Sometimes I think we are




[No Title] Sometimes I think we are the Justice Department kids because as of now they have just locked us down without a word. This place can drain all your energy to replace it with negativity. Today and tomorrow may look like the same day but for a place built on steady flow its never ran right. When we go to chow they pile us in a chow hall then close door and we sweat to death and get bugged by flies and I dont mean the insects alone. This is societies solution to fix crime but to place criminals around criminals then pick criminals to watch over them dosent help much. They came up with a new way to pick on us I call it the Rodney King Redemption. The make us put our hands behind our back then beat us because its easier to get a moving target. We have cameras but sometimes they dont come on until we are beat up or body slammed on concrete. Its supposed to be a safe prison but yesterday a guard grabbed his midsection and said suck my -------- convict!!! I thought it was funny but the guy who was called it didnt. The funny part is they can get away with it while we only fight or kill each other I guess its called damage control!!! Somebody has to come up with a better solution because this one isnt affective at all. Who wins when the lion and the elephant kill each other in this jungle? To live in the past is all we remember because at the end of each day and night our bodies are trapped in this cage. I pray one day the doors open for all of us but for some of my close friends the white cross and green fields will be their final destination. As I sit on my bunk and watch the guys play basketball and slap box all day long I wonder if they will ever be fully adults. In this environment a life sentence means just that life because once some of them are here there is no outside world. They have fights about basketball, rapper all while call each other female dogs and street walker. To become another one of them is my nightmare they are all my age some older but still my age in the minds. I guess this is our creators way of saying keep it up this will be your future. I miss home so much my little boy just turned a year old and his mom is carrying his little brother as I write this. This is not a great solution I see it as let the killers kill themselves then what? How do you not become a product of your own environment when violence is all your around? You either fight, die or become somebodys girl friend. I for one will die or kill before I am anybodys girl friend but there are some who cant fight as good as me. I feel all kinds of dead spirits around me. Im here for a drug charge at one of the worst prisons in Texas. What does that tell me? I have to constantly tell my brothers we should be fighting the oppressor not ourselves. But the war still goes on! We are all a gorilla beating our chest hoping to be the king of the jungle of our peer! If the words sound romantic know that its a illusion of my mind to make something out of nothing.

Author: Blackstarr

Author Location: Texas

Date: July 23, 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 4 pages

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