Sold into bondage

Brownell, Charles A.



Sold Into Bondage P1 FD The United States of America is not what it claims in the lies to the People. The U.S. Government deceives the People with propaganda, lies, and brainwash through education and all forms of media. The false message that the People of the U.S. are still in control of the Government and that the Government System is there for them. The "Preamble" of the United States Constitution declares this in "We The People." The Government sells the lie that it is a Republic and then turns around and calls itself a democracy. Does the U.S. Government really represent "The People"? Does the U.S. Government do what the "Majority" of the People want? Does the Government put all decisions and everything up for vote by the People and then act accordingly to the vote of the Majority? Nope! The U.S. Government takes it upon "themselves" to decide what is best for the peopl and then force upon the People what the Government wants. This is tyranny and "they" want absolute control. Does the U.S. Government and its Officials have to abide by the Rules and Laws it creates like the People have to? If not, the Government is Anarchy. Do the People controle or Rule and Regulate the Government and Law? If Not, that is a Ruler and not a Republic. Does the Government work for the prosperity and Liberty of the People? If not then it does for its self and that is a Tyrant. Does the Government forcefully take money, goods, and/or services from the People for themselves then ration it out to the people as "they" see fit? P2 If so, that's Communism though they'll lie calling it as Socialism. Does the Government tell the People what they are going to do and what the People can or cannot do? If so, that's a Dictator. Does the U.S. Government take out Bonds in the Peoples Names as a decietful Straw transaction for the benefit and revenue of themselves holding the People as "physical property collateral"? That is absolute corruption in selling the People into "bondage"! Thomas Jefferson when asked "What is this you gave us?" replied, "A Republic... if you can keep it!" That Republic the United States once was, is a failed experiment that was lost only 25 years later in the ratification of the 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The representation of the people was lost. Later amendments destroyed all the representation of the House of Representatives and the Senate and the Aristocracy broke off separate becoming an Oligarchy or called today "Special Interest" group. The Special Interest group of very wealthy families and people later created the Federal Reserve (a Sovereign Corperation ran by Sovereign People made up of several wealthy Families ie the Rockafellers, etc...) of whom supplies majority if not all funding to the United States. The Federal Reserve is not part of the United States nor the U.S. Government despite its name and it owns all the Gold from the old U.S. Gold Standard. The Federal Reserve allows the United States to take out "bonds" in the Peoples Names using the U.S. People P3 FD as the collateral along with U.S. Corporations. Only the Sovereign People. Sovereign Lands and/or Sovereign Corporations are free from and exempt from this. The Senate (representatives of the "State") and the House of Representatives (representatives of the "People") are no longer under controle of the People and thus no longer represent the people but rather their own agendas and today are two sides of the same coin. The Senate and House now are the "Democracy" and are "Congress" (Legislative or "law" branch). This Democracy can now control funds by petition to the treasury for the creation, votes, passing, and enforcement of laws by the now overpowered Judicial Branch. The Monarchy today cannot stop laws from the Congress and is not supposed to have power to create laws yet can now through use of "Executive Order." This places the Democracy, Monarchy and Judicial systems in direct conflict as the Democracy and Monarchy struggle for control because the checks and balances have been removed and lost by the separation of the "Special Interest" group and loss of Majority Rule in control of the People. No representation of the People destroyed the "Office" of the People or Commonwealth astonishingly easily. The People are now Wards of the Government and not Statesmen. Wards have no say. The United States went off of the Gold Standard in the 1930's. Before this Real Gold is what backed the U.S. dollar. The U.S. gave all the Gold to the Federal Reserve of whom now owns and holds this gold that was once the U.S. monetary P4 system. In place of the Gold Standard comes the Federal Reserve Act which allows the Sovereign Corporation Entity, "Federal Reserve Bank" to supply the Corporation, "United States" with money and to back the U.S. money by bonds which is an agreement to repay the money as a type of loan that is secured by collateral. The U.S. Citizens, the People is the majority of the "physical entities" and "true property" of the United States as is indicated by the Birth Certificates of all People born in the U.S. The United States uses these Birth Certificates and Social "Security" numbers to use the People as the "Securities" hence "Social Security Number" for those bonds. The People is the collateral! Parents unknowingly, unwillingly and deceptive coersion sign their children over to the U.S. as "wards" or "slaves". The U.S. then sells them into bondage using them as collateral or "securities" to take out Bonds in their benefit. Nice to know that you, the Individual in a collection with the People is the new Gold Standard promised to the Federal Reserve to back the U.S. Dollar... and this is only the beginning. Majority of the U.S. officials and the United States cannot be touched as "payment" for the callateral nor can some other People, Businesses, or Lands. Hoe do they avoid this fate? It's simple... sovereignty! Majority of Native Americans and their Lands and Tribes are Sovereign Nations or Lands they're not bound by U.S. Law but rather Federal "International" Laws. Some of the Sold Into Bondage P5 FD immune are Sovereign and have diplomatic community of which only very special Federal Law effects them. These peoples of immunity are either left alone or are deported. Most U.S. Officials are, whilst in office, granted sovereignty and/or diplomatic immunity and cannot be subject to State or U.S. Law until their office and title is taken away from them taking away their Statesman or Nobility thus rendering them once again a ward of the state making them again fully subject to law and Judicial control. Funny thing is the U.S. Constitution renders Nobility and such titles illegal and states Government cannot create laws for the people that officials themselves are not bound to and yet the U.S. does this all the time. The U.S. Government's Capitol Seat is not on U.S. territory but is on Sovereign territory called the "District of Colombia" (DC). This ensures none of the major U.S. Federal Establishments or Offices can be touched because they are not part of the U.S. and do not fall under jurisdiction of U.S. law nor any bonds, treaties, or agreements. There are special treaties and agreements between the U.S. and D.C. just as the U.S. and D.C. love special treaties and agreements between them and Statesmen (Office Holders). This is the same for the Native American Tribes of whom have their territories as "Nations" or allotted lands as "Reservations". All Native Americans are Sovereign citizens of their tribal Nation and few are Sovereign People as separate the U.S. when all Native Americans should be a Sovereign citizen of their tribe and Sovereign in the U.S. There's P6 few people in the U.S. are sovereign as are few business. The problem with the U.S. People is their official Government Office was taken away from them when they lost all their representation and voice within the Government. The People need to take back their "office" and again become "Statesmen" by reclaiming their position as the largest Office of the U.S. Government called, "We The People" of the Commonwealth and not as wards of the State or United States. The 1930's was also the boom and boon of the U.S. Prison Systems and Criminal Justice System. This was the mark of the industrialization of mass incarceration of the "wards" or "slaves" of the U.S. referred to as "Citizens." More and more People start going to Prison for longer and longer sentences on smaller and more minor mistakes or "charges". More and more ridiculous laws start appearing for minor or ridiculous offenses making them felonies to imprison more people upon. Today, nearly all "normal" and "natural" habits or tendencies of people is considered a "Criminal Felony" or violation of Statue. Simply being a human and doing what humans do is illegal. The entire Judicial branch or "Criminal Justice System" and all officials State or Federal is Predatory in illegalyl and unconstitutionally hunting and preying on the People or "wards" as Cattle. The Government does not teach the People law nor the Truth then says that ignorance of the law is not a defense but an excuse and yet "they" do not allow the people to learn the law unless they're Sold Into Bondage P7 FD ritch and can pay it nor to "Practice" Law and it is not taught as a required course in the School System for the children because "They" want the People to be ignorant of the law and truth of the system. Why? Bonds! Money not to put to fine of a print on it. The Government wants to and gets to charge the People Fines, Fees, and Statues (Charges/Bonds)... Statues are Rules/Laws are actually Bonds called charges which are created by Rule/Statue violations. Prisons and the "Criminal Justice" system does nothing to prevent Crime. Why would they when it is a multi-billion dollar per year industry. There is actually no such thing as "crime"! Its all about money! Once a person becomes a prisoner they go to a Warehouse (Prison) as a slave held under a manager called the Warden. There is no Physical Entity called "The United States" nor is there any called "State" or "State of *" as their actually fictitious corporations under the United States Government. This is why only a "Physical Entity" or Person is able to press charges and prosecute a person for an alleged crime or violation of a Statue. A Person or "Victim" must accuse or "Charge" a Person or "Perpetrator" with evidence to support accusation of the committial of a crime to prove beyond reasonable doubt the accused is guilty. The accused must present substantial proof of defense to prove they violated No Statue to break the charge. The State or U.S. Government is not and cannot Press Charges because there is No Physical Entity and because a charge is a bond of monetary gain plus other gains for themselves, it's P8 a "conflict of interest"! These bonds created against the Person accused are all created as a "straw" illegally and unconstitutionally under threat, duress, coersion, and deception! This is done under the "Straw-Man" which is the "straw" Purchase (To purchase something for another person in their name or another's for them or another as someone else and Not the actual person). A Bid Bond is created to arrest an alleged perpetrator. A Bail Bond is set and created for the perpetrator to pay to get out as a guarentee he or she will appear for court. The court through the "Prosecuting Attorney" creates charges and will attempt to always get between 3 and 6 charges if possible. From these charges Performance and Payment Bonds are created. When the accused is convicted, by means under a Gun, the accused now convicted is Forced to sign by threat, duress, and coersion the Sentencing orders and Commitment Orders which go up before a Committiee to "OK" and create these bonds! Upon going to Prison, a "Prison Bond" is created on the convicted Inmate's Name and Prison ID as the Inmate's corporation or "Straw-Man" by all capital letters for the Last Name and only an uppercase letter for the first letter of the first name. Example;" Lastname, Firstname". A Person can go to major investment firms like Fidelity Investments and put in a case number on a criminal case to find the bonds by bond ID. Example: would put in as and you Sold Into Bondage P9 FD will get the Bond ID. The value of these Bonds vary and this is the real reason the Inmate is in Prison. Held by the warehouse keeper, the Warden as collateral on "Security" for this loan called a bond. (Do the Research, check out Redemption Manual Series and other sources and do the checks on the Bonds by case numbers!) The bonds are all turned into Mortgages by the Investment Fund as a Mortgage against a Real or True Physical Property... the Inmates(People) who is only real property the States and U.S. owns or has. These bonds are often turned into Mutual Funds or other Stocks and Funds on Publicly treated securities to be bought and sold. This is what the Prisoner (Slave) is put into Prison for and so the Prison/State or Federal can use this person for slave labor and collect other money from this slave by all other means. The States and U.S. Government makes Billions off the people they entrap and enslave by turning them into name bonds. The day you were born you were singed by deception and coersion into slavery where the U.S. Has bought and sold you many times over. They enslave you and Millions of others. They only way to stop it is to reclaim your Office as Statesmen or to break away from it as a Sovereign giving "them" or "they" no more slave or wards to control and leaving them to their own vices to answer for. All who are citizens of the U.S. are doomed to be sold into bondage!

Author: Brownell, Charles A.

Author Location: Arkansas

Date: June 12, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 9 pages

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