Southern discomfort

Magnific, Roc



“Southern Discomfort” Then there’s the joke inmates in Arkansas prisons that goes something like this: what’s the difference between a near-sighted armadillo and an Arkansas inmate? Eventually the former sees well enough to sojourn safely across a car-filled highway while the latter, even if heshe possessed the eyes of Argus, will not unite as a whole to rid themselves of the satori that afflicts them. When it comes to a state controlling its pained forlorn hope population via all kinds of chicanery, no state does it… better than the state of Arkansas. While other states (even via federal decrees or threats of takeover) have come to the realization that its forlorn hopes are human beings who deserve to be rehabilitated judiciously. To ensure that they will reenter… society as better considerers of another’s humanity, to thrust the accursed spectre of recidivism (not so with “The Banana Republic”, the nickname for Arkansas coined by former Governor and 2016 Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee). The inmate population… in Arkansas stands over 15,000 (plus thousands who’re confined in county jails who’ve been sentenced to prison) and many have cited this figure will go up in the next two to three years- if not one year. Inmates do not get paid (as other states pay their inmates) for their federal labor (under threat of major disciplinary action) they are classified to… do [upo?] a classification meeting, are not allowed to have unions, aren’t allowed to vote e.g. Yet the Arkansas Department of Corrections employs what’s called the “tin cup” rule as... one way to enforce control... over the inmate population. Basically, the rule cites as follows: Suck up to these (certain inmates [upo?] unit officers) above you, abuse those below (fellow inmates). This is a rule that is adhered by those forlorn hopes who refuse to allow themselves to become institutionalized by a [kakistrocratic?] corrections system that’s nothing more sui generis than the deus ex machina it’s an acolyte of. This is shameful. Here you’ve a prison population that outnumbers free world “inmates” (personnel) greatly, but has no sense of unity or any desire to embrace unity and call for reform. Whenever the lumpenproletariat are afraid to embrace the mantle of angry young men/women, they cannot win the battle. It’s akin to a gay sick person knowing heshe has to see a doctor but heshe has a bad case of iatrophobia. In the Arkansas Department of Corrections, omnis regula suas patitur exceptiones and omnium contributone sarciatur quod pio omnibus datum est, is manifested towards its human cattle population via use of this Southern discomfort, the “tin cup” rule. To those of us who’re well informed of this distasteful tactic, it’s beyond being soigne. To those of us who allow it to be… enforced against them, it’s considered – nemo praesumitur malus. Something so philistine even Heaven is quite disingenuous towards.

Author: Magnific, Roc

Author Location: Arkansas

Date: October 14, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 5 pages

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