislation. "What else then can freedom of the will be," Kant asks, "but autonomy, that is, the property of the will to be a law to itself?" The rational will, according to Kant, being identical with pure practical reason, has the power to legislate for itself. The rational will is thus at one and the same time both originator and observer of the moral law. Legislating for itself, it obeys itself alone, "so that a free will and a will subject to moral laws are one and the same." In the words of Dr. Kroner, "No one before Kant had ever exalted man so much; no one had ever accorded him such a degree of metaphysical independence and self-dependence." In Kantian philosophy, man is freed not only from nature but likewise from external supernatural powers. Man, therefore, is absolutely valuable in himself because his worth and dignity make him an end in himself and never a means. This worth, says Kant, belongs in the highest degree to the moral law itself. The motive which stimulates man obey this law must be nothing but reverence for the law itself. The worth or dignity of the moral law, however, passes over to the man who is determined by this alone in the whole extent of his experience, and is able to determine himself by the law itself, to be its agent, and to identify himself with it, hence, as Windelband concludes, Reverence for the worth of man is for Kant the material principle of moral science. Man should do his duty not for the sake of advantage, but out of reverence for himself, and in his intercourse with his fellow-man he should make it his supreme maxim, never to treat him as mere means for the attainment of his own ends, but always to honor in him the worth of personality" (Pgs 43, 44). Nobody

Author: Nobody (California)

Author Location: California

Date: October 17, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 18 pages

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