Spit fire chronicles: Vol. 1

Crump, Chernikko L.



Spit Fire Chronicles Page A-1 Spit Fire Nation Vol. 1 Monday, January 20, 2020 [Pricele$$] Knowledge is power Oregon - The Oregon Dept of Corrections has banned all computer/technology related textbooks and materials, regardless of clear educational value. Censorship by any gov. agency immediately creates a violation of the First Amendment. Censorship of Educational Materials for prisoners also inhibits - rehabilitation, endagers the public and is antiethical to the alleged "Correctional mission". In today's highly technical society, ODOC is using taxpayer funding to ban Education P. A-2 Foretold "uprising' hit cash starved prisons By Jeff Amy & Emily Wagster Pettus, Chernikko Crump [Spit Fire Nation, The Bay Area News Group, East Bay Times, The Associated Press. Collaboration] Jackson, MS - The leader of Miss. underfunded prison system was pleading with lawmakers for money to hire more guards and and pay them better in 2012 when he warned "I see trouble down the road." Christopher Epps, a longtime Mississippi Dept of Corrections employee, would later go to prison himself for collecting $1.4 Million in bribes. But during budget hearings in October 2012, he said keeping salaries for guards the lowest in the nation would only work "as long as Uprising P. A-2 Spit Fire Nation January 20, 2020 P. A-2 Education - From P. A-1 materials that would prepare inmates to handle modern technologies. In stark contrast, states like California and Washington have greatly successful programs that teach inmates how to use computers and write programming codes. The Oregon Dept of Corrections is promoting ignorance and recidivism + More In-Depth Coverage Re: Spit Fire's Go Ahead and Talk Series, "Knowledge is Power" Episode... Uprising - From P. A-1 we don't have an uprising." The uprising arrived last week when five inmates died at the hands of fellow prisoners and two of the state's largest prisons were rocked by what corrections officials called "Major disturbances" between gangs. Some observers called them riots. Corrections officials have not said how many inmates were injured. Now with a new governor's inauguration looming and new prison chief to be selected, Mississippi leaders face choices. They could pump tens of millions more dollars into a prison budget that already strains finances in the nation's poorest state. They could try to resume stalled progress towards letting people out of prison in a state with one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. OR they could try to put a Band-Aid on the current crisis and keep locking people up without spending more money. Uprising P. A-3 Spit Fire News view @ Hamiton College (A.P.W.A) https://apw.dhinitiative.org Index: National News p. A-1 Local News p. B-1 Spit Fire Nation January 20, 2020 P. A-3 Uprising - From P. A-2 Phil Bryant, Mississippi's outgoing governor, on Monday blamed gangs operating inside the prison's system, saying prisons are difficult to manage "under the best of circumstances" Bryant spoke specifically about the infamous Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman. After violence Thursday guards and state troopers marched some prisoners at Parchman into Unit 32, a cell block closed in 2011 as part of a lawsuit settlement. In July 2007. the American Civil Liberties Union told a federal judge that Unit 32's living conditions were "as bad as any where in the country. Two prisoners escaped from Parchman during the uproar. Both have been re-captured. Dillion Williams was caught Monday in a wooded area near Rossville, Tenn. by officers from multiple agencies. Statistics reveal stress at the three prisons directly run by the state. At Parchman, Central Miss. Correctional Facility "Rankin County" and South Miss. Correctional Institute "Greene County" in Leaksville, MS Uprising P. A-4 Cal State LA Project Rebound At Cal State LA Center For Engagement, Service, and the Public Good www.calstatela.edu MLK DAY I have a dream Go ahead and talk... Only on Spit Fire To Inspire Spit Fire Nation January 20, 2020 P. A-4 Uprising... Only about half of security post were filled in the budget year ending June 30, 2019, according to documents the Corrections Dept submitted last summer to budget writers. More than 1,000 times, prison - employees had to work a double shift because there was no one to take their place. + More In-Depth Coverage Be sure to check at Spit Fire's Go Ahead and Talk Re: Are You in Good Hands Mississippi State Penitentary at Parchman, Unit 29 Castle Grey Skull, Behavior Modification Program (BMP) Level 4 Yard Movie - Life By: Eddie Murphy & Martin Lawrence Song: Lifa By: Judeci KC & Jojo Uncut ABC South Chicago Zines South Chicago ABC P.O. Box 721 Homewood, IL 60430 All of Us or None 4400 Market St Oakland, CA 94608 (415) 255-7036 x 337 Canada Elizabeth JPP Journal of Prisoners on Prisons c/o Justin Piche Associate Professor Dept of Criminology, UnV of Ottowa Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5 Spit Fire Nation January 20, 2020 P. A-5 HB 497.. This Bill would limit the use of solitary confinement for PA prisoners to times when the person is in danger from himself or others; is being disciplined; and has received a medical and mental health assessment within the first 48 hours of confinement at a hearing within the first three days of confinement and every 15 days there after. Time in solitary would be capped at 15 consecutive days and no more than 20 days of any 60-day period - including when a facility is placed on lockdown. Among additional other reforms, the Bill would also ban the use of solitary confinement on people who are under age 21, over age 70, or Pregnant or in Postpartum recovery HB497 Top Right HB497 - The bill would limit placement of prisoners in emergency confinement to 24 hours, and ensure that people are not placed in protective custody against their own will unless there is no less restrictive way to keep them safe. The bill would also require the creation of alternative disciplinary measures other than the use of solitary; create an independent investigator to review prison misconduct and misuse of solitary confinement; and require training for staff about how to use solitary confinement... Sponsor: Rep Tina Davis (R) Status: Intruduced 2/12/19; no committee action scheduled yet. PPS: Support + More In-Depth Coverage @ Spit Fire's Go Ahead and Talk series Home Alone "Ridin Solo" part 1 & 60 second Housecall 102 & Re: East Bay Times - A Kinder gentler Solitary Confinement in Jails The Bay Area News Group (SFN) Spit Fire Nation January 20, 2020 P. A-6 Criminal Justice Reform Initiatives.. Conviction Integrity Unit - The Philadelphia District Attorney's Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) investigates and reviews convicted offenders legitimate claims of innocence and wrongful conviction. In addition to reviewing cases, the unit makes recommendations about ways the office can operate more efficiently, effectively and adopt nationally-reconized best practices. All request to the CIU must be submitted in writing by the petitioner using the CIU Sub Form (see: ww.phila.gov/districtattorney/aboutus/pages/CIU.aspx for a copy of the form and the mailing address of the CIU. + More In-Depth Coverage @ (SFN) Spit Fire Nation See California Senate Bill 1437 Sen Nancy Skinner, Democrat, Sen Joel Anderson, Republican RE: 60 Second House Call W2 By: Chernikko Crump (SFN) RE: SB 1437 "Under New Law, Man to be Released After 25 Years By: Annie Sciacea; East Bay Times, The Bay Area News Group. RE: Faulty Allegations, Go Ahead and Talk By: Chernikko Crump (SFN) Spit Fire Nation. Spit Fire Chronicles Established Jan. 1, 2020 Spit Fire Chronicles is a newspaper inclusive of the following: (SFN) Spit Fire Nation, The Bay Area News Group, East Bay Times Chernikko Crump 5325 Broder Blvd Dublin, CA 94568 (Letters to Editor) Senior Leadership Chernikko Crump President (SFN) Spit Fire Nation Fire Spittaz Productions Fire Spittaz - (You know who you are)... Hamilton College - Publisher (A.P.W.A) https://apw.dhiniative.org (SFN) Spit Nation Playmakers Jan. 20, 2020 P. A-7 Savings! Assembly Bill 45 was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom Written By: Assembly member Mark Stone, Democrat - Scotts - Vallcy; Putting into law prohibition against charging co-pays for medical visits in California prisons and jails... More In-Depth Coverage RE: 60 Second House Call 101 By Chernikko Crump (SFN) RE: East Bay Times, BA, Bay Area News Group, Cal Matters, San Quentin News By: Juan Haines "A $5 Co-Pay for Dental Work meant a weeks work" See: California - Assembly Bill 45 www.ca.gov Valentine Love Lines Roses are red, violets are blue, French Vanilla Ice Cream, Hot Fudge, Whipped Cream, and Cherries on Top is so so sweet and baby doll so are you... Happy Valentines Day Ladies From (SFN)

Author: Crump, Chernikko L.

Author Location: California

Date: January 20, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 7 pages

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