Solitary Misery By Daniel Scott 6/18 Days lost waisting and waiting. Dreams are given to us of a possible end to our solitude and isolation. The long lengths of isolation disturbing out minds. Lack of communication with the outside world conflicts with each our rehabilitation. Individual struggle with each prisoner grow in time. The lengthy periods of confinement persons are under creates an unhealthy mind and an uncommon conversation skills. Days we feel death has us confined in a box. Once free we have a mind that conflicts with and is uncommon to the average person. Some days we feel hopeless and helpless. We become excited to see a face from a man with his freedom. Inside we hope to get a conversation with this free man. More communication from prisoners with persons with their freedoms would help in providing lonely and lost minds a way to feel like an individual within the social norm instead of a confined animal. The wars within ourselves breeds monsters and humble and creative people. All this depends on the struggle inside solitary; what a person does to shape his mind; and what a person does to feel joy. But they punish us and take away most of what helps us feel joy makind it a battle to be good at time a person may become evil. While this solitude consumes us it also conforms us. We become inter-institutionalized. Unable to play well with others. A solution would be to provide activities for healthy thinking and technology to contact friends and family outside of prison. We could be even actress to electronic notepads to email friends and familys and download music to help inspire our creativity. More outside rec would be nice. A closed in and solitary confined individual's mind locked down does not cure the planet of crime it only brings more misery. Safe us from this solitary misery.