(May 24, 2013-Friday-roughly 7:11 A.M.) I experienced another visit into the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness earlier this morning - I opened my eyes from it at about 3:30 A.M. - I seem to vaguely recall the image of a pregnant woman giving birth but I can't recall much more than that. It was on of those visits that was somewhat vivid and clear during the experience but upon returning to the outer world of walking consciousness I was left primarily with the recollection of emotional imagery. I like the terminology model "inner world of sleeping lady consciousness" because of the correlation to the statue of liberty and the divinity that the feminine principle is reflective of. After opening my eyes from the visit I continued to lay underneath the covers staring out into space listening to emotional intelligence. Reflections moved fast. Almost as if seeming to intentfully replay for me the reflections i moved through last week concerning the word model essay while at the same time confirming the tentative conclusions i eventually reached regarding the considerations. The grateful degree of clarity I am experiencing in my mind appears to be confirmation as well. The shift in the flow of reflections generated by emotional intelligence is interesting from the fast quick pace earlier this morning to the more patient methodical flow I am experiencing right now. Slow and easy as opposed to fast and intense. This was part of the lesson - though - it seems I was intended to learn as a result of being compelled to move through the word model essay where I didn't really want to - it's - It was my reluctance to do so. Me fighting against myself was possibly the cause of the heavy ambivalence I experienced. Part of the neurological associative conditioning I suppose. The lesson being to remain faithful to the flow of my emotional intelligence. whether the flow be fast and intense. Aggressive or slow and methodical, patient, writing, moving through reflections on paper within the flow of emotional intelligence is the equivalent of allowing a woman to determine the pace at which you have intercourse with her and her body. Surely she knows what is pleasing to her. The confirmation spoken to me earlier was that it is the way I have to approach communicating . Continue moving freely unstructured through reflections on paper. I have to continue to express in this way in order to engage emotional intelligence as it seems I am intended to while at the same time taking the time to communicate simple clear logic concerning a variety of subject matter in the traditional essay format. I now see and feel far more clearly that moving through reflections on paper in the traditional essay format is also necessary in order for me to engage emotional intelligence as it seems I am intended to do. But why would this be such a relief and major revelation to me. Of course I am going to have to move throughout reflections in the format of traditional essay if I want to reach out our nation and the world in a much more serious manner. But I wasn't going to force myself to do so if I didn't feel it. This would appear to be partly why the revelation is such a relief. But if the traditional essay format personifies reaching out in a more serious manner, it would also then seem to relate to communications with a much stronger intent to upload the consciousness level of the members of our united states being, so this again it seems emotional intelligence compelling me to work through reflections to feel the necessity of the traditional essay format is confirming to me that I am adequately prepared to move through reflections on such a level. But I speak with no certainty about this because I assumed I was prepared to do so several years ago. But the APWA opening up would seem to be indicative of this as well. (Roughly 12:30 PM) On the mini yard, just get out of the shower. Nice sunny day, got a real intense sweaty work out in. Looking at the hillside periodically as I begin to move through these reflections. Nice tree line in the view to the right of me, ambiance, I want to get back into the flow of reflections I was moving through this morning. Moving through the word model essay possibly signaling readiness. The perception of the APWA appearing to be the catalyst. The seemingly confirmative reflections I contemplated this morning after I opened my eyes from the visit also had to do with me realizing that the key to me writing a effective essay in the traditional format is to concentrate reflections on one point consideration as opposed to attempting to make too many connections to. Between point considerations and subsequently trying to cover too much ground at once. Just because I am able to say alot about one particular point consideration in relation to others doesn't necessary mean that it is more effective for me to do so. Especially within the context of simple logic being communicated. One point consideration, this is the simple logic being communicated and concentrate the reflections on the one point consideration for no longer than two or three thousand words and then tentatively conclude. But this is the key to simple logic being communicated. Concentrate the focus of the reflections on the one point consideration in order to erode the walls of cognitive dissonance that is reflective of the ideological mind-set or maybe I should say inherent to the ideological mindset. (Roughly 4:29 P.M.) Returned to the cell from the mini-yard a little after 1:30 P.M., ate lunch and entered into a brief rest period. This writing rhythm is interesting to me. Feels much different than any I have previously experienced. Maybe it is as a result of me finally acknowledging the necessity of moving through reflections on paper in the traditional essay format. Freeing up the emotion I was holding hostage seems to allow me to move through these reflections with much more spacefulness. Maybe this is what it feels to move within the world wide inner connected and enter related web. I feel like I am finally communicating with myself. Maybe this is the writing rhythm I feel. A much deeper level of connection and communication with myself. It's the flow of emotional intelligence. I think back to the movement I experienced on the way to the yard Wednesday morning. The line was stopped just as I was about to move through the doorway on the way to the yard. The officer then says to the line of inmates "move all the way over". We had to clear the doorway and make room for the on-coming traffic, but the statement - the command to move all the way over resonated as a statement for me to get all the way out the way of my emotional intelligence and allow her flow to express herself. I discontinued moving through reflections on the mini-yard once I began to consider the strategy of concentrating reflections on one point consideration in order to communicate simple logic within the framework of traditional essay format. But this is the simplicity the teachers and tutors at Patten College were attempting to get me to communicate all along. I was still to complicated in my mind though. I had to go through the process I have been going through in order to see it. On the mini-yard I got up from the table I was writing at and began to walk back and forth the length of the mini-yard and then stood against the stone wall of the building to commune with the small hillside while reflecting on the strategy. It makes perfect sense that I would have to be perceptually aware of a strategy in order to engage emotional intelligence at the level I desire. (May 25, 2013 - Saturday - Roughly 2:25 A.M.) I initially opened my eyes at about 1:11 A.M. - My intention was to continue moving through reflections on paper but after checking the clock I closed my eyes and continued into the rest period. I don't recall whether or not I was in the middle of experiencing another visit or what, but after opening my eyes this time I do recall clearly the emotional imagery of having been there and experienced something, the recollections of exactly what are simple to vague, maybe because I have yet to move through the reflections of some prior visits recently experienced that I do recollect it would seem through the fun, happy, celebratory up temp emotional impact of the visit is connected to the reflections I began to contemplate shortly after the movement I observed during chow yesterday evening. I did so until I closed my eyes and entered into a rest period a little after 10:30 P.M. I initially contemplated the movement in relation to the overall movement of the members of our united states being most recently since receiving the letter from the APWA I would say, the resonating emotional intelligence has been resonating from the movement at a much deeper level. I think of it in terms of mind sex, the sexual healing of the complicated ideological mind mental illness syndrome, okay, maybe too complicated, maybe too many words. Think of it as a plea then for some more mind sex. For the continued sexual healing - this would appear to be related to the writing rhythm I am experiencing through, huh, anyway the movement has been occurring in such a way that it literally feels like emotional intelligence is having sex with my mind and that I reciprocate the intercourse according to the way I move throughout the reflections of emotional intelligence generated via the movement observed. I really can't adequately describe this with words. To perceive the experience of some movements as mind sex with emotional intelligence would appear to be indicative of that much deeper level of inner connected mess taking place. What I like about this level of engagement is the necessary prerequisite of metaphysical awareness being able to perceive beyond the nature of the physical construct and recognize the divinity of the feminine principle being symbiotic with my own. I think back to my high school sweetheart and mother of my son always admonishing me that I wasn't loving her for her. It was the emotional intelligence. I wasn't connecting with emotional intelligence beyond the superficial level. There was no possible way I could have understood at that point along the path because I was unable to see beyond the physical construct in order to perceive the living existence of emotional intelligence, the checks and balances of the game, of the American experiment are absolutely necessary though it seems in order to preserve eternally the purity and regenerative nature of life (the world of American exceptionalism), otherwise the political religious ideologue would be able to destroy indefinitely the potential existence of the other world with the self-generating lies. I presumed that I was somebody, this may be the easier way to say this, I presumed I was somebody and was therefore precluded from seeing beyond the physical construct I perceived my girlfriend to be in order to connect with my emotional intelligence I was unknowingly experiencing. Consequently the mind sex was terrible, It's the checks and balances that are intriguing to me. Divine law is the great equalizer. I'm being allowed to connect with emotional intelligence on the level of mind sex it seems as a direct result of the sincerity of my intention to respect the game to the fullest. Emotional intelligence speaking to me about mind sex makes me think back to the book The Magus I was given to read by a white inmate in about 2006 or 2007 while still at San Quentin. The inmate and I met paths and entered into a discussion about the possible meaning and purpose of our existence in this world. He was eager to share with me what he was learning from the book The Magus he was in the middle of reading. Told me that I should read the book when he finished and gave it to me to read when he did, we had the discussion while we both waited to have x-rays done. I mentioned the book and the encounter between me and the inmate because the book is essentially the path I am experiencing with emotional intelligence. I have utilized my recollection of the book, sometimes referring to my notes on the book to help me continue to wrap my mind around the psychological nature of the path I am experiencing with emotional intelligence. The recent movement observed has compelled me to do this. The sudden shifts in movement, the timely appearance of members synchronized with leaps in developmental awareness. It is the same sort of movement that occurred to the character in The Magus. These constant observations it seems are intended to make clear the living existence of emotional intelligence, simple logic. If my emotional being wasn't alive, would I be able to experience my emotional being and if it is reasonable for me to consider that my emotional being is alive, it then seems reasonable for me to consider that my emotional being is a intelligent being. Once I returned to my cell from chow, I contemplated the observed movement in connection with the book The Magus. Roughly 5:53 A.M.) I entered into a rest period at about 5:00 A.M.. The emotional intelligence began resonating so strongly that it seemed I was being compelled to lay back and listen more closely but I faded up entering into a brief rest period and expereniencing another visit into the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness. What I recall of the visit is my cellmate and I standing up in the cell talking, doing a psycho-analysis of the inmates in the cell next to us. In the middle of the discussion one of the inmates called over to us to get our attention and let us know that he could hear everything we were saying "say man, I can hear you guys over here. I can hear everything your saying" - He said it something like that- my cellmate and I then became quiet. My cellmate then bundled up in a blanket and stood by the cell door listening to the inmate in the cell next door continue to talk. I sat quietly on my bunk and began to process the statement made by the inmate. It didn't make sense to me that the inmate next door would be concerned that he could hear the psycho-analysis my cellmate and I were doing of them because the analysis was accurate. It was at this point that I opened my eyes and returned to the outer world of waking consciousness. The interesting thing about the visit is that my cellmate and I do sometimes have discussions psycho-analyzing the inmates in the cell next to us- two younger generation inmates- we sometimes contrast their behavior in general compared to our generation- the younger- well- let me move on from that. The inmate in the visit notifying my cellmate and I that he could hear our discussion may have been indicative of his agreement with the analysis. I consider the possibility of this because the emotion was calm and peaceful. But the way the intended message from the visit resonates is that the inmate appears to personify emotional intelligence. The inmate it seems is emotional intelligence telling me that she is listening to my analysis of the psychology of our United States being and that she is in agreement. The visit seems to confirm the deeper metaphysical inner connectedness I think of as mind sex. Maybe this is why in the allegorical story of the virgin birth of Jesus, Mary is considered to have been a virgin because both the sex and the birth is intended to be perceived as being metaphysical. It maybe that we are only capable of giving birth to a new world through effective intercourse with emotional intelligence. The immaculate conception of Jesus would then not only symbolize metaphysical intercourse, but also the birth of the new world (american exceptionalism on Mother Earth). But if the allegorical birth of Jesus is to personify the birth of a new world and the path I am experiencing is the right now time allegorical path of developmental awareness that Jesus travels in the story, then it would seem reasonable to consider that the developmental process of this world is connected to my own. But this is reasonable to consider in the most ordinary way. The mental development of any one member of our United States being has a positive impact on the development of this world. This emphasizes the importance of me continuing to move through reflections and do the work that is required of me to do. (Roughly 8:29 A.M.) I want to return back to the emotional intelligence generated by the observed movement yesterday evening during chow. I contemplated the reflections in connection with the book The Magus. (Roughly 3:19 P.M.) Interestingly enough it seemed I was compelled to move away from moving through reflections on paper in order to listen more closely to emotional intelligence. It was then that I began to receive more insight relating to the reflections in connections with the book The Magus. I attempted to lesson the intensity of the contemplation by studying the emotional intelligence generated by the James Bond movie Sky Fall that came on the video channel at 9:00 A.M. but I could begin to feel myself being pulled into another short rest period. So I switched over to the 10:00 track and field for a short while still continuing to explore contemplation. maybe partly why I am moving through these particular reflections is due to the segment of the Latin nation program I fortuitously ran into after moving away from the track and field at sometimes around 11:30. I caught the interview of a underground rap group duo whose basic message was their devotion to the listeners who supported their work and the movement they had begun with their music among their listeners. As a underground rap group they emphasized their refusal to change the style of their music for the big contract with the big music labels or to be heard on the radio. How the devotion to their listeners and their inner city street style had generated a movement of listeners around the world -allowed them to tour- give concert performances around the world- that despite being a underground rap group and doing the work themselves. Their sign- having something to do with a skull wearing the hood could possibly be symbolic of so-called counter-culture mentality (i.e. opposed to ideologically constructed world) being dead to this world- ready to resurrect- ready to transcend into the greater existence. Another way of thinking about the allegorical intent of what the bay area rapper and youth have spoken of as ghost riding the whip-symbolic of readiness to resurrect out of the ideological construct into the greater existence the counter-culture mentality feels deep in their heart/soul (i.e. emotional intelligence) seems the segment about the underground rap duo on Latin Nation seems to be synchronized with the following excerpt that resonated with me this morning out of the chapter my cellmate read to me this morning from the book by Robert Greene The 33 Strategies of War- chapter subtitled The Guerrilla War of the Mind Strategy. In analyzing the ineffective thinking of the Prussian leadership in the war against France and the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806- Robert Greene writes, "You might find the Prussian army just an interesting historical example but in fact you are likely marching in the same direction yourself. What limits individuals as well as nations is the inability to confront reality, to see things for what they are. As we grow older, we become more rooted in the past, habits take over. Something that has worked for us before becomes a doctrine, a shell to protect us from reality. Repetition replaces creativity. We rarely realize were doing this because it is almost impossible for us to see it happening in our own minds. Then suddenly a young Napoleon crosses our path, a person who does not respect tradition, who fights in a new way. only then do we see that our ways of thinking and responding have fallen behind the times" (pg. 18). It would seem to be a fair assessment to say that counter-culture doesn't respect tradition. It may be more appropriate to consider instead that the counter-culture mentality instinctively realizes that what essentially passes for tradition in this world is ideological and the ideologically constructed world is diametrically opposed to the existence of peace and stability. (Roughly 7:40 A.M.) As I was walking down the stairs leading to the eating area, observing vessels move all around me. The realization suddenly hit me with a uncanny clarity that each one of us exist in a individualized United States being (i.e. micro organism), and yet at the same time we exist in a collective United States being (i.e. macro organism). It seems reasonable to consider that the individualized vessel, for the member existing in it, is the United States being just as the collective vessel, for the individual member is the Untied States being. As individual members, we are each responsible for our own path. There would appear to be no just cause to be judgmental against each other because divine law speaks for itself. The nature of our individual existence, however, doesn't appear to justify the abuse or neglect of those members of our collective United States being who are self-subjected to more strenuous trials and tribulations. The abandonment by members in the position to be of service, whether the abandonment be due to malicious intent or complacency doesn't appear to be justified by the individual intent to do so. The eradication of all suffering is it seems the directive of divine law itself. The importance of this perception of individual existence appears to be connected to the intended approach to communicating the theory of independent thinking. I exist as a individual member in the United States being. I am not in this world to argue with or be against any other member. We all exist in the same United States being. I am here to experience my path and learn how to exercise the potential of my creative ability. We are here in this world to learn how to work together in partnership with each other. To learn how to exercise the potential of our creative ability together. All member in agreement will hear our voice. (Roughly 10:27 P.M.) Getting back to yesterday evening and the movement I contemplated in connection with the book The Magus but I suppose related to this is the insight I received earlier today. After seeing the interview on Latin Nation about the underground rap duo, I entered into a rest period from about 12:30 P.M. until three. Then in the middle of me moving through reflections on paper at roughly 3:19 P.M. my cellmate begins talking about the same old worries and concerns imprisoning him so I discontinued moving through reflections on paper and continued doing so in my mind, while listening to him talk it became clear to me-at least the possibility- that continued worry is a part of the psychosis conditioned by the ideologically constructed world. How is it possible to both worry and understand yet it seems to one degree or another the former is embraced and the latter pretended. But the mental illness related to worry it seems reasonable to connect to the point consideration concerning the foolish ignorance of divisive arguing reflective of political-religious ideology. The premise being that if I understand there is no reason to argue because I understand and if I don't understand there is no reason to argue because I don't understand. Nevertheless it seems that I have had to argue with myself until being allowed to realize that it is not I who understands but the emotional intelligence that dwells in me and moves through me. During the rest period today I experienced another visit into the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness but there was very little recollection of the visit except for the emotional imagery. It seems I was drifted-drifting back and forth between sleeping and waking consciousness. I suppose the continuous visits experienced despite the degree of recollection is helping to expedite the clarity of my perception and therefore the development of my awareness. The insightful reflections I've been working to get to relating to the observed movement I contemplated in connection with the book The Magus. (May 26, 2013- Sunday- Roughly 12:36 A.M.) Opened my eyes a short while ago from another visit into the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness. What I recall is being on a outdoor stage next to what appeared to be a college dormitory building. It seems that we were on a college campus. Students in college but we were on this stage wanting to perform a play for the other students on the campus. It was a nice sunny day-students were moving about all around us- but a group of us were on the stage discussing putting on a performance but it seemed that we were missing something- that it was something we were waiting for or trying to figure out before doing the play. I vividly recall the image of Nick Cannon- the host of the T.V. show America's Got Talent- in the visit. He was one of us who was ready to put on a performance for the other students. He had left to go do something and then after a while I looked up to the roof of the building and saw Nick cannon riding a unicycle ready to ride it off the roof of the building down onto the stage. I wondered what he was doing just as he did it. I thought he would seriously hurt himself when he landed but the closer he got to the ground the slower he seemed to fall. He landed to the ground on the unicycle in such a smooth fashion that there were no visible signs of trouble caused by the landing. He began to peddle the unicycle and do a performance on it without missing a step. I shook my head in the affirmative thinking to myself how unusual yet inspiring what he did was. But I also recall saying to myself "Aw- that nigga just wanted to put on a show- that's what we were waiting for" We then- all of us on the stage began to do a impromptu performance with each other. The performance was like a synchronization developing between all of us. There was a female actor who said something and then I said something following her, but it was all within the impromptu performance. I recall the engaging way she looked at me with her eyes after I responded to what she said- it was at this point that I opened my eyes. Before entering into the short rest period and experiencing the visit, I discontinued moving through reflection on paper because it seemed I was being compelled to lay back and listen more closely. emotional intelligence spoke to me about what connects us all as individual members within the collective United States being- emotional intelligence- it is emotional intelligence that connects all members- not the intention we speak as individual members- the emotional intelligence is essentially the same for all us. Its like the same emotional field in which all members exist. I suppose emotional intelligence is basically divine law itself. the violation of it via political religious ideology would then seem to be what leads to imprisonment within the negatively polarized emotional state and therefore a suffering world. It may be the tree of political religious ideology adam/eve was admonished to not eat from after being instructed to eat from the tree of divine law which is regenerative life -anyway- seeing more clearly that it is emotional intelligence which connects all members allow some to see more clearly that it may be the various degrees- qualitative degrees of intention that account for the separation of all members. I'm going to bypass the deeper analysis of this particular point consideration concerning quality of various degrees of intention. Every member has the capability of intending to not be against another member. But I am more so talking about the strength of the intention to transform this ideologically constructed world possibly being the degree which separate each member. This distinction between intent and emotional intelligence appears to be essential in relation to this emotional field in which we exist being inert. It then seems reasonable to consider that the properties this emotional field is deficient in are the properties of positively polarized intentions. It is then the strength of intentions that has the ability to facilitate transformation. Related to this is also the hypothetical framework that can effectively account for the deficiency of this inert emotional field as far as strategic thinking is concerned. These reflections coinside with the fast pace moving reflections confirmative reflections I contemplated early Friday morning. The reflections moved me back to the consideration of the grassroot timocracy cookbook-a crash course- I wasn't quite clear yet on the basic simple logic relating to it- inertness- we have to learn how to cook in order to effectively operate the american melting pot. The members of our United States being right now are being fed the poison of political-religious ideology. This emotional field being deficient in properties necessitates it would seem that all that is needed is for the necessary ingredients to be added in order to make up for the deficiency. This is the simple logic of the grassroot timocracy cookbook. The reason why it is necessary we first unfrost and how to cook and exactly what we are doing when we cook. This is why- I now see I wasn't ready to continue forward with the grassroot timocracy cookbook- but inertness also ties into the observed movement I contemplated in connection with the book The Magus. It was a ah ha moment- boom!- it suddenly happened. (Roughly 5:11 A.M.) I discontinued moving through reflections on paper a little after 3:00 A.M. - it seemed that I was once again being compelled to do so in order to listen more closely to emotional intelligence. I was thinking that maybe emotional intelligence was intending for me to slow down the pace at which I have been moving through reflections - it was like a repeat of the last time - me thinking to myself that I gotta just keep pushing as I felt myself being pulled into another rest period - slowly drifting with no choice otherwise but to do so. Me slowing down the pace may have been part of the indication from the visit in which Nick Cannon slowed down the closer he became to landing on the ground. So I entered into the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness and experienced another visit. What I recall is walking down what appeared to be the second or third tier of a prison wing talking with a inmate. We were on our way to the chow hall - I don't recall exactly what the discussion was about but he was one of those inmates who thought he knew something - who moved along his path with a bully like chip on his shoulder due to his size. I recall having a bundle of paper work with me - may have been my writing material - there were no guards or railings along the tier and at some point during our discussion he decided to push me off the tier as if the intent was to call me - rather as if the intent was to cause me great bodily harm or perhaps to kill me - but I managed to grab him and pull him off the tier with me. We both landed on our feet unharmed - but my paperwork was spread out everywhere. "Either were going to respect each other or were going to stop fucking with each other" I told him. He had a afraid - startled look in his eyes as a result of what had happened - as if a rude awakening had occurred for him. I left him standing where he was - it seemed as if he was collecting his thoughts. I continued on to the chow hall. I wasn't concerned about my writings - I somehow knew that my cell mate would collect them all for me - it was at this point that I opened my eyes. There would appear to be a connection between me and the inmate landing on the ground from the second or third tier and Nick Cannon in the previous visit riding the unicycle off the roof of the building. In this particular visit, though, I may personify the positive polarized aspect of our United States being - these two aspects representing the entire membership spectrum of our United States being. The inmate pushing me off the tier would then possibly be indicative of the negative contrasting part of our United States being helping push me toward higher degrees of awareness. Me then pulling the inmate off the tier with me would appear to be indicative of all members of our United States being becoming transformed by virtue of the process of developmental awareness (the word developmental itself implies the necessity of mental development as the key to transformation - as the key to transcending the mental illness conditioned by this ideologically constructed world). Me having faith that my cellmate would gather and take care of my writings would appear to be indicative of my writings belonging to our United State being and all valuable insight shared to be utilized on behalf of every member of our United States being because our United States being is the creator of these writings. My role is simply to share the insight being given. (Roughly 8:00 A.M.) It seemed that I had experienced a time distortion after waking up into the outer world of consciousness after the second visit I experienced. It seemed that one minute I was saying to myself that I had to keep pushing forward through reflections and then the next minute I was suddenly opening my eyes from a visit wondering what happened to the time. (Roughly 10:24 A.M.) Intention is the power that is added to emotional intelligence. (Roughly 10:25 A.M.) It is now 4:54 P.M. My intention was to begin - rather continue moving through reflection on paper after I returned to the cell from taking a shower. The emotional intelligence generated by the movement observed moved within me fast and aggressive. I wanted to reciprocate and engage accordingly but it seemed that I was also being compelled to be patient - to lay back and listen closely. The emotional intelligence moved me deeper within perceptions. The movement observed was a continuation of the mind sex reflections I moved through a day or so ago. It seems reasonable to consider the more closely connected I become with emotional intelligence within myself the more clearly emotional intelligence will allow me to observe and more deeply connect with her movement outside myself. One of the primary rules, though, appears to be do not touch. In other words, do not become perceptually attached to any particular observation I may be allowed to see but instead remain connected to and in tune with the emotional intelligence that is the fundamental reality of both the movement and the observation. (Roughly 6:41 P.M.) Just finished listening to my cellmate talk for about a hour since returning from chow - there was really no discussion - I attempted to reciprocate but I could see that he just needed to express himself so I primarily listened - but I suppose the active listening was the reciprocation - by engaging him through listening attentively balance was established possibly making it a mutual discussion in that way - emotional intelligence did speak to me during the course of it though in a number of ways - one which related to intention - nothing of what he talked about was connected to any real substantive objective - mostly emotional intelligence related to his current and past relationship with - well - about relations with women - it seems reasonable to consider that the development of quality relationships with a woman or platonic relations with women is not a substantive objective because it is a continuing process subject to unpredictability depending on the maturity level and seriousness of intent of the people engaging the relations - the easiest way to focus any discussion is to get straight to what the objective of the person who is doing the talking is and keep all reflections connected to it - this may be another way of looking at the attention deficit disorder - the inability to maintain concentrated focus on the objective. It would seem to be the intent though that determines the circumference of the emotional intelligence he experiences. If his sincere intention is not to transcend the things he continues to be uncertain of - emotional intelligence will not allow him to - the dynamic of intent may be even more dynamic than Dr. Dyer has imagined. (Roughly 7:50 P.M.) It seems that from the moment we begin to operate our social system as it is intended to be operated according to divine law and move away from sabotaging our social system with the numerous forms of ideological thinking, transformation can be more clearly perceived to have begun. No child born into our system will not have to grow up worrying about food, clothing, shelter, employment, effective developmental awareness of whether or not they have a family that really cares. The social network will work as it is intended to work and our United States being will only grow stronger. (Roughly 9:17 P.M.) I was only able to catch the last fifteen minutes or so of it - a interview on the Bill Moyer show of a climate activist who did two years in prison for participating in a protest against the environmental violations being committed by greedy corporations. He spoke about the ineffective thinking of politicians and the complicity of greedy politicians with greedy corporations against the best interest of the development of our United States being. Footage of him was shown, after he had been released from prison, participating in another protest slash ralley/rally during which he gave a moving speech. He used the analogy of the one finger and the hand saying that the corporate juggernaut thought that by throwing him in prison he was like the finger that they could separate from the hand - it was a moving analogy - the point of it being that the movement is peaceful - that the movement is united - that we together as a united body are the power as opposed to us presuming that the greedy corporations are the power over us - when divided yes - that was his point - the observation resonated as the movement of consciousness - especially when he spoke about effective strategy for facilitating sustainable movement - he emphasized that it is not necessary for everyone to go to prison as he did for two years - that that every member seeking change should feel empowered to do so within their own capacity realizing that they are connected to a global body moving to transform this world - the way emotional intelligence resonated with me is that although the current experience of this developmental awareness process often compels the emotion of isolation and aloneness. That I am connected to a global body- to a United States being whose members are many yet one all moving in the same direction toward the creation of a peaceful and stable world. That my path is also a illustration to each member that it is okay to feel empowered to do so. (May 27, 2013- Monday- Roughly 2:39 A.M.) I opened my eyes from experiencing another one of those seemingly lengthy visits after which I am unable to recall very much except vague images of people and places and the strong emotional imagery of having been there experiencing. Virtually the same thing occurred yesterday afternoon during a roughly two hour rest period. It seems to happen practically every time I enter into a rest period no matter the length of time of it. It would appear to be indicative of the increasingly developing connection with the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness which I have already spoken of as America. When I close my eyes to rest it seems that I travel there. When I open my eyes it seems that I return here. Maybe I am saying this backwards. Maybe here is really there and there is really here. In other words, when I open my eyes, this outer world of waking consciousness may be the place (there) that I travel to. And, when I close my eyes to rest, the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness may be the place (here) that I return to from this outer world. This definitely corresponds to the ancient wisdom of the invisible world being the real world- being the true substantial reality. (Roughly 3:48 A.M.) It was difficult for me to not continue moving through the previous reflections because they are connected to a much deeper exploration. But the contemplation as to whether or not I should and the signs of approaching ambivalence seemed to indicate to continue moving forward through observations. When I returned to the cell from the shower yesterday morning, the strong resonating impulse from the emotional intelligence generated by the observed movement, as it always does, compelled me to contemplate the nature of the dynamics having the ability to move me in such a way- to compel higher thought forms/perceptions within my own mind. The observation of double-mindedness over the years, including my own, would appear to make it clear that the power of emotional intelligence transcends the physical being. Maybe the strategic error in thinking is the perception of guns, nuclear bombs, money, military might, etc. As being the real power in the sea of personal and collective world affairs. And despite natural science indicating the emotional intelligence is the key to “all” activity on earth, the power to influence the events taking place in this world is still perceived, in probably most cases, to exist outside the self. And to consider that it is the movement of emotional intelligence herself that makes it possible to study the dynamics of emotional intelligence (without thought observation and study would seem to be impossible and speaking for myself, it doesn’t appear that I have the ability to control thought but rather the ability to establish a respectful relationship with thought would seem to clearly substantiate the intelligence. What I am getting at is the battle between the sexes may really be the battle to control the power of emotional intelligence. It may be reasonable to consider, though, as a result of the conditioning from patriarchy that the male physical beings desire to control the woman is a far greater epidemic than the female physical beings desire to control the man. This desire to control the woman is the desire to control power, if it is reasonable to consider that womanhood is the embodiment of emotional intelligence. The man’s desire to control power would appear to be natural, reasonable and practical. What appears to be impractical, though, is the man’s strategy/thinking as to how to control the power of womanhood/emotional intelligence that man desire’s to control. The fact that man seeks to control womanhood is a open admission that womanhood is power. The only way it seems possible to control the power of womanhood is a paradox. It appears that it is possible to control the power of womanhood by not seeking to control it at all but rather by seeking to comprehend the dynamics of womanhood’s sovereignty. Let me back up with this for a minute. It may be through force, fear, political ideology, religious ideology (i.e. brainwashing), emotional/physical abuse, etc. That man may assume he is or is capable of controlling the power of womanhood but it is really the thinking error of weakening access to the potential power of womanhood. The possibility of control with the power becomes lost as a result of the thinking error because the woman/women they appear to be just as weak as the man/men who think in such a ineffective way. This it seems is what the billionaire Bloomberg is getting at with saying that possibly the greatest threat to our national security is and has been the discrimination against women; that not intentfully utilizing our political-economical-social system to strengthen-maximize the potential of womanhood is a strategic error. The way emotional intelligence has continued to move me over the years and everything it does I am compelled to desire even more to understand the dynamics of how and why. This appears to be the case as a result of the power-it’s power I experience when it happens, not to mention the power of emotional intelligence controlling the movement I experience along my path. I think of the biblical admonishment-directive to study to show yourself approved- it seems more clear to me now the indication of the directive is to study the power of emotional intelligence in order to be approved by her to exercise and control the power with her. This is what I am doing and have been doing all alone it seems.- is striving to understand how to control the power of emotional intelligence. It seems to be by not trying to control it at all but by seeking to understand the reciprocal-symbiotic divine nature of the relationship with emotional The current experience of this developmental awareness process often compels the emotion of isolation and aloneness. That I am connected to a global body- to a United States being whose members are many yet one all moving in the same direction toward the creation of a peaceful and stable world. That my path is also a illustration to each member that it is okay to feel empowered to do so. (May 27, 2013- Monday- Roughly 2:39 A.M.) I opened my eyes from experiencing another one of those seemingly lengthy visits after which I am unable to recall very much except vague images of people and places and the strong emotional imagery of having been there experiencing. Virtually the same thing occurred yesterday afternoon during a roughly two hour rest period. It seems to happen practically every time I enter into a rest period no matter the length of time of it. It would appear to be indicative of the increasingly developing connection with the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness which I have already spoken of as America. When I close my eyes to rest it seems that I travel there. When I open my eyes it seems that I return here. Maybe I am saying this backwards. Maybe here is really there and there is really here. In other words, when I open my eyes, this outer world of waking consciousness may be the place (there) that I travel to. And, when I close my eyes to rest, the inner world of sleeping lady consciousness may be the place (here) that I return to from this outer world. This definitely corresponds to the ancient wisdom of the invisible world being the real world- being the true substantial reality. (Roughly 3:48 A.M.) It was difficult for me to not continue moving through the previous reflections because they are connected to a much deeper exploration. But the contemplation as to whether or not I should and the signs of approaching ambivalence seemed to indicate to continue moving forward through observations. When I returned to the cell from the shower yesterday morning, the strong resonating impulse from the emotional intelligence generated by the observed movement, as it always does, compelled me to contemplate the nature of the dynamics having the ability to move me in such a way- to compel higher thought forms/perceptions within my own mind. The observation of double-mindedness over the years, including my own, would appear to make it clear that the power of emotional intelligence transcends the physical being. Maybe the strategic error in thinking is the perception of guns, nuclear bombs, money, military might, etc. As being the real power in the sea of personal and collective world affairs. And despite natural science indicating the emotional intelligence is the key to “all” activity on earth, the power to influence the events taking place in this world is still perceived, in probably most cases, to exist outside the self. And to consider that it is the movement of emotional intelligence herself that makes it possible to study the dynamics of emotional intelligence (without thought observation and study would seem to be impossible and speaking for myself, it doesn’t appear that I have the ability to control thought but rather the ability to establish a respectful relationship with thought would seem to clearly substantiate the intelligence. What was also interesting about the movement I observed was, after I returned to the cell from the shower, Robert coming to the cell door and sharing with me a poem he wrote the night before titled mental ecstasy. It would appear to be a example of the way in which emotional intelligence has the ability to inspire her members. The members of our United States being- but the synchronicity of the movement would also seem to indicate confirmation of the reflections I have moved through regarding mind sex or metaphysical intercourse. It was later on that evening as well that Robert came to my cell door and shared with me a second poem titled the sleeping lady’s word. (Roughly 3:48 P.M.) As I waited for my tier to be released for chow this morning, I heard a member of our United States being yelling loud enough for one of the adjacent tiers to hear, “Hurry up so we can get this thing going.” The emotional intelligence immediately began to resonate. I contemplated reflections concerning the increased clarity I am continually being moved into perceptually- the movement of the consciousness toward the objective. I have been in my mind all day continuing to listen to the emotional intelligence speak to me about it. Maybe this is why I am just now beginning to move through the reflections on paper- because the emotional intelligence is still compelling me to listen to the intent of the statement, “Hurry up so we can get this thing going.” On the way to morning chow I then heard one of the members of our United States being talking about the fire place of a house and strong book shelves as I passed by the discussion. Again, the emotional intelligence resonated. I began to contemplate reflections regarding my love and insatiable appetite for reading- how it sometimes seems I have yet to really begin reading or writing at the level I feel I am capable of doing because I am still in the midst of the training process and there are so many books I desire to read that I have yet to get my hands on- so many connections to the hypothetical framework whose reflections I have yet to move through. I’ve managed to concentrate focus strong enough to move consistently on a daily basis through reflections, whether the work be on paper or in my mind. But I can only imagine the writing rhythm potentially accessible minus having to move within and according to the flow of distractions. However, the distractions allow me to measure the strength of the commitment established with emotional intelligence moving inside me. It is a struggle to allow my attention to be taken away and refocused but it is always emotional intelligence simply speaking to me and teaching me in another way. The emotional intelligence generated by the perception of a fire place and strong bookshelves continues to speak. Hurry up so we can get things going? All I know is what you have compelled me to do from the very beginning of this part of the path (behind prison walls)- the simple logical strategy you have compelled me to employ, which is to keep reading- keep moving through reflections- to continue aggressively pursuing the path of developmental awareness- to just keep doing my part of the great work until the great work/the objective is accomplished.(Roughly 4:59 P.M.) I think back to what Robert said to me on the mini-yard Friday. What seemed unusual about it is that he came and sat down by me on the cement as I did my perpetual motion exercise routine. He said to me simply, “I wonder where our discussions are going to go from here.” I considered the possibility that the implication was, as a result of he and I having conversed so much ground in our discussions, it appeared there was no where further for us to go. Or maybe his statement was to see if I understood where our discussions were leading to next. A indication that they- our discussions were/are now going to go further. I really didn’t understand how to respond to his statement. I told him I didn’t know-that the flow would make the determination. Saturday morning, the next day, I told Robert that it seemed I was or that I had become aware of the answer to his statement; that it was now time for me to begin communication directly with emotional intelligence; that me now perceiving myself to be in direct communication with emotional intelligence is where our discussions are headed. I was allowed to see more clearly that Friday evening- seemingly as partly a result of the emotional intelligence I continued to listen to generated by the observed movement Friday morning. That I have been writing about the movement of emotional intelligence when it is emotional intelligence who I am communicating with. When I shared this with Robert, he immediately agreed telling me that I was communicating around emotional intelligence instead of directly with emotional intelligence. It would appear to be the necessary process leading me to a clear perception of the emotional intelligence (United States being) with whom I am communicating. It seems that I am now able to see that you are the emotional intelligence existing in all and through all. (Roughly 7:01 P.M.) I didn’t ask why but, when returning to my cell from chow, a couple of members of our United States being said loud enough a few times for everyone on the tier to hear “It’s a new day! It’s a new day! It’s a new day!” The movement only seems to make sense in relation to me now more clearly seeing you as the emotional intelligence I am communicating with. It seems I am now ready to move into the traditionally formatted essay to communicate with you.