SELF - POLICING An explanation of behavior modification to be practiced by candidates for the Death Penalty Appeal Contract Self conduct formula of self policing: “C+C+D+C=WA (Consciousness Plus Choices Plus Decisions Plus Commitments Equal Willful Actions). This Self- Policing Formula would be the core daily thinking of an incarceration-fatigued parolee. Such thought-man-ship of daily living would be needed in order to live within the enormous responsibilities expected of him that is having his life at stake. Without committing and exercising one’s self to the formula of self policing, he or she is subject to again become incarceration-intrigued repeating the same old criminal identities acted on in the past. This Self-Policing Conduct Formula would be studied and practiced long before as applicant makes a hardcore conscious commitment to enter and sign the Death Penalty Contract and its many stipulated requirements. Such personal self conduct formula of Self- Policing holds a parolee totally, strictly responsible for his own choices and decisions acted out. An incarceration-fatigued person must exercise and apply conscious choices, decisions and commitments behind each and every thought and action weighed by moral, spiritual and humane judgment and reasoning in order to produce the very best willful actions to meet and satisfy the requirements and expectations contained in the hardcore Death Penalty Contract. What is $eIf- Policing Conduct Formula? When a parolee is highly aware and conscious of the laws, norms and policies and lives within those expectations. Every choice and decision they make is based on conscious thought-man-ship and awareness of the laws, norms and policies to live and abide by. Then when person makes a conscious choice and decision, he or she makes conscious commitment to carry out the choices and decisions being well aware of legal and moral bounds in doing so. Self-Policing is the best mode of personal conduct to produce the most responsible (WA, Willful Actions), that is, because they are profoundly incarceration-fatigued in every sense of the meaning. They know too well what is at stake and what they have to lose by not doing so. The term incarceration-fatigue as I'm conveying in this scribe is induced in the frontal lobe of a person's thinking when formulating his thought processes of judging right or wrong/moral or amoral behavior patterns, which is brought about from being under the influence of hardcore punishment, such as incarceration longevity, as I can truly attest to from being in prison over 42 years. Incarceration longevity has a tremendous affect on one’s mental process in decriminalizing way. As for myself, longevity has influenced me into becoming incarceration-fatigued. I am a prime example of a person being fatigued, mentally decriminalized. I am morally, spiritually, mentally, and physically fatigued being incarcerated. I'm profoundly tired, weary, and completely wore down from being in prison all these years. For sure, the greatest and everlasting degrees of incarceration- fatigue is formed through longevity and aging maturity. It is a well known fact that the older a person becomes while in prison, the more he becomes fatigued. His life and freedom tend to become more and more important and valuable, whereas when he was at a younger age and experiencing incarceration-intrigue these personal life factors were more compromised, regarded and treated to be of less significance. I am speaking from my own personal mind set during my incarceration-intrigue. However, it took a long period of incarceration before I began to allow fatigue to influence a profound change in my life during these 42 years. The longer I'm incarcerated the more and more my personal fatigue is solidified in exercising the mental component of the frontal lobe in making moral and rational choices/decisions in everyday dealings. Now, I've grown into fatigue. Iexercise moral and rational judgment of guilt and shame in weighing every choice and decision I make. No doubt, the feelings of guilt and shame play strong and active roles in my incarceration-fatigue these days where I never felt before. I've grown deeply in sensitivity of personal shame, and guilty consciousness of violating the laws of society. Additionally, I feel a great shame at the notion of my granddaughters knowing I've committed another crime which keeps me incarceration-fatigued. The love and respect I hold and cherish for my granddaughters truly heightens my anti-crime sensitivity. In the past, before I became incarceration-fatigued, I was highly incarceration-intrigued in thinking toward committing crimes. I felt a tremendous joy in suspense of the outcome and how successful the criminal act would be. It was highly intriguing to me knowing I had gotten over on the cops and gave a real sense of empowerment each time I broke the law. I was so intrigued I experienced no moral sense of guilt or shame. I was never daunted by the thought of being in prison for violating the laws. In my opinion, whenever a person, like me feels no fear of being incarcerated for committing crimes, they become incarceration-intrigued. The mind of such a person arouses desire for possessing something that belongs to others. If a person has no fear or apprehension knowing that committing crimes would take away their rights, and democratic freedoms, does not become incarceration-fatigued, such an individual truly is incarceration- intrigued, as I once was. In most cases the only reasonable cure for an intrigued mind set is incarceration longevity, constructivel positive programming, and aging. This should enable an intrigued person grow in their moral components of guilt and shame committing crimes offending and hurting so many people involved in such criminal actions. ( L Q